Friday, January 17, 2020

President Trump Called Top Military Brass In 2017 A 'Bunch Of Dopes And Babies'

'Losers!' Donald Trump unloaded on top officers including Marine General Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (second right) and Paul Selva, his deputy and a four-star Air Force General (right).

Daily Mail: 'I wouldn't go to war with you people. You're all LOSERS!' How Donald Trump insulted the military's most senior officers as 'dopes' prompting Rex Tillerson to call him a 'f***ing moron' is revealed in new book

  * Dramatic details of how Donald Trump ranted against his most senior generals is revealed in new book
  * He spewed abuse at meeting chaired by Marine General Joe Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saying: 'You're all losers'
  * Sitting beside combat veteran Dunford was his deputy Paul Selva, a four star air force general who flew transport aircraft
  * He accused one general who was not present - John Nicholson, in charge of combat in Afghanistan - of not knowing how to win
  * Book claims he could barely breathe as he vented with rage, demanding South Korea pay for U.S. military bases
  * Rex Tillerson, then Secretary of State, whose family included career officers, intervened to shut Trump down
  * He accused Trump of wanting to turn U.S. forces into mercenaries and said they don't join up 'to make a buck,' saying: They do it to protect our freedom.'
  * After Trump stormed out of the room Tillerson - the son of a combat veteran - turned to the group and called him a 'f***ing moron'

Donald Trump, shortly into his presidency, unleashed a wave a fury upon his military advisers and national security team, calling them 'dopes and babies' who he wouldn't go to war with, a new book revealed.

'You're all losers,' Trump told an assembled group of military brass and cabinet officials during a security briefing at the Pentagon. 'You don't know how to win anymore.'

The details are revealed in, 'A Very Stable Genius' — a 417-page book on the presidency by Washington Post reporters Philip Rucker and Carol D. Leonnig being published next week.

The Washington Post printed an excerpt on Friday.

Read more ....

More News On President Trump Calling His Top Military Brass In 2017 A 'Bunch Of Dopes And Babies'

‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals -- The Washington Post
Washington Post: Trump called top military brass in 2017 a 'bunch of dopes and babies' -- CNN
Trump blasted top military generals as ‘a bunch of dopes and babies’ according to new book -- Military Times
Trump called top national-security officials 'losers,' 'dopes and babies' when they tried to walk him through the basics of US diplomacy, an explosive new book says -- Business Insider
Trump Called His Generals a ‘Bunch of Dopes and Babies’ in a Fit of Rage, Book Claims -- Daily Beast
Trump blasted Mattis and other top Pentagon leaders as ‘dopes and babies' in an intense meeting, new book claims -- Task & Purpose
‘A Bunch of Dopes and Babies’: Inside the Meeting Where Trump Unloaded on Generals -- VICE


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Donald.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he's partially right.
Look at our victories in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.
18 years of futility. He would be 100% right if he said Bush, Obama and you generals are a bunch of dopes".

kidd said...

well give me the money i will do better and crate a crusade for your revenge mr president start with 100,000,000 million $ cach and your bible u fakk aa ..

B.Poster said...

Unfortunately what is true of US political leadership in general that they are incompetent boobs is also proving to be true of the military's top leadership. Actually many of us suspected this for years. It is now being proven. General Mattis's bizarre resignation letter when confronted with a sensible policy that makes sense for American national security is proof enough. Other examples abound. Essentially these idiots are placing the lives of my loved ones in danger!!

In making these statements, he is putting a voice to what many of us have suspected for a long time that has sense been confirmed to a large extent. Trump's ability to size up a situation and come up with a correct solution very quickly is IMHO amazing!! Assuming he actually did say these things which of which I am skeptical this further confirms his fitness for this job IMHO in that he is willing to confront a group that some have often been reluctant to criticize. If true, very courageous and thoughtful actions on his part.

Acknowledging the problems is often the first step to correcting them. He does seem to be taking meaningful steps toward correcting the shortcomings. Many in leadership positions have been rightly purged. There are obviously many more still needing to go.

Much progress seems to have been made. I'm confident that by the end of Trump's second term we can solve much of our problems. As such, reelecting him is vital. In the meantime, the impeachment distraction needs to be resisted.

Anonymous said...

BS poster
our military did ok in WWI and in WWII
Trump a draft dodger

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:03OM),

Yes our military did do well in WWI and WWII. We had better leadership in this era. For example, it seems unlikely that men like Generals Eisenhower and McArthur would be promotable within today's military. Also, you have to factor in the yeoman work of many of our allies in both of these wars. Not only is the leadership not only the level it was for the time periods you mention but the network of capable and reliable allies is problematic as well.

Now it could be that in a crisis we will adjust. After all we have done it in the past!! In such a crises, we tend to jettison some destructive ideas. For example, restrictive rules of engagement and much political correctness would probably be jettisoned in a time of crisis.

