Wednesday, January 15, 2020

U.S. - China Sign 'Phase One' Of Trade Deal

Daily Mail: Donald Trump signs 'phase one' of trade deal with China which ends escalation of his trade war—and complains about the 'impeachment hoax' at White House ceremony with Xi Jinping's deputy looking on

  * Donald Trump took a victory lap as he signed a trade deal with China at the White House - as his impeachment sped ahead at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue
  * He touted his economy and launched attack after attack on his enemies at packed East Room ceremony, railing against the 'impeachment hoax'
  * Trump has vowed that he would ink a trade deal with China for more than two years and imposed steep tariffs to bring Beijing to the table
  * Signing is for 'phase one' and the White House promises more segments in the future
  * Xi Jinping didn't come for the signing but sent a lower-level official, vice-premier Liu He and Trump said he will go back to China soon to 'reciprocate'
  * It's unclear what he's reciprocating for, since Xi didn't come
  * East Room press credentials didn't have a date printed on them, suggesting the White House wasn't confident the event would happen on schedule
  * President urged House members in the audience to leave early if they needed to cast a vote on sending impeachment articles to the Senate

Donald Trump took a victory lap on Wednesday as he signed a trade deal with China at the White House as his impeachment sped towards the Senate on Capitol Hill.

He boasted to an audience of dignitaries that a new trade deal with China will bring 'a future of fair and reciprocal trade,' then complained about the 'impeachment hoax,' and praised a string of Republican senators who he needs to vote for his acquittal.

The president has long complained about a massive trade deficit between Washington and Beijing. He pledged during the 2016 campaign to come down hard on China.

'We are righting the wrongs of the past,' he said Wednesday, observing that 'our negotiations were tough, honest, open and respectful.'

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China has now officially committed to buying hundreds of billions in goods from the US. Lets see if they honour their commitments. My prediction .... they will not. Their economic projections and expectations are based on having large trade deficits with the U.S.. This "agreement" runs completely contrary to China's long term economic plans and goals. So what I expect next are delays, excuses, and accusations from Beijing when the goals of this agreement are not met.

More News On The U.S. And China Signing 'Phase One' Of Their Trade Deal

U.S., China reset trade relationship with Phase 1 agreement -- Reuters
US, China deal aims to simmer long-running trade tensions -- AP
US and China sign 'phase one' deal -- BBC
Watch as Donald Trump and Liu He sign phase one trade war deal in White House’s East Room -- SCMP
Trump signs China trade pact and boasts of 'the biggest deal ever seen' -- The Guardian
US-China pact signing to ease tension but leaves much undone -- Paul Wiseman and Joe McDonald, AP
US-China trade deal: Winners and losers -- Natalie Sherman, BBC


David Winter said...

Trump needs to make sure the FBI is focusing on Chinese "students", diplomats, or other nationals for industrial espionage, while offering this carrot.

Blackdog said...

The editor is right. Low hanging fruit. Just a photo op. It means nothing. Mr. Winters is also right. Patent rights and industrial secrets must be protected. That is where the true fight is.

Anonymous said...

The editor is right. Black dog is right in that it is a photo op. It is also a marker. The trade war has positive benefits those jobs that did come back, but went to say Vietnam or the Phillipines increases America's security, and leverage.

I have been of the opinion for the last 10 or 15 years that China would win any long war. My reasoning is as follows. What is America gong to do? Send Marines over to China and force Chinese workers to keep making products to ship to America to keep the American military supplied?

Bob Huntley said...

Trump may have taken his victory lap a bit too soon, something he did with Kim as well. China is likely betting on a change come November.