Saturday, January 18, 2020

Israeli Intelligence: Iran Likely To Field Nuclear ICBM In 2 Years

Photo: Shahab-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) developed by Iran (Wikipedia).

Breaking Defense: Iran Likely To Field Nuclear ICBM In 2 Years: Israeli Intelligence

Once Iran builds such a warhead, Israeli experts told Breaking D that all Iranian ballistic missiles with at least a diameter of 4.1 feet can be fitted to carry one. An example is the Shahab-3, with a range of 620 miles.

TEL AVIV: Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) intelligence says Iran is two years from a capability to equip one of its ballistic missiles with nuclear warhead.

Such a development would constitute a red line, an Israeli official says: “The clock ticks toward this point, and Israel will know exactly when the foot will be put on the red line or very near to it.”

However, Iran has not yet built a nuclear weapon. And reducing a nuclear weapon to the size and weight allowing it to be carried on a ballistic missile is challenging, though Iran has demonstrated impressive engineering chops in some of its nuclear work.

Read more ....

Update: Explainer: How close is Iran to producing a nuclear bomb? (Reuters)

WNU Editor: It appears that Iran has been working on having a nuclear weapon for a long time .... EXCLUSIVE: Secret document that PROVES Iran was building a nuclear weapon as far back as 2002 - even while they claimed the technology was only for peaceful purposes (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

Why is the US getting this news now and from Israel?

Because Clapper and Brennan are incompetent hacks, who had no business leading the intel establishment and whose only skills were ass kissing and political infighting.

Anonymous said...

Lets be realistic here.. you cannot tell a soveirgn nation (Iran) which has MILLIONS of citizens to not have X.
They will get X, especially if you tell them THEY cannot have it, while their neighbors DO have it.
It is ridiculous. They will get the bomb unless you kill them all, which is not an option. So lets make peace now

fazman said...

You can delay there programme by 10 years, whenever they are near breakout.

Anonymous said...

Israel and the Daily Mail said so. Riggghhhhhtttt......


Bob Huntley said...


fazman said...

Their new centrifuges say so

Anonymous said...

anon: ass--Israel gave intel on the Iranian general taken out...

Caecus said...

If the Iranians want a bomb they will eventually get it. If North Korea and Pakistan could do it, so can Iran.

Anonymous said...

Complaining about yourself again! Just can't get back in the faculty lounge can you.

Roger Smith said...

I wonder who the prior occupant of the White House and the cadaverous Johnny Kerry have to blame for this situation. I'm sure their defenders will name someone.

Bob Huntley said...

Roger once you let the Genie out there is no locking him up again and all will get their wish eventually so who is responsible goes way back. The Iranians have done nothing but follow the lead. Now of course there is only one entity that actually used the Nukes on humans.


How to build a nuclear reactor in your basement

Kids who have built nuclear reactors

It is really just a matter of time before someone or group builds a serious reactor and creates a serious nuke. Delivery of a home made nuke would not be a problem. Possible in most countries in the world, even the USA.

Anonymous said...

Difference between building a nuclear reactor and building a bomb.

Should have taken chemistry Bob.

Bob Huntley said...

Your comments suggest that you should have focused on developing comprehension and communication skills.

Provide the information and it becomes only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bob, you failed logistics. physics, and safety.

Planing a piece of lumber straight is one thing. Getting tolerances for a gear are another.

Getting a nuclear action is one thing. Controlling a nuclear cascade and preventing are another.

Do use all a favor Bob and walk into the wind.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though Bobbie Sue missed this part.

"When the weapon is in place and ready to go off, these sub-critical masses need only be thrown together - and this can be done with conventional explosives."

Bob Huntley said...

Triggered from afar.

Anonymous said...

Countries like Iran try to get Kryton switches. If they have a hard time you average high schooler or citizen is going to have a hard time.

I think that you have no more manufacturing experience or moral scruples than Reeaz Khan.

Bob Huntley said...

Determined people will always find a way.

Anonymous said...

And Bob still does not get manufacturing, logistics, physics and engineering.'

Why is that?

Bob Huntley said...


I am not trained in physics, nor am I an engineer, but, I did earn a living doing, among other things, writing functional specification documents that often required engineers to come up with what was considered to be the impossible. That concept is how mankind got to where it is, for better, or, in your case for worse.

What are you doing for a living, apart that is, from posting inane comments on a news aggregator site such as this?

Anonymous said...


You must have researched hours to come up with all that. I commend you on that effort.

Was that before or after you were a banker?