Harry Enten, CNN: Yes, Bernie Sanders can pull it off
Poll of the week: A new Monmouth University poll of likely New Hampshire Democratic primary voters finds a close race with former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 20%, former Vice President Joe Biden at 19%, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at 18% and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 15%.
This is the second New Hampshire poll meeting CNN standards published this month that has Sanders in the top tier.
What's the point: The idea of Sanders winning the nomination is inconceivable to some, but it really shouldn't be. While few objective analysts would think of him as the frontrunner, it's pretty clear he has a clear path to the nomination.
The first step is to win the Iowa caucuses. This seems quite doable. He was at 20% in our latest CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll. Sanders was joined in the top tier by Biden, Buttigieg and Warren.
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WNU Editor: No one thought President Trump had a chance when he announced his candidacy in 2015. And while I do not see America electing someone like Senator Bernie Sanders for President, there is still a very real possibility that the Democrat Party may nominate him as their Presidential nominee. Not bad for a candidate who had a heart attack only a few months ago.
Today, right after the Warren/CNN smear, Sanders raked in 100,000 individual donations. The biggest post-debate haul of his campaign. The Sanders Twitter-sphere erupted in rage at CNN - who blatantly pushed the "No woman can win" quote that Sanders never said.
But I will repeat what I wrote earlier, if Sanders ends up the nominee, the few remaining moderate Dems and most Independents will flee in terror. As will the establishment Dem fundraising machinery in New York. No matter who wins the Dem nomination, it will alienate 40% of their base.
At least he's not some old man...
have friend had heart attack 17 years ago...still active
Hillary: 3 million more votes than Trump. people no like Dems? nonsense
3 million more votes. Illegals and ballot box stuffing.
Trump looked at the rules of the game and campaigned accordingly. If the rules were you won by popular vote, Trump would have campaigned differently.
So crying about the popular vote shows a person to be
(a) disingenuous,
(b) dishonest,
(c) retarded,
(d) ignorant,
(e) parrots, or
(f) All of the above.
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