Friday, January 17, 2020

Will President Trump's Impeachment Trial In The US Senate Hurt Senator Sanders' Campaign?

Politico: Trump accuses Dems of using impeachment trial to hurt Sanders campaign

The president is suggesting Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the timing of the trial to give Joe Biden a boost.

President Donald Trump on Friday accused Democrats of trying to sabotage Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid, echoing allegations from Sanders supporters during the 2016 primary.

“They are rigging the election again against Bernie Sanders, just like last time, only even more obviously,” Trump said in a pair of tweets, claiming that Democrats were using his impeachment trial beginning next week to keep Sanders off the campaign trail in the critical final weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

Read more ....

Update #1: Trump: Impeachment timing intended to hurt Sanders (The Hill)
Update #2: Trump: Impeachment trial is a scheme to hurt Bernie Sanders’ chances in Iowa (NYPost)

WNU Editor: Senator Sanders believes this will hurt his campaign .... Sanders says he's concerned about lost campaign time during impeachment trial (The Hill).


Unknown said...

If Sanders is nobbled again at least he can fall back on his finger lickin' good chicken outlets mmmmmm

Anonymous said...

your try like you: failure

Anonymous said...

Maybe if the presidential run doesn't work out, Sanders' wife can bankrupt another college?


Bob Huntley said...

Trump is right on about the DNC and Sanders.

The DNC wants Joe and Warren again is working against Sanders getting the nomination.

They know if Warren were to endorse Sanders, Joe would be out and a very large crowd that didn't vote last time because they didn't want Clinton would vote for Sanders and that would be it for Trump. The DNC wants Trump, or, failing him, some other Republican, but never Bernie.

Anonymous said...

Biden is campaigning?

Anonymous said...

Sanders is too much of a hypocrite & communist to get elected.

The commie railed against millionaires until he became one. Now he rails against billionaires. He owns multiple houses (3).

Try this search "how many houses does bernie sanders own"

I type 'how many house' and the web browser auto completed with his name. Obama was second choice in the pull down menu of auto completion.

The weak man honeymooned in the USSR. His first partner left him because he was lazy and a shit carpenter.

Come on Bob, let's here you shill for Bernie some more you old 80 year old crank.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time Bernie Sanders had a job besides lawmaker.

Bernie was a carpenter, a shitty one.

He worked some as a carpenter, although “he was a shitty carpenter,” [Liberty Union party member John] Bloch told me. “His carpentry,” [Liberty Union member Danny] Morrisseau said, “was not going to support him, and didn’t.”

- Snopes

Now Bernie Sander sis a lawmaker, a shitty one.

We all feel the Bern!

Anonymous said...

ho ho
now look at the Trump deficit...never been this high, ever. But make grade school jokes

Anonymous said...

Bern was not a good carpenter but he did better than most carpenters...and never went bankrupt

Anonymous said...

Told you squirrel was back and with his customary cleverness. It must been a real joy to be in his classroom, if you could stay awake.

Anonymous said...

Parroting Squirrel is back!

Wonder if the nonagenarian will stay on his meds.

Anonymous said...

Yes he is! And there'll be no end to his cleverness, as he'll inform in his humble way.