Friday, February 14, 2020

1,700 Frontline Medics Have Been Infected With The Coronavirus In China

Medical workers in protective suits work inside an isolated section at a community health service center in Wuhan, China February 8. China Daily via REUTERS ATTENTION

CNN: Over 1,700 frontline medics infected with coronavirus in China, presenting new crisis for the government

Ning Zhu, a nurse in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of a deadly coronavirus outbreak, is restless.

Instead of helping on the frontlines, she has been under self-quarantine at home for weeks, after a chest scan on January 26 revealed that she had a suspected case of the novel Coronavirus.

Zhu was told to wait for a nucleic acid test that would provide the final verdict, but it never came.

"Right now, it's really a problem. Our hospital already has more than 100 people who are quarantined at home," she told CNN over the phone. An additional 30 medical workers have been confirmed to have the virus, she said.

"If the tests are fine, we can go back to work. I actually don't have any symptoms, there's just a slight problem with my CT scan, it seems there's a bit of infection," she said.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: WHO now wants answers .... WHO Turns On China, Demands To Know How Nearly 2,000 Doctors Were Infected With COVID-19 (Zero Hedge). As to what is my take. I find it astounding that China has still not permitted WHO and/or CDC medical personnel to go to the epicentre of this epidemic.


Anonymous said...

Wuhan Coronavirus—WUWT Update

Origins and precedents

SARS 2003: Mode of transmission mainly contact, with an R0 about 3. Bat corona via live civet intermediate to humans in a Chinese wet market.

MERS 2012: Bat corona via live camel intermediate to humans in a Saudi Arabian camel market.

Wuhan 2020: Bat corona via live pangolin to humans

"BUT it means a symptomless R0 as high as 11 cannot be ruled out, with a symptomless transmission period of several days. By comparison, the R0 for measles (absent vaccination) is 12-18, so a horrific Wuhan symptomless R0 of 11 is within the realm of actual possibility."

Unknown said...

It's the Andromeda StrainšŸ˜³

Anonymous said...

Those front line medics- like all medics-are heroes. Some of them, like here in the UK do not earn enough for all the training they have to go through and extra classes, night shifts. You'd be surprised. Many are doctors by vocation, few are driving nice cars. I'm sure in China it's the same - many do it because of a strong sense of wanting to help, so yeah hope they get the best treatment because they deserve it

G said...

Only the devil cares

Anonymous said...

"Importantly (more below), experimental antiviral remdesivir started day 11 by IV under a compassionate use exception, and the deep viral pneumonia fully resolved (per x-ray diagnosis) within 24 hours!"