"Trump is a draft dodger." This has been the charge leveled by some of his critics. As I understand it, he had/has bone spurs. Such a medical condition would make it problematic to do many of the activities that a soldier has to do in combat and would make a person a net liability to those around him in such a situation. I wanted to be in the military. My eyesight is poor. As such, I could not be in the military. It would seem that the situation of POTUS is similar.

The post by anon @ 3:28PM is very similar to my post. In fact, if you read my post, you would see that there is no material disagreement. I'm not sure why I warrant special venom from you.

Anonymous said...

BS poster

our military did ok in WWI and in WWII
Trump a draft dodger

1914 German citizen "Our military did ok in 1866 & 1870

I told my kids to avoid the draft, if a Demoshit was president. Reason being I do not want my kids killed due to Marquess of Queensberry ROE made by some wuss lib snowflakes. I told them join the war later, in progress, after the nation shed the liberal Bullshit rules.

I remember the Vietnam War when LBJ was CINC and he micromanaged the war into failure. God have pity on america when we have democrap presidents.

Anonymous said...

I have served a number of times. Have you (in the American military)? I trust our leadership. If you agree with Trump show us where he is right. After all, he is the commander in chief and so the blame stops with him!
your russian trolling is pure crap

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:41PM),

I'm having a bit of trouble understanding where the disagreement is. Maybe you don't think Trump's approach is the right one. Maybe you'd be right. Maybe there is a third way. Until someone presents and is able to coherently push it, the Trump way seems to be the best approach to me.

As for our military doing well in WWI and WW2 we addressed this. You also point out the German military did well in 1886 and 1870. I'd need to look up the history of Germany but yes I think I do remember reading that Germany had an amazing run in the 18th and 19th centuries so it would be safe to say while the past can be a good indication of the future it is not always the case.

I also explain why IMHO WWI and WWII may not be a good analogy in this case. The leadership was much better and we had more capable and dependable allies. As stated, perhaps in a crisis this could be constructed but very respectfully I don't think it is there right now.

Your last two paragraphs are essentially spot on as an example of bad leadership in wartime and why many who could resisted the draft. Perhaps this describes Donald Trump or perhaps it was bone spurs. They can be very debilitating. As such, I would be inclined to go with that.

Thank you for the dialogue on this even if you haven't explained why I am being subjected to special venom from you when I am just trying to have constructive dialogue on this.

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:42PM),

Thank you for your service!! You ask if I served in the military? You would know the answer to this if you had read my post. My eyesight is poor. I was unable to serve in this capacity.

A number of friends and relatives have. Some are suffering lifelong debilitating injuries because of this.

"I trust our leadership." I have no doubt that men like general Mattis are excellent military tacticians even if their strategic thinking leaves much to be desired. After all his resignation letter when presented with a reasonable policy by POTUS seemed rather bizarre to me. I would also point out the criticisms levelled by Admiral McRaven and General Mccaffrey fall close to IMHO the level of unhinged and mentally unbalanced with the criticism levelled by John Brenan former head of the CIA as WAY BEYOND insane. I also recall Colonel Ralph Peters expressing complete shock when he had to admit that in Russian/Georgian War Russian forces showed capabilities we don't have. Of course rather than admit he was wrong he had to try and explain it away. Essentially US leadership at all levels has repeatedly demonstrated a fundamental level of misunderstanding of strategic planning and thinking over a number of years.

"If you agree with Trump show us where he is right."
1.) During the campaign candidate Trump properly called out South Korea as a perennial user and abuser of America serving notice we would not be their chumps forever. This has gotten them moving towards working to resolve the conflict.
2.) Being shrewd enough to achieve a summit with Kim Jong Un. This has given us a level of prestige and acceptance of our position that did not exist before.
3.) For the first time in decades Iran seems genuinely confused after enjoying a nearly unbroken string of victories against us.
4.)The taking out Salami reveals an improvement in US intelligence and targeting that did not exist prior to Trump.
5.) Being willing to stay out of Israel's way has genuinely helped us in the Middle East as they have been able to deal with certain things much better than we could have.
6.)Remaining calm after the attack on Saudi oil facilities while the rest of the political establishment was acting hysterical helped us get a handle on this situation. Essentially calm, cool, and collected leadership in a crisis is invaluable.
7.)Tax cuts and regulatory reforms have helped grow our economy like never before. Understanding these basics isn't rocket science. International geo politics can be hard!!
8.)Pushing NATO countries to step up is beginning to bear fruit.
9.) I could go on.

"Your Russian trolling is pure crap." There's nothing inherently or even close to being pro Russian here. In fact, the regulatory reforms and tax cuts in America have undercut Russia. As such, Trump could hardly be construed as pro-Russian. Such paranoia of accusing anyone we don't agree with of being Russian is not going to help us solve serious problems.

Anonymous said...

I have served a number of times. Have you (in the American military)? I trust our leadership

Do I trust them?

