Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Was There A Security Failure At The U.S. Embassy In Iraq?

(Click on Image to Enlarge) 
Thousands of Kataeb Hezbollah supporters left funerals held for 25 fighters killed by US strikes on Sunday night. They then marched towards the US embassy, pouring through the heavily fortified 'Green Zone' before reaching the gates of the compound. As the mood deteriorated security personnel headed into the building and carnage ensued outside, with rioters eventually tearing through the main gate and inside the main forecourt of the embassy

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
This map shows the Embassy compound located along the Tigris River in Baghdad, Iraq

The Hill: Top Foreign Relations Democrat calls for explanation of security failure at US Embassy in Iraq

Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is calling for the Trump administration to give Congress an explanation for the security failure at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad after protesters stormed it on Tuesday.

Menendez condemned the attack in a statement in which he said that the U.S. is prioritizing ensuring American diplomats and personnel are safe. He also requested Iraq assist in protecting the U.S. personnel in the region.

“I call on all Iraqis, including the government and security forces, to continue our partnership with American security forces and diplomatic personnel to restore security and order,” he wrote.

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WNU Editor:The embassy's perimeter was not breached. The guard house at the entrance was burned down, but this small building was always exposed. The US Marines and embassy security responded quickly, and no serious casualties were reported. US military reinforcements in Baghdad came in quickly to aid the embassy, followed by US soldiers from Kuwait. All within hours after the first altercation. Hundreds of additional US forces were assembled in the U.S. and sent to the Middle East within 12 hours. From my vantage point everyone responded quickly and professionally. If there is a security failure it is within the Green Zone itself, and that is an Iraqi responsibility. It is clear to me that Iraqi forces turned a blind eye that permitted these protesters to show up, and that a discussion on how to prevent this from happening again in the future will need to be done.

1 comment:

Mike Feldhake said...

What pisses me off is that everyone is using the notion U.S. Embassy was breached. Damn Media can't get anything right.