Monday, January 6, 2020

Why Was Iranian General Qassem Soleimani In Baghdad On The Night That He Was Killed By A Drone Strike?

Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi speaks during a funeral ceremony in Baghdad (AFP)

Daily Mail: Iraqi prime minister says Qassem Soleimani was in Iraq to 'discuss de-escalating tensions between Iran and Saudis' when he was killed - and claims Trump had asked for help mediating talks after embassy attack

* Iraq's caretaker prime minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi, told his parliament in Baghdad on Sunday that US strike on Soleimani was a 'political assassination'
* Abdul Mahdi claimed that Soleimani was due to meet with him on the same day that he was killed by a US drone near the Baghdad airport early on Friday
* The outgoing Iraqi leader says that Soleimani was supposed to bring him Iran's response to a Saudi proposal for de-escalating regional tensions
* Saudi Arabia, a regional rival, blames Iran for an attack on the kingdom's oil facilities in September
* Abdul Mahdi also claims that President Trump called him and asked him to mediate talks with Iran after the US embassy in Baghdad was nearly overrun
* Supporters of the Shiite group Kataib Hezbollah scaled the walls and barreled through security at the US embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday
* Abdul Mahdi said he personally intervened to defuse the embassy crisis and that the American president thanked him for doing so

Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian Quds Force commander who was killed in a US drone attack in Baghdad on Friday, was in Iraq to negotiate a de-escalation in tensions with Saudi Arabia, according to the Iraqi prime minister.

Adel Abdul Mahdi, Iraq’s caretaker prime minister, told his parliament on Sunday that President Trump called him to ask for help in mediating with Iran after the American embassy in Baghdad was attacked.

On Tuesday, people belonging to the Shiite group Kataib Hezbollah overran security and scaled the walls of the embassy. No Americans were injured during the protests.

Trump blamed Iran for the embassy incidents and threatened retaliation.

Read more ....

Update: Soleimani Was In Baghdad On Peace Mission To De-Escalate With Saudis: Report (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: The Iraqi PM is saying that Qassem Soleimani was in Baghdad to negotiate a de-escalation in tensions with Saudi Arabia. Others are saying something else .... Why Iran's Qassem Soleimani was on a not-so-secret trip to Iraq when he was assassinated (Business Insider). I suspect that we will never know on why he was really in Baghdad that night.


RussInSoCal said...

/Yes, Saint Soleimani was there on a "de-escalation with Saudi Arabia" mission. No doubt meeting with the leaders of House of Saud - in Baghdad. This bit of fakery would hold water if we snuffed him in Dubai. But he wasn't in Dubai, he was in Baghdad.

He was flying in to harangue the locals for balking in their attack on the Green Zone and set up the next round of attacks on Americans in Iraq.

Antitroll said...

And you are the Iraqi pm's bodyguard who over heard everything? Didn't realize you left the aiea so quick to join the Iraqi government
Sit down you ex military scrub and keep chowing down your opiods and tv dinner
Or be useful and go be cannon fodder for Israel like you have been brought up to be

Anonymous said...

Another salient comment from "jewboy" troll!

Anonymous said...

An oldie by goodie by AntifaTroll


"That would be the case if President of usa died. That doesn't take the good away from someone because hate always blinds judgment." - Moron Anti-something Anti-anything

January 6, 2020 at 7:43 AM"

Iranian-backed Militias Open Fire on Civilians Refusing to Go to Ceremony for Dead Terrorist Soleimani (VIDEO)


Russ has a decent analysis. Antitroll/Antifa/Anti-Relevant does not. AntiTroll should get his beta-amyloids checked. You cant tell up to 3 decades ahead of time who will be affected by the disease.