Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Iran Military Is Suggesting That US Disruption Of Iran's Radar Network And Cyber-Attacks Is What Caused The Ukraine Passenger Jet To Crash

Body bags after Ukrainian plane crash outside Tehran. January 8, 2020

RFE: Iran Military Suggests US Disruption Of Radar Caused Downing Of Airliner Despite New Video

Several high-ranking officials have made statements about possible American "disruption of Iran's radar network" and "cyberattacks" that appear to be in preparation of a new official scenario to explain the missile attack on a Ukrainian airliner on January 8.

Ahmad Jannati, the hardliner Chairman of the Guardian Council on Wednesday said the possibility of "enemy sabotage" is being investigated by authorities.

Brigadier General Ali Abdollahi, the Coordinating Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces General Headquarters, on Wednesday said a team has been formed to probe the possibility of an American cyberattack that could have disabled the Iranian radar system.

Read more ....

Update: Iran probing possible U.S. disruption in radar system that caused the downing of Ukrainian plane: military (Tehran Times).

WNU Editor: No one is going to buy this excuse.


Anonymous said...

True Lies

fazman said...

If their was a U. S counter attack in progress then yes, but as it stands its laughable.
Either way why didn't they close civilian airspace?

Anonymous said...

And who did they arrest? The guy that happened to shoot the video that proved the plane was downed by a missile. That showed the missile in the distance so obviously the guy making the video was not the one that shot the missile.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Fazman.

Anonymous said...

The MSM will run with it...does anyone doubt they won't throw it out there just to see if it gains traction?

RussInSoCal said...
"Early last Wednesday, Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 took off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport. Within five minutes, the Boeing 737-800 came flaming down in what the Iranian regime initially claimed was an accident due to engine failure. Before week’s end, the regime admitted the missile launch that downed the aircraft killing 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three British citizens, and three Germans.

Thirteen of the victims were involved in engineering and scientific research at four universities in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Grieving relatives have cause to wonder about the way the shootdown was brokered to the public.

Victims from the University of Windsor included Zahra Naghibi, 32, a PhD student in engineering, and her husband Mohammed Abbaspour Ghadi, 33, a civil engineer and UW graduate. Samira Bashiri, 29, was a research assistant in biology and her husband Hamidreza Setareh Kokab, 31, was a PhD student in industrial engineering. Pedram Jadidi, 28, was a PhD student in engineering.

According to a January 10 report by Doug Schmidt of the Windsor Star, “Just minutes after takeoff, the Boeing 737-800 crashed, with some news reports on Thursday accusing the Iranian military of an accidental missile strike. Just hours earlier, Iran had launched a missile attack on U.S. military bases in neighboring Iraq in retaliation over the U.S. assassination of a top Iranian general last Friday.”

Anonymous said...


You missed the punchline whether by design or by accident. We'll assume it was by design like a good newspaper man.

"That led to other speculation that, as Michael Ledeen noted, the regime shot down the flight to kill “disloyal” Iranians, the majority passengers on the doomed flight, with a full 82 Iranians killed."

This would be a 2-fer. Get rid of troublesome expats. They are troublesome in that they are not insane like the Mullahs. They talk to friends, colleagues and family with the truth and that cannot happen in a fascist state like Iran.

The mullahs have informers so while they know these people would not join a demonstration or organize one, they speak truth to power in small groups and so are a threat to the regime.

If an alert person had not been videotaping the moolahs would have blamed mechanical failure and maintenance (1-fer) or blame a US missile (2-fer).

Me I am all for killing Iranian agents with no diplomatic cover in South America and Africa who are involved in the drug trader with Hezbollah. Who will cry for the except fascists and some drugged out Democrats?