Thursday, January 23, 2020

Soviet Female Sniper With 309 Confirmed Kills Revealed In Fascinating Pics

Photo: Pavlichenko is credited as being the most successful female sniper ever, with an astonishing 309 confirmed kills. Credit: Bournemouth News

The SUN: LADY DEATH Female sniper with 309 confirmed kills revealed in fascinating pics of the most lethal World War II sharpshooters

A FEMALE sniper nicknamed "Lady Death" is revealed in these remarkable photos that show Second World War's deadliest snipers in action.

Credited with 309 kills, the Ukrainian-born Lyudmila Pavlichenko was a sniper in the Red Army during World War Two.

She was the most successful female sniper in history with 309 confirmed kills, including 36 enemy snipers.

Pavlichenko became a legend during the Sieges of Odessa and Sevastopol in 1941-42, recording 187 kills in Odessa alone.

In June 1942, Pavlichenko was wounded by mortar fire.

Having become a Red Army poster-child, she was removed from combat and toured the US, Canada and Britain after the war.

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WNU editor:  She definitely has an interesting history.


Bob Huntley said...

I found the movie Enemy at the Gates really interesting.

Anonymous said...

Would WW2 have started in 1939, if the USSR had not been an ally of Hitler?

The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact gave Hitler diplomatic and military cover. Without it would he have invaded Poland in 1939?


Sure he wanted to, but there was an arms race-on at that time. 6 months later the odds would have to be recalculated.

We certainly know that the Soviets created the NAZI war machine.

Anonymous said...

I remember being in the Army Cadets back in the day one of the girls was quite an evil shot with a Lee Enfield. Always on target.

Anonymous said...

Molotov died aged 96 in 1986.

He was never brought to trial at Nuremberg for his crimes against humanity.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 2:00

If you are going to run postmortems regarding support for Hitler you really should include financial aid provided to the upcoming regime of Hitler and the Nazis by America's wealthy.

Anonymous said...

Hitler would not have invaded Poland without Stalin's approval.

Delay any attempt at invading and Hitler may never have invaded.

You really should try again Bob. You have a losing argument.

Bob Huntley said...


As usual you let everyone know that you agree with what I say. You provide a response that has nothing to do with my comment. Your response is also an insult to those who tried to instill some level of intelligence into their little boy, or perhaps girl. Who knows for sure about that and least of all, you.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between official Soviet policy done overtly and a few multinationals doing something covertly.

Try again loser.