Saturday, January 4, 2020

Will The Iraqi Government Order The Expulsion Of U.S. Soldiers On Sunday?

Iraqi lawmakers are seen during a parliamentary session in Baghdad. Reuters

Bryant Harris, Al-Monitor: White House defiant as Iraq threatens to expel US troops over Soleimani strike

Iraq's caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi is convening an emergency session of parliament Sunday to discuss the US assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the Tehran-backed deputy leader of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units.

The emergency session could lead to a longtime goal of Iran’s proxies in Iraq: the expulsion of US forces from Iraq, potentially jeopardizing the campaign against the remnants of the Islamic State.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iraqi parliament vows to ‘put an end to US presence' in country (Washington Examiner)
Update #2: Rival Shi'ite leaders in Iraq call for U.S. troop expulsion in rare show of unity (Reuters)

WNU Editor: As I had mentioned in a previous post. If I was President Trump, I would take this opportunity to leave.


Bob Huntley said...

A perfect out for him and co.

fazman said...

Get out and hit them hard from numerous other bases.

Anonymous said...

In other news, next door in Syria, America is still committing war crimes by looting that countries natural resources.

As lawless gangster imperial states go, America is really awesome! In fact, the recent assassination was textbook gangster style, Corleone vs. the five families.

In conclusion, America is a land of contrasts.

Antitroll said...

When did America follow law? Is no law for usa, only for the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

Mahmoud and Farrokh are up late tonight. Go cuddle your Soleimani doll. POTUS hasn’t finished yet so don’t forget to look up.

Bob Huntley said...

Trump ordered him killed "to avoid a war". Now if Iran had killed a key American would that have caused America to back off? Not bloody likely. Trump wants a war. He desperetely needs a war to help him keep his job and folks like you, Anon are like him, cheering from the sidelines and unlikely to ever be on the front line, unless somehow war comes home to America, as eventually it will.

Anonymous said...

" but Iranian-Canadians celebrate: World reacts to airstrike death of Iran commander Soleimani"

Well bob hates his fellow Canadians.

RussInSoCal said...

Iran has killed hundreds (thousands) of Americans. Constant provocations in the Persian Gulf, abductions of US sailors, missile attacks on Saudi oil fields, terror plots in Washington, - I could go on. Instead of attack, the US decided to return $150B of illicit funds - some $2B in cash, dropped on an airport tarmac.

Obama concocted an insane one-sided "Iran Deal" to placate them. All they had to do was behave like a reasonable government. But no. All that bit of good will bought us was civil war in Syria, thousands of rockets on Lebanon and more murderous subterfuge.

So yes. its about "bloody" time Iran started feeling real pain. Keep killing these Iranian pigs - the top ones. One by one. Let none of them sleep restfully ever again.

Its time to stop sympathizing with barbarians and figure out who your enemies really are.

RussInSoCal said...

Speaking as one who has served overseas in hazardous duty, The US did a great service to the planet in eliminating thousands of Republican Guard and Baathist pigs. Similarly so in the extermination of thousands of ISIS terrorists. You might remember Iraq invaded Kuwait and used nerve gas on its own people.

So come up with a better argument other than you typical mouse turd insults.

(Happy to be deep inside your feeble brain, Antitroll)

Anonymous said...

"Lol wmd were transferred to Syria. "

You only read what you want to read.

"Any decent independent site from moon of Alabama to zero hedge..."

Zerohedge runs articles from the "Strategic Culture Foundation" (SCF), which is a Russian front group.

Judging from the forums many people know this. They had interesting comments about ZeroHedge.

But please continue to use ZH. We'll know where to find you fat drug addicted ass.

ZH also had Simon Black. They took him off for awhile, but people complained about hoe fake that bankrupt fraudster was. It was a mistake to bring him back. SCF and Simon Black are 2 strikes against ZH. Running stuff by Caitlin Johnstone is another mistake. She is a an ex-palm reader.

ZH is not a serious news source. They are not in it for the money as much as other sites. Money is a secondary product for them. Propaganda is the primary motivation for the site.