By the time they are O5 or O6 they have to play some politics. They have to place nice with Congress critters or they do not pass go.

So each general has to provide proof.

Just like politicians justify the visit to some city to get the govt to pick up the tab instead of their campaign, generals do the same thing to pick up war zone pay for most of the year if not the year. Seen it happen. They are not all corrupt, but each one has to bring proof.

Anonymous said...

If you carry yourself like a bully, and a big kid, you'll be treated like one.

Anonymous said...

lots of name calling hrer.
simply put:
I am proud of our military. I note that in chaos in our nation, the military stands aside and allows citizen rule to govern. Trump has no military history and no shown ability to play, organize, govern fully, and most of all unwilling to listen to experienced advice and advisors.
so: I trust our military leaders. I do not like and do not accept that
statement from the president. Fire then, those generals you do not like. Truman did it

Anonymous said...

Fly a kite.

Truman fired one general. He had to do it.

MacArthur was so outspoken that either Truman would be the last one standing or Douglas would have been.

"Pentagon fires Navy Secretary Richard Spencer after controversy over Navy SEAL case"

And Trump has fired people. So try to be factually correct.

Some of our admirals and generals are so screwed that they go after servicemen instead of backing them up against pedophiles.

Anonymous said...

"Afghan Pedophiles Get Free Pass From US Military, Report Says" - NYT

"Jan 23, 2018 - The article said that American soldiers who complained had their careers ruined ... Dan Quinn, who beat up an Afghan commander for keeping a boy ... the practice of bacha bazi, with its enslavement and rape of young boys"

"The Pentagon and the White House condemned on Monday reports that Afghan forces who worked with U.S. military personnel sexually assaulted boys, and members of Congress complained about a U.S. soldier being forced out of the military because he intervened in 2011, attacking an Afghan police commander he believed was raping a child."

- Seattle Times ( September 22, 2015 )

Yeah, great leadership by the generals

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

And yet it moves

Anonymous said...

above: same old shit passing for something
Trump remark about the top military...not this or that one...Truman fired
Mccarthur because that guy wanted to make war with China
given the thousands of officers of course you can find some bad ones
we refer to top people
Poster: you list all sorts of things but nothing to do with the article and Trump...
now name one time you ever said a bad word about Putin and/or Russia...challenge!

Andrew Jackson said...

Trump has a point.

Anonymous said...

It was the top people that told the mid level people to not do anything. After all that SAPR training they are just suppose to stand by because the kids (boys) getting boned are

a) not in the military?
b) not US citizens?
c) not EU citizens?
d) people of color?

If a service member learned that a another service member was boning a boy, are they duty bound to report it?

If a service member learned that a foreign citizen say in the EU service member was boning a boy, are they duty bound to report it?

What about in Niger?




Anonymous said...

Trump can not even read a prepared script in front of him and we are to think he knows what top Academy generals do not know? The dumbest grad of West Point is light years ahead of our dummy

Anonymous said...

10:33 AM STFU


Bob Huntley said...

Trump is a corrupt businessman that takes advantage, in criminal like manner of the people he employs. He has no political background whatsoever and accordingly does not fit into the traditional mold of Presidents who, tough as they may try to appear, kowtow to the whims of the wealthy. Obama with his total control of both houses and the Presidency for two years did basically nothing and showed that for sure, but all Presidents have been basically the same. Trump uses business techniques, as opposed to military, to manipulate his way through the world with tariffs being his primary MO.

His threat to place tariffs on European countries is a prime example and one that, as a group, those countries should ignore. There would be a cost of course to the manufacturers of say automobiles as the tariffs, if passed on to the American consumer by the dealers would place their products at a disadvantage, but then they could counter with similar tariffs on US products.

The point is that sooner of later Trump will put tariffs on something for some made up reason such as trying to look tough to the electorate so it would be better to face the issue now.

In the long term, if the countries in the world would simply tariff the US out of international business markets, the world might just be better off.

Anonymous said...

Bob loses, Bob is triggered, and Bob spews.

Strategic Culture Foundation
Saker Blog
Bob Huntley

All cut from the same cloth

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:03PM),

I interpreted your question as to show where Trump is right which I believe I did. I may have given this a broader interpretation than you intended.

Now pertaining particularly to the competence of the military leadership many who have posted here have done a good job of pointing out the flaws. Trymp gave voice to what many of us have long suspected. Furthermore general Mattis's bizarre resignation letter put on display a top general who seems completely devoid of basic strategic understanding. I'm assuming he's an excellent military tactician. IMHO a broad strategic understanding not so much.

When have I criticized Russia and/or Putin. I'm sure I've pointed this out here on this blog. If not, definitely elsewhere. Their historic support for the genocidal Iranian government has been destructive. Eliminate that support and the problem, while it remains difficult, becomes much less so. I've been making this point for years. It appears we may finally be making some progress here with Trump as POTUS.

Anonymous said...

& B Poster keeps on trolling down the road.