Monday, January 13, 2020

Iran Says It Will Sue President Trump For Ordering Soleimani’s Assassination

Iran’s top judge Ebrahim Raisi

Iran Front Page: Iran Says Will Sue Trump for Ordering Soleimani’s Assassination

Iran’s top judge Ebrahim Raisi says the Judiciary in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will file a complaint against US President Donald Trump for the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani.

“In our view, because martyr Soleimani was the symbol of combating terrorism and supporting the oppressed, his assassination violates every law,” said Raisi in a meeting of high-level Judiciary officials on Monday.

He added that the violation can be followed up and “I call upon law scholars to shout their protest … The US claims to hold power but has flagrantly violated the law and committed such a horrific crime, so, if we condone the US violation, we will not be able to follow up any others.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Iran Plans To Sue Donald Trump Over Qasem Soleimani Assassination (EurAsian Times)
Update #2: Iran to sue Trump over Soleimani killing (TASS)

WNU Editor:  Good luck on that.


Anonymous said...

So regime change is gonna happen any minute now, right?

Just like North Korea no longer has nukes. I mean, the president said so in a tweet.

Turfy77 said...

Boo hoo

Anonymous said...

Since Soleimeni got his just reward 'lil Kim has been quiet.

Anonymous said...

Kim has ICBM's. He got them quietly.

How's that regime change going?

B.Poster said...

"So regime change is gonna happen any minute now right?" I'm not sure. This'll be up to the Iranian military. POTUS made it clear we aren't seeking regime change.

As for NK, sanctions remain in place. While trade between China and NK has increased it is nowhere near the level it was prior to sanctions. This hardly seems to be a ringing endorsement from NK's chief benefactor. Furthermore Russia hasn't exactly stepped up to help NK.

While we cannot "know" what is happening without inside information in real time, my "gut" tells me we are much closer to resolution here than is generally realized. Moon-Jae Inn believes denuclearization can be achieved by 2024. He can and will be judged by this. As such, it'll probably happen well before then. Any leader needs a "margin for error."

As the only new variable to this is president Trump, its a reasonable assumption that the progress is due to him. Moon-Jae Inn no doubt knows this. As such, it's in the vital interests of all affected parties to support President Trump in this and oppose impeachment.

In the fall of 2017, war was inevitable with NK. Victory was far from certain and 10s of millions of Americans guaranteed to be dead in the ineviable war. To be where we are now is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Kim shoots off his missiles over the Pacific, his mouth and regularly detonates nukes in tests. He has been anything but quiet.

RussInSoCal said...

Iran should take it to FISA. Bound to get a good judgement there. /

B.Poster said...

He isn't being quite. What he's doing is a bit like New Year's Eve Fireworks. Make much noise. Threaten no one. He can't threaten anyone as long as Trump is in power.

Bob Huntley said...

South Korea has nukes, by proxy. Having the nukes is the only thing that keeps NK in the news. Without that, subversion, death and destruction and he knows that. Trump demanded he give them up offering nothing. Does anyone think that after he gives up the nukes he would get something, worthwhile that is? He would be a fool to give up his nukes. That capability is the only thing the US respects otherwise NK would be dust.

Anonymous said...

"Waah wah, waah waah waah, wah, wah! ... South Korea has nukes, by proxy...

Waah wah, waah waah waah, wah, wah!

Waah wah, waah waah waah, wah, wah! "
- Bob Hunytley

Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway had nukes by proxy and lo & behold Bob's friends the USSR did not invade. Bob was miffed.

Last time I looked Germany and Italy did not have nukes and they were not dust. Canada does not have nukes and they are not dust.

The nice things about Bob Huntley is that he argues like a carnival barker.