Saturday, January 4, 2020

President Trump Warns Iran That If They Attack American Targets The U.S. Will Strike 52 Critical Iranian Sites

Daily Mail: Donald Trump threatens to strike 52 Iranian sites if the regime strikes any US targets after the Islamic Republic unfurled its red flag of war and the White House says it expects retaliation 'within weeks'

* Trump tweeted the threat on Saturday night to hit 52 targets representing victims of Iran hostage crisis
* It came in response to Tehran's threat to hit 35 American targets in the region including US ships
* Iranians raised the blood-red 'flags of revenge' over the minarets at the revered Jamkaran Mosque
* Iranian officials and Qassem Soleimani's supporters have vowed vengeance for his death in US strike
* A congressional staffer said the White House expects Iran to retaliate 'within weeks'
* Lebanon's Hezbollah has told Iraqi soldiers to stay away from U.S. military bases starting Sunday
* Thousands of U.S. paratroopers from the 82 Airborne Division continue to deploy to the Middle East

President Donald Trump has threatened to hit 52 critical targets in Iran in retaliation if Tehran strikes any American interests in the region, upping the stakes after Iran said it had identified 35 targets for potential strikes.

'Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!' Trump tweeted on Saturday from Mar-a-Lago, after spending the day at his nearby golf course.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Will the Iranians pay attention to this very clear and blunt warning from President Trump? They should but I doubt it.

More News On President Trump Warning Iran That If They Attack American Targets The U.S. Will Strike 52 Iranian Sites

Trump says U.S. would hit 52 Iranian sites if Iran attacks American targets -- Reuters
US 'targeting' 52 Iranian sites if Tehran attacks -- BBC
Trump threatens to strike 52 Iranian targets if Tehran retaliates against US over general’s death -- CNBC
Trump warns Iran if it hits any Americans or American assets 'we have targeted 52 Iranian sites' -- CNN
Trump Threatens To Strike '52 Targets' If Iran Attacks Any Americans -- Radio Farda


Adam said...

I'd listen if I were them.

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see, it's only been (checks watch) 0 seconds since America's last war crime.

Might as well commit some more! America is so awesome. A nation of laws as it were.

Anonymous said...

The Taliban blew up the 1700 year Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001. That was super awesome. So it's fitting that America, a nation of laws, threatens war crimes like exploding ancient cultural sites in Persia.

America is exceptional like that.

Anonymous said...

8:25 and 9:06 sick troll working overtime.

I see that you regard military bases as cultural site. Go back to frotting your fellow jihadi.

Bob Huntley said...

America seems to be hungry for war. There will be hell to pay if the Iranians target the US bases close by and possibly Tel Aviv. They have proxies so it could become really interesting. Trump is really trying to swing the conversation away from the impeachment. Unfortunately young Americans could die for that guy's ego.

Anonymous said...

Bob, go back to felching your bf.

RussInSoCal said...

All that needs happen is to destroy three Iranian refineries. No, "millions of soldiers" like some hysterical Brit was shrieking. China would likely be ;oathe for that to happen. Which is why any "retaliation" by Iran will likely be mild to meddlesome.

And its a good thing that we are finally past the fake impeachment distraction. Time to get on with the business of the nation. You know, the kind that involve serious adults. Not the bleatings of College Freshmen and political quislings.

Anonymous said...

Russ, the last thing I would call you is a "political quisling".

You are a first-rate poster and 'tater peeler. All of America applauds your good work.

Anonymous said...

"America seems to be hungry for war."

Iran is not? They attacked our embassy.

Are you Neville Chamberlain Keyboard warrior that is insipid, dull and weak?

Or are you a troll working under an assumed name?

You do know WTF an embassy is right?

Put on your thinking cap moron and try real hard. We'll give you a 1,000 chances to get the right answer, but you will need a 10,000 order of magnitude greater than that.

Anonymous said...


Some commenters at another site said the Russian and Iranian trolls at ZH were going full tilt. They read it to keep tabs on Russian propaganda. It is a full court press at ZH.

A person can see increased troll activity here at WNU.

RussInSoCal said...

I also like Trump's use of the number "52" symbolism. Definitely speaking the mullah's language.

Anonymous said...

What is the 52 symbolism?

RussInSoCal said...

52 is the number of American hostages taken by Iran when they overran the US Embassy in 1979.

