Warzone/The Drive: Upgraded Israeli Iron Dome Defense System Swats Down 100 Percent Of Targets In Tests
Iron Dome is getting more updates after nearly a decade in service as the threat of improving rockets, missiles, small drones, and more grows.
Israel says that an upgraded version of its combat-proven Iron Dome defense system successfully knocked down all of the simulated targets it faced in a recent series of tests. Israeli officials say that the updates will ensure that the system, which entered service nearly a decade ago, will be able to engage "evolving threats in the region," which include terrorists armed with ever-improving rocket and missile capabilities, the growing danger posed by small unmanned aircraft, and more.
The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced that the tests had occurred on Jan. 12, 2020, but did not say when or where specifically they had taken place. The Directorate of Defense Research and Development and the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) conducted the testing program in cooperation with Iron Dome's manufacturer, Rafael. The Israel Defense Forces first declared that the defense system, which it had developed with significant assistance from the United States, was operational in March 2011.
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WNU Editor: No surprises here. Electronics and software upgrades are a fact of life for these weapon systems, and it is obvious that the Israelis are investing time and effort to make these systems operate more effectively.
The videos of incoming missiles being shot down by defensive ones always seem to capture the event based on incoming at a fairly high level. I remember when the US was testing the cruise missile over Canadian terrain with the focus being on very low altitudes. Would the existing defense systems used by the Israelis handle incoming that were say 20 ft off the ground?
Missing: info on Israeli new super anti-everything laser weapon, fecently made known
Ya, some breakthrough in lasers I hear as well
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