Friday, January 24, 2020

China Rushing To Build A 1,000-Bed Coronavirus Hospital From Scratch In Seven Days

Daily Mail: Hundreds of heavy-duty vehicles and armies of workers are gathered overnight as China vows to build a 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital from scratch in ONE WEEK

* Workforce has been ordered to work day and night in the epicentre of the outbreak of the deadly virus
* The six-acre temporary hospital is situated in the suburbs of the city and expected to open on February 3
* Armies of workers and 200 vehicles were already working in full gear this morning, state media reported
* Hundreds of workers have been told to abandon Chinese New Year celebrations for the emergency mission
* The Wuhan coronavirus has infected around 920 people and killed 26 around the world so far this month

Hundreds of heavy vehicles and armies of construction workers have been ordered to work day and night by the Chinese government to build a six-acre, 1,000-bed coronavirus hospital from scratch in seven days, according to state media.

The emergency facility, named the Huoshenshan or Fire God Mountain Hospital, is situated in the suburbs of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak which has killed at least 26, infected around 920 and spread to nine other countries and regions.

The authorities have instructed four construction companies to toil through the Chinese New Year holiday for building the medical centre, which is expected to receive its first patients on February 3, it is reported.

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WNU Editor: That is one thing that I know about the Chinese. When they want to build something fast, they build something fast. On a side note. There is growing panic at the epicentre of this outbreak .... EXCLUSIVE: 'We're all trapped now': Wuhan residents say they have ALL been left to catch China's deadly coronavirus as city orders total lockdown – and experts issue chilling warning that thousands more could have virus and not even KNOW (Daily Mail).

More News On China Rushing To Build A 1,000-Bed Coronavirus Hospital From Scratch In Seven Days

Wuhan to build 1,000-bed hospital to treat coronavirus patients -- CGTN
China scrambles to build 1,000-bed hospital dedicated to coronavirus patients -- Global News/AP
Chinese city plans to build coronavirus hospital in days -- The Guardian
China Is Building a 1,000-Bed Hospital in 6 Days to Deal With the Coronavirus Outbreak -- VICE


James said...

This is just an exercise of throwing money at the problem for PR reasons.

Roger Smith said...

For show or not they don't have to deal with numerous levels of government to respond to this situation. I think our response would be somewhat slower unless we suddenly began to experience rising numbers of active cases. And...FEMA is not involved. [Nor the Clinton family].

Anonymous said...

PR is part of the solution. It is between 1% to 10% (more toward the lower end). It is kind of like a starter motor and that is it.

I do not trust a building thrown up in 7 days. Howe tall is it? will the concrete set?

I think a FEMA or national guard approach, where military MASH units come in and set up (tents, would be faster and would give the military experience and an added dimension in a sense of purpose.

Anonymous said...

Bringing the military is dangerous for a dictator.