Friday, January 17, 2020

Does Soleimani's Death Create A Power Vacuum Within Iran?

Iranian General Qassem Soleimani

Jason M. Brodsky, The Hill: Soleimani's death creates power vacuum within Iran

Qassem Soleimani, former head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, was feared at home and abroad. He held both symbolic and substantive authority. Iran’s supreme leader dubbed him a “living martyr.” Also, while technically serving under the commander-in-chief of the IRGC, he often eclipsed those at the highest ranks of Iran’s Praetorian Guard. While after Soleimani’s death the supreme leader said the Quds Force’s mission “is the same as it was under” his commandership, three areas to watch will be the status of the Quds Force within the IRGC’s top brass, the Ayatollah’s decision-making circle and Iran’s Foreign Ministry’s attempts to assert more control over regional foreign policy.

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WNU Editor: He is definitely not easy to replace. He was the operational arm for Iran in the Middle East, and he had the experience, contacts, and charisma to be a major political figure within Iran's political establishment. I have been following Iran for years, and there is no one in my mind who comes close to what he was able to do.


Unknown said...

I wish I had a power vacuum. My one just re-arranges the dust on the carpet!!! 🖖😥

Anonymous said...

Meh ;)