Saturday, January 11, 2020

White House Warns Iraq that It Would Cut-Off Its Access To It's Federal Reserve Account That Collects Its Oil Revenue If US Troops Are Forced To Withdraw

If Iraq were to lose access to its accounts with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, it would curtail Baghdad's ability to access the funds in them triggering a shortage of foreign exchange vital to the functioning of Iraq's already fragile economy[File; Carlo Allegri/Reuters]

Daily Mail: Trump administration threatens to cut off Iraq's access to key central bank account if US troops are forced to withdraw from the country

* US could shut off Iraq's access to Federal Reserve Bank of New York
* Account there is used to collect revenue from Iraq's sale of oil overseas
* Without the central banking access Iraq's economy could quickly collapse
* Iraq's parliament has called for US troops to withdraw from the country

The Trump administration has threatened to shut off Iraq's access to a key central banking account if U.S. troops are forced to with drawn from the country, according to a new report.

The State Department warned that Iraq's access to its main account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York could be shut off if the Iraqi government asks American troops to leave, Iraqi officials told the Wall Street Journal.

The account is used to collect revenue from Iraq's overseas oil sales, and shutting off access to it could quickly cripple the country's economy and its government's ability to provide basic services.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This is what I call the US putting a gun to the Iraqi government's head.

More News On The White House Warning Iraq that It Would Cut-Off Its Access To It's Federal Reserve Account If US Troops Are Forced To Withdraw

Trump administration warns Iraq could lose New York Fed account if US troops forced to leave: WSJ -- CNBC
The US warned Iraq that its access to a key bank account holding billions is in jeopardy if the country expels American troops -- Business Insider
U.S. Warns Iraq It Risks Losing Access to Key Bank Account if Troops Told to Leave -- Wall Street Journal
Iraq warned to keep US troops or risk financial blow-WSJ -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Spreading freedom and democracy with good intentions!

America is the shining city on the hill. You're welcome Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Whats the point of democracy then?
USA went to war to build democracy in Iraq, which it has done but now the same democracy is asking them to leave Iraq.
So why don't they respect the democratic decision of Iraq parliament?

RussInSoCal said...

You libs need to learn the difference between a Parliament, a Representative Republic and a pure Democracy - which has never existed.

You people shriek "Democracy!!" with no idea what it means. It means mob rule - which I think is what you all prefer. Again, no pure emocracy has ever existed. It would be chaotic and short-lived.

The US happens to be a Representative Republic.

And the US will respect the choice of the Iraqi PARLIAMENT. However there will be consequences if they choose poorly (meaning against the interests of their prime benefactor). Unlike Obama, Trump will not simply flounce off when faced with tough negotiations.

Just like elections, decisions mean things.

Joe blowes said...

Works of the devil

Anonymous said...

this is called occupation, is NOT our land to tell them we are go there and stay

Anonymous said...

Russ can't do that the Iranians already have done it.

Anonymous said...

true that...and putin helping and we know his pal here

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:14

Russ is right and you are wrong.

The US does have a right to tell Iraq what to do. We do not have an absolute right, but we have a very significant one.

When you borrow money from a bank they can tell you some things you have to do.

When you buy insurance, your insurance agent has conditions.

When you parents give you money their are strings attached. If your parents loan you money and you tell them GTH, do not expect more money.

Iraq wanted help in 2014. This was after they asked us to leave in 2011, when people were warning Al Qaeda would come back. If we leave in 2020 and Al Qaeda/ISIS comes back in 20023, maybe this time the US should let them twist in the wind.

We'll let ISIS go carib on them.

Anonymous said...

Iraq invaded by Bush. Iraq not asked about that. We are not parents. You are not smart

Anonymous said...

Start working on your history, it needs it. You may not be a parent, but you need at least one.

Anonymous said...

Did the rubes need any more evidence that they live in a half-assed gangster state run by violent numbskulls?

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, really!

Anonymous said...

Hey rube.

Anonymous said...


Administrator said...

Are you that naive to think that the US is in Iraq to build democracy. They don't care about democracy, it's all geopolitics furthering their own interests. If they cared about democracy they would reign in Saudi Arabia, the worst of them all

Anonymous said...

Administrator of what?