Monday, January 13, 2020

Iraqi Officials Fear Economic "Collapse" If Washington Imposes Threatened Sanctions

Iraqi officials say around $35 billion of the country's oil revenues are held at the US Federal Reserve, which means Washington's threat to restrict access could be a major problem

AFP: Iraq warns of 'collapse' if Trump blocks oil cash

Iraqi officials fear economic "collapse" if Washington imposes threatened sanctions, including blocking access to a US-based account where Baghdad keeps oil revenues that feed 90 percent of the national budget.

US President Donald Trump was outraged by the Iraqi parliament voting on January 5 to oust foreign forces, including some 5,200 American troops, who have helped local soldiers beat back jihadists since 2014.

If troops were asked to leave, he threatened, "we will charge them sanctions like they've never seen before."

The US then delivered an extraordinary verbal message directly to Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi's office, two Iraqi officials told AFP.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Iraq's Kurds are telling Baghdad to get their act together .... Iraq has a lot to lose if US cuts financial ties (RUDAW).


Bob Huntley said...

In that area, there isn't a whole lot left to lose and if you have anything, you are a target.

Anonymous said...

More inane platitudes used for trolling by Bob Huntley.

And yet it moves

Anonymous said...

And another fail by Bob Huntley

Iraq has quite a bit. By several different rankings Iraq come out in the mid 70s out of 190 some countries.

If the well know failure, Bob Huntley cannot do the math, it can be done for the dim one.

Iraq is in the top 1/2 of countries.


Bob Huntley said...

Surprising that a county that was on the verge of launching a nuclear holocaust necessitating an invasion is now down to being in the top half of anything?

Your information source is not sufficiently impressive enough to warrant a link or two.

Anonymous said...

"Surprising that a county that was on the verge of launching a nuclear holocaust necessitating an invasion is now down to being in the top half of anything?"

The article is about Iraq not Iran. But you being a single minded idiot that wanted to troll and otherwise spout inanities like the village idiot you are.

But since you brought up Iran by mistake, please not it ranks even lower than Iraq.

"Your information source is not sufficiently impressive enough to warrant a link or two."

It is not hard to look up and anyone with 1/2 a brain or at least completed 3rd grade would be able to look it up. But you are like a 4 cylinder engine that has only 1 working cylinder. You are a mess.

Maybe you can get disability payments. The Canadian equivalent of the American SSI.

Anonymous said...

How's North Korea, anon?

Anonymous said...

You tell me, punk. You would know better.

Bob Huntley said...


Try reading something before you comment. You posted about Iraq and so did I.

"Surprising that a county that was on the verge of launching a nuclear holocaust necessitating an invasion is now down to being in the top half of anything?

Your information source is not sufficiently impressive enough to warrant a link or two."

Anonymous said...

Iran has the nukes.

Iraq had a program. The elements of which were shipped to Syria in 2003.