Saturday, February 15, 2020

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Criticized For Shaking The Hand And Bowing His Head To The Iranian Foreign Minister

The National: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau under fire for warm greeting of Iran's Mohammad Javad Zarif

Iran refuses to co-operate fully after shooting down plane carrying dozens of Canadian citizens

Canada’s Justin Trudeau was under fire on Saturday for his warm embrace of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif despite the deaths of dozens of Canadian citizens when Iran shot down a passenger plane after it took off from Tehran’s airport last month.

Iranian officials were jubilant when the Canadian prime minister grasped Mr Zarif with both hands and exchanged greetings with a broad smile at the Munich Security Conference. Canada has no relations with Tehran and has been under pressure to push Iran for accountability and compensation for shooting down the Ukrainian passenger jet, killing all 176 people on board.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Bowing his head to the Iranian Foreign Minister .... what was he thinking? The optics are terrible, and not surprising, Iranian media is playing up this meeting. As for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's reaction to this criticisms, he is defending his meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister .... 'Important that we work together': Trudeau defends handshake with Iranian foreign minister months after plane crash (Vancouver Sun).

Update: I do not share Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's optimism on Iran cooperating. Iran has made it very clear that they are not going to hand over the black boxes from Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 .... Iran not to hand over black boxes from UIA's downed plane to outside governments (UNIAN).

More News On The Reaction To Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau Shaking The Hand And Bowing His Head To The Iranian Foreign Minister

Trudeau attracts ire as he defends handshake with Iranian foreign minister months after plane crash -- National Post
Trudeau criticized for shaking hands with Iranian foreign minister after deadly plane crash -- Global News
Trudeau Criticized For Bowing To Iranian Foreign Minister As He Seeks UN Security Council Seat -- Daily Caller
Trudeau faces fury for shaking hands with Zarif -- Saudi Gazette
Iran FM, Canadian PM Meet in Munich -- IFP News


RussInSoCal said...

Obama also reflexively bowed to Saudi and Chinese leaders. The ridiculous Iran Deal was Obama's gift of subservience to the Iranians.

Kakistocrats do what Kakistocrats do.

Anonymous said...

Tinkerbell bows to his superior. Now let's see you dance for him, little Tinkerbell.

Anonymous said...

"Bowing his head to the Iranian Foreign Minister .... what was he thinking?"

justin was channeling his 'inner Obama'

Anonymous said...

Zach Everson / NBC News:
Trump's Secret Service hotel racket is hiding in plain sight. And he's getting away with it. Find
24 minutes ago
Amanda Carpenter / The Bulwark:
Trump Is Why You Got Michael Avenatti Find
24 minutes ago
Jacob Knutson / Axios:
Over 1,100 former DOJ officials call for Barr's resignation Find
30 minutes ago
Washington Post:
Trust and consequences … It was time for another hearing … Find
40 minutes ago
Alex Isenstadt / Politico:
Trump drives massive turnout in primaries despite token opposition Find
40 minutes ago
NBC News:
Trump pushed CIA to find, kill Osama bin Laden's son over higher priority targets Find

Anonymous said...

‘Something has to be done’: Trump’s quest to rewrite history of the Russia probe
President Trump speaks about border security in the South Court Auditorium of the White House on Feb. 14. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
President Trump speaks about border security in the South Court Auditorium of the White House on Feb. 14. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)
Philip Rucker
Feb. 16, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EST

The U.S. intelligence community long ago produced evidence of Russia’s illegal interference in the 2016 presidential election to try to boost Donald Trump’s candidacy. Then the special counsel investigating the matter detailed myriad ways President Trump sought to stymie the probe. And then Robert S. Mueller III testified to Congress about Trump’s conduct — and warned of Russia’s continued interest in thwarting U.S. elections.

But it is Trump who is trying to have the last word.

Seven months after Mueller’s marathon testimony brought finality to the Russia investigation, Trump is actively seeking to rewrite the narrative that had been meticulously documented by federal law enforcement and intelligence officials, both for immediate political gain and for history.

Anonymous said...

"Trump pushed CIA to find, kill Osama bin Laden's son over higher priority targets "

Idiot parrot, who cacawed about Stars & Stripes not getting suckled at the public teat in 20121 budget refused to debate, because it knew it had a bad case other than emo.

So lets discuss the Osama situation