Bob Huntley said...

What you are saying Anon is that America is no better than Iran and in doing so you forget the history of America versus the Iranian people. Remember that history goes back before 1979.

The only thing that is keeping America alive today, given all the hatred it has earned worldwide since inception, is it's military retaliatory threat. That advantage will come to an end sometime and perhaps it would be good for the President, any President, to begin establishing a more humane approach, disregarding imperialism, and start building for the future.

Piss enough people off and eventually the advantage will be lost, then very likely there will be no hope.

Anonymous said...

"The US people will support President Trump and cheer each blow struck against the Iranian leaders... "

HC 65,853,514

DT 62,984,828

Clearly, all of America will sign for our next Asian war.

Anonymous said...

"America seems to be hungry for war."

Iran is not? They attacked our embassy.

I meant the attack on the embassy in Baghdad. Just because they let off after 2 days, does not mean they were not coming back.

That Qassam was arriving there seems to be that they wanted a repeat with this time burning the whole embassy. Would be letting them burn the whole embassy be less worse than smacking the Ayatollahs on the nose by killing Qassam their dog?

"Remember that history goes back before 1979."

Yes I remember that pudman. Mossadegh did not want to count all the votes in 1953. Forget about hanging chads. Mossadegh did not want to count all the votes. He installed a rump parliament. Is that legal. Under the constitution then extent, the Shah had the authority to have Mossadegh resign. I see pud (BH or whoever you are) that you do not like honest elections.

If you really be BH all you are doing is sitting in a quiet cul de sac in an out of the way city in an out of the province in an out of the way country in an out of the way corner of the earth casting aspersion against all, but have not responsibility, no accomplishments, and no problems.

It has been shown that you cannot even keep your legend straight. Your a pud even at trolling.

Anonymous said...

Google and Facebook swayed 2.5 million votes for Hillary.

Then there is the little fact that Trump played by the rules and looked at the political map as structured by the Constitution (electoral college).

That structuring is very important. We do not want the NYC and California deciding for everyone else. It is why we have a senate and an electoral college.

If there had been no electoral college, Trump would have campaigned differently. Hillary was lucky to campaign at all given her bad health.

There are a lot of illegals voting in places like California.

RussInSoCal said...

BH is a frightened petulant, leftest malcontent. Spinning history to conform to his anti-western, anti-American trope. While sitting safely in the sparse upper North. Never taking a risk. Never embarking on an adventure.

He refuses to conclude that but for the the United States, he would not have the freedom to spew his nutbag inverted, alternate-universe ideas. He's very much like my stepdad, honestly. A small elderly, autistic man who will die believing the fantasies he has constructed for himself. Its a sort of psychological armor. Probably goes back to an older brother who was bigger, stronger and more successful than he was. Likely a father who expressed scorn and confusion over his son's strange shortcomings.

It takes a lifetime of abnormalities and failures to stubbornly adhere to ideas that are weirdly immature and simply ludicrous. Bob fits that profile.

Maybe he can explain himself. But I doubt it.

fazman said...

Lol, couldn't agree more.

fazman said...

Nothing to do with impeachment that is going nowhere, unless General salami on rye matryed himself for trumps cause.

Anonymous said...

You think BH is, who he claims he is.

He could be assuming someone's identity?

He can't seem to keep his legend straight.

Bob would fit right in with the Strategic Culture Foundation people.

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Stephen Davenport said...

This is why I do not believe Iran will do much if anything, using proxies to attack us, is one thing, attacking us directly opens them up for a massive pummeling, especially their nuclear, missile, IRPC, QUDS and Basij infrastructure and command and control.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where Jay ended up after calling WNU a nazi...

Anonymous said...

He is still around. He posted a as an anon a year after that particular event. Jay seems to be the most capable of all the liberals who post. He has actual skills (several in fact).

Anonymous said...

Bill B
you do know how top paid iran to keep pow till after election. and if not, then google

Anonymous said...

He's rattling on about some dealership, he may have skills, but selfawareness isn't one of those.

Anonymous said...

"you do know how top paid iran to keep pow till after election. and if not, then google"

Yeah and George H. W. Bush flew in the belly of a black bird at over 30,000 feet and didn't freeze to death

Oh and the Air Force let him fly as a passenger and didn't tell Carter.

10:22, you are a piss poor liar.