Saturday, January 4, 2020

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Europe Not ‘Helpful’ As They Could Be Over Soleimani Killing

Washington Examiner: Pompeo: Europe not being as ‘helpful’ as they could be over Soleimani killing

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the European allies of the United States have been less understanding than he had hoped about the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

“I spent the last day and a half, two days, talking to partners in the region, sharing with them what we were doing, why we were doing it, seeking their assistance, they've all been fantastic. And then talking to our partners in other places that haven't been quite as good. Frankly, the Europeans haven't been as helpful as I wish that they could be,” Pompeo told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Friday.

Read more ....

Update #1: Soleimani: Pompeo accuses Europe of not being 'helpful' over Iran attack (Euronews/AP)
Update #2: Pompeo after Soleimani strike: 'The Europeans haven't been as helpful as I wish that they could be' (The Hill)

WNU Editor: The Europeans are like the Gulf countries. They are all afraid .... Gulf allies of US fear reprisals after Soleimani killing (AFP).


Anonymous said...

As an American, It's not helpful having an evangelical imbecile as our top diplomat. He takes after prez, lying with every breath he takes.

Caecus said...

Europe shouldn't follow the US with these actions in the middle east

fazman said...

Europeans are impotent unics, by any considered yardstick they should be in total solidarity over the neutralisation of salami on rye.
Trump is right, disbanding Nato and leave them to the wolves.

Anonymous said...

The game has changed. No more can Iran threaten to cut off the tankers leaving the gulf. The USA is self sufficient and immune to those old threats. China on the other hand isn’t immune and totally dependent upon Gulf oil supplies. They won’t tolerate Iran’s screwing with them. Russia won’t mind higher oil prices but they are working hard to win friend in a Sunni countries. I doubt they will tolerate the fanatics in a Tehran screwing with their plans.

The game has changed. Relax.

Anonymous said...


I read it, knew it was wrong, but it wiped out all recall of the correct spelling. Very bothersome.

Anonymous said...

"Europe shouldn't follow the US with these actions in the middle east"

Yeah, they should follow Merkels' example and be Putin's bitch. Ditto Macron.

Merkel was a staunch communist leader in her college days. She was a STASI enabler riding herd over other students.

She has no children. She does not viscerally give a fuck about the future.

Degree or no degree she has no native intelligence left. Her immigration policy, EU policies, energy policy, defense policy and foreign policy shows that she is a groad.

She is physically sick enough to question, if her mental faculties are affected.

We don't know what side of the tracks Macron plays on. You marry a woman almost 25 years older than you at age 30 and you are good looking with a good job?

You cannot fault a person for questioning whether Brigitte is a beard.

Anonymous said...

"Europeans admire America's stamina in committing non-stop war crimes"

War crimes like Al Qaeda bombing the Ramadi souk and killing civilians? The casualties were taken to an american military hospital.

Mind you Al Qaeda could have tended to the wounded. They had the facilities. They chose not to.

Anonymous said...

Syria. Non-stop war crime.

Yemen. Non-stop war crime.

Iraq. Non-stop war crime.

There are some relatives of pine nut farmers in Afghanistan who would like to talk to you.

Anonymous said...

Non-stop war crime.

Yeah right. Merely being a combatant does not make a side a war criminal.

You are either Al Qaeda, an Al Qaeda sympathizer, Leftist, Russian agent, Chinese agent or Iranian agent.

Just know this site is like ZH. It is a honey trap.

Smile. you are on camera.

Anonymous said...

Heard about the pine nut incident. There were Taliban there. It is a protection racket. The Taliban take their percentage or they let the people starve. So the people give them a percentage. Intel did not know about that arrangement, but they did know that the Taliban were there.

However you precious Taliban has blown up hospitals with car bombs. There is no intel failure there. They did it on purpose.

Face it, you or the Taliban have never been legitimate combatants. You break every law of warfare from the start.

Anonymous said...

"There were Taliban there... " In Afghanistan? Why you don't say? Great sleuthing on your part.

Sure are glad we blew 'em up good then!

American soldiers driving Bradley's all over those Syrian oil fields sure look legitimate to me! Heck, Assad invited them in and all. Right?

Anonymous said...

"There were Taliban there... " In Afghanistan? Why you don't say? Great sleuthing on your part.

After they gave aid and comfort to Osama bin Laden and refused to hand him over after he engaged in a huge war crime, they were dethroned. They have no right to be in Afghanistan.

Great logic there moron Anon 10:16.

Anonymous said...

The oil fields are on Kurdish land. Assad does not represent the Kurds.

The elections were not fair and the fucker Assad through demonstrators into prison and tortured them.

Fucker Assad is not the legitimate leader of all Syria. Assad perhaps speak for the Alawites about 15% of the population.

In the 1960s there were Sunnis in the Syrian Baath Party, but the Assad's father wip-ed them out. Defend that you sorry mother fucker.

Anonymous said...

let's all sign up and kick some ass

Anonymous said...

Looked at a map. Saw the sovereign state of Syria. Didn't see a Kurdish state anywhere. Would you be so kind and point it out to me?


Anonymous said...

"....they were dethroned."

uhhm, yeah, no. They seem to be still around negotiating America's eventual withdrawal. However, the last 19 years and a $900 billion fighting them was money well spent.

We can all agree on that. I would like to thank our brave flying murder robots for their sacrifice. They're the real heroes.

Anonymous said...

"....they were dethroned."

uhhm, yeah, no. They seem to be still around "

Uhhm, yes they were. They are not on the throne. They may regain it, but regaining it does not negate that their hineys were kicked off of it.

2 more points. That the Americans would leave kind of disproves that were were there for metals for wind turbines. We're reopening the mine in California. Trump is doing thyat. Sure libfucks want the metals, they just do not want to mine it in America. They would rather have conflict metals from Africa mined by an 8 year old undernourished kid. That is caring libs for you.

The other point is that if America does come back, the rules of engagement will be vastly different.

Also note that once America leaves the ISI might switch horses. They out the Taliban in charge in the 1st place. If they put you there, they can take you out. Please note the ISI does not care, if the NYT screams bloody murder.


Anonymous said...

"Looked at a map. Saw the sovereign state of Syria. Didn't see a Kurdish state anywhere."

Ah so, the French and British drew the map in 1918 and 1919 and that is the way it should stay until the end of time.

You're dumb fucker. It is why the leaders have 4 wives and you don't. I am surprised they haven't gelded you just to be safe and improve your group's gene pool.

I am of two opinions that seem opposite, but are not mutually exclusive. Neither open of them have the Kurds as part of Syria.

Ah well, the Kurds will get their state. They'll just have to rename it and kick the Turks out. Maybe they can send them back to immediate NW of Mongolia where they came from?

Hans Persson said...

That is always a case of perspective.

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