Thursday, January 2, 2020

These 20 Companies Profit The Most From War

USA Today/24/7 Wall Street: Lockheed Martin, Boeing among the 20 companies profiting the most from war

Global arms sales totaled $420 billion in 2018, up 4.6% from 2017, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). U.S.-based companies again dominate SIPRI's list of top global arms manufacturers and military services providers. With Congress passing its record high $738 billion defense spending bill this December, which includes military modernization and a new Space Force military branch, this trend is likely to continue.

24/7 Wall St. reviewed data provided by SIPRI to identify the companies profiting most from war. Companies were ranked based on SIPRI's estimates of arms and military services sales in 2018. Chinese companies were not considered due to lack of sufficient data. Arms and military services sales figures came from SIPRI. Profits for the latest fiscal year came from financial reports and corporate press releases.

The United States is home to half of the world’s 10 largest defense contractors and to 43 of the top 100 defense companies. These companies accounted for 59% of total arms sales by the world’s 100 largest defense contractors in 2018 – an increase of 7.2%

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Arms sales and profits will continue to increase in 2020.


Anonymous said...

Where else would it come from?

Anonymous said...

Obviously the PLA does not make any money whatsoever from the factories they own.

None. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

Of course, if were based in China and you worked for The Economist in or some other outfit, and wanted to know, if a Chinese company was a good investment risk and started looking at it, the police would shortly visit. And that is when everything is on the up and up.