Monday, January 13, 2020

Iran Protests Rage On For A Third Day -- News Updates January 13, 2020

Daily Mail: Iranian anti-regime protests enter third day after Tehran admits it DID shoot down passenger jet - as singer and film director back protesters and two state TV hosts quit over military 'lies'

* Dozens of protesters chanted slogans at a Tehran university today on a third consecutive day of protests
* Film director Masoud Kimiai and singer Alireza Assar have pulled out of events to show support for protests
* Two state TV presenters quit over Iran's initial false reporting over last week's crash which killed 176 people
* Tehran is now signalling de-escalation in the stand-off with the United States following Soleimani's death

Anti-government protests in Iran have entered a third day today after Tehran finally abandoned its pretence and admitted shooting down a passenger jet.

Dozens of protesters chanted slogans at a Tehran university today amid a wave of public anger after the plane was shot down with dozens of Iranians on board.

A string of Iranian celebrities have also turned on the regime and two state TV hosts have quit over Tehran's three days of false reporting on the crash.

Leading Iranian film director Masoud Kimiai has pulled out of Tehran's annual Fajr Film Festival in protest, saying he was 'on the side of the public'.

Read more ....

Iran Protests Rage On For A Third Day -- News Updates January 13, 2020

Anger in Iran over jet’s downing; gunfire disperses protests -- AP
'Clerics get lost!': Iran protests rage after plane disaster -- Reuters
'Clerics get lost!': Iran protests rage on for a third day -- Al Jazeera
Iranian leaders facing pressure at home and abroad as public anger mounts over downed plane -- CNN
Iran: Mass protests call for leaders to resign -- DW
Iranian police fired live rounds to disperse protesters, say witnesses -- The Guardian
Iran police open fire at protest over plane downing -- YNet News
Iran's police shoot tear gas at crowds protesting against Government's denial of Ukrainian plane shootdown -- ABC News Online
Iran plane downing: Police deny shooting anti-government protesters -- BBC
Iran denies cover-up of downing of Ukrainian jet -- DW
Iran denies 'cover-up' amid public anger over plane crash -- Al Jazeera
U.S. Says It's 'Watching' Iran Regime After Tehran Denies Shooting Protesters -- RFE
Journalists quit Iranian state broadcaster over crash cover-up -- The Guardian
For decades Iranians have risen up, only to be put down -- AP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump is asking the same question of Iran and Iraq.

Who's your daddy?