Tuesday, February 11, 2020

African Healthcare Officials Admit They Are Not Prepared For The Coronavirus

Zero Hedge: "We're Definitely Not Prepared" - African Healthcare Officials Fear Virus Spread

While the African continent continues to battle plagues of locust and food shortages, an even bigger worry is looming on the horizon, that some of the Chinese workers have carried the virus to Ethiopia or the African countries they work in, and will those countries be able to contain it while they can, while the numbers are small?

The virus that has spread through much of China has yet to be confirmed in Africa, but global health authorities are increasingly worried about the threat to the continent where an estimated 1 million Chinese now live, as some health workers on the ground warn they are not ready to handle an outbreak.

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WNU Editor: WHO is issuing its warnings .... Coronavirus may spread to Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, 10 African countries, WHO warns (Nigerian Tribune).

More News On African Healthcare Officials Admitting That They Are Not Prepared For The Coronavirus

'We're definitely not prepared': Africa braces for new virus -- AP
The Brief – What if Coronavirus reaches Africa? -- Euractiv
More African countries are getting coronavirus testing labs but are on edge as the threat looms -- Quartz
Chinese Ambassador Allays Africa Coronavirus Fears -- VOA
With Plenty Of Trade With China, African Countries Fear Coronavirus Spreading -- NPR

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