Wednesday, January 22, 2020

U.S. Space Command Passed Its First Combat Test By Detecting Iranian Missile Launches At US Bases In Iraq This Month

Business Insider/ Officials say US Space Command passed its first combat test by detecting Iranian missiles

* Early warning capabilities belonging to US Space Command helped detect Iranian ballistic missile launches at US bases in Iraq this month, the new command said this week.
* The warning helped give US troops on the ground a chance to take cover, and the detection means the new command passed its initial combat test, officials and experts say.

The newly created US combatant command focused on space has passed its initial combat test, according to officials and experts.

Early warning capabilities belonging to the command helped detect recent Iranian ballistic missile launches at US bases in Iraq, contributing to an early warning advantage for troops on the ground.

In a statement to earlier this week, US Space Command officials pointed to the vast array of interlocking space and ground sensors, mostly inherited from the Air Force, that are now in the command's domain. The capabilities serve to detect and track ballistic missiles worldwide. Officials did not, however, specify which particular system first picked up the launches.

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WNU editor: Sending a message to everyone that US Space Command is now operational.

1 comment:

fazman said...

So was it space command or Iran telegraphing its attack via Iraq?