Monday, January 13, 2020

The Media Has So Far Presented 4 Separate Narratives Surrounding Trump And Soleimani

A combination of photos of Iran's Qassem Soleimani and US President Donald Trump(AFP)

Daily Wire: Media, Using Anonymous Sources, Have Presented 4 Separate Narratives Surrounding Trump And Soleimani

When and how did President Donald Trump come up with the decision to have Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani killed? That’s the question the media seems to have been asking for the past week — and so far, they’ve come up with wildly different answers.

Using the oh-so-tired “anonymous sources” trick, media outlets have reported everything from Trump wanted Soleimani dead back in 2017 to suggesting it was actually Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who pushed for the killing. Here are the four completely contradictory narratives the media have “reported,” all based on anonymous officials:

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WNU Editor: As I said in a previous post .... Has The Media Been Always Wrong When Covering President Trump's National Security Decisions?


Anonymous said...


s repeatedly changed its rationale for President Trump’s decision to kill Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the infamous commander of Iran’s Quds Force, in a drone strike earlier this month.
Some aides have insisted that Soleimani and his forces were planning an imminent attack that threatened American lives. Only the president provided more specifics on what was being targeted, but without providing any evidence. Then he and some top advisors seemed to backtrack, saying Soleimani “could have been” targeting US embassies.
“I think it would have been four embassies, could have been military bases, could have been a lot of other things too. But it was imminent,” he recently told Fox News.

Bob Huntley said...

It is so hard to be concise when you are totally mired in the high level definition phase.

Anonymous said...

And yet it moves