Monday, February 10, 2020

Armed Police And Soldiers Storm El Salvador's Parliament To Pressure MPs To Back President's Crime Bill

ABC News Online: El Salvador's President uses armed soldiers to pressure MPs to pass anti-crime plan

El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele and a group of soldiers armed with automatic weapons have briefly occupied the country's Congress, stepping up a campaign pressuring MPs to back a crime-fighting plan.

Watched by soldiers in full battle uniform, Mr Bukele, 38, sat in the seat reserved for the president of Congress and cupped his hands together to pray, he said, for patience with MPs, few of whom turned up at the special session.

"If those shameless people don't approve the plan of territorial control, we'll summon you here again [next] Sunday," he told supporters in a fiery speech outside, as he left the building.

Politicians were due to meet on Monday (local time) to discuss the President's proposals, Congress president Mario Ponce said, in a possible sign of de-escalation.

Critics warned of a looming constitutional crisis, however.

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More News On El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele's Use Of The Military to Pressure Parliamentarians To Support His Crime Bill

Backed by soldiers, El Salvador President Bukele briefly occupies Congress -- France 24
Backed by soldiers, El Salvador's president briefly occupies Congress -- Reuters
Heavily-armed police and soldiers enter El Salvador parliament -- BBC
Troops Occupy El Salvador's Legislature To Back President's Crime Package -- NPR
Armed police and troops storm El Salvador's parliament -- CNN
Constitutional crisis in El Salvador over Bukele's security plan -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Gotta love third world politics.

Anonymous said...

3rd World like NYC?

A dangerous criminal was released into the population. He then proceeded to shoot 2 law enforcement officers.

This criminal had food shelter and clothing. He also had a girlfriend. What did he lack?

"Williams was recently released from police custody after being jailed on charges of heavy weapon possession and was due in court in the coming days. "

LEO turned their back on de Blasio because of his failed democrap policies and rhetoric is getting the wounded or dead.

Maybe the PD should do something more than turn their backs on de Blasio like:

a) Blue Flu
b) FIDO policing
c) strike
d) No police protection for the mayor or his residence.
e) Storm city council

Police could be protecting the mayor's residence and not see something like a person in an alley gaining entrance.

Anonymous said...

Last anon. Thankfully the police men and women in the US don't do what you suggest. DeBlasio may suck but he got voted into office. Kick him out of there anytime. But until then the police will do their job according to the law and will of the people. If that were to go, the whole world will be fcked if the US turns into what you hint at

Anonymous said...

"Thankfully the police men and women in the US don't do what you suggest."

Really? You sure about that?

I did not make up the terms Blue Flu or FIDO (Fuck it Drive On) policing. Those terms existed pre-internet.

According to the will of which people. What double digit percentage of the people are you talking about? Is it 51% ?

!0% to 20% do not want cops period and have demonstrated in the streets.

Are we sure DeBlaséo got voted into office? I'm of the opinion that ballot box stuffers can sway (& sometimes do) an election by as much as 5%.

"But until then the police will do their job according to the law and will of the people"

That sounds more like a fervent hope, a punchline, or "How are we going to fool the populace now, than anything else.

Cops are up to this level of official Democrat abuse? Why then are there so many suicides?

You suck. Maybe next reincarnation you will come back as something more up to your speed like a nematode.

Anonymous said...

Police Ethics: The Corruption of Noble Cause 3rd Edition
by Michael A. Caldero (Author)

Published 2000"Fuck+it+drive+on"+police&source=bl&ots=vf9dapHUlM&sig=ACfU3U1WHqO1QK14ST9WjX_6dkw1h99jAg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj259XA4MnnAhVPhq0KHey5DVAQ6AEwAnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=%2B"Fuck%20it%20drive%20on"%20police&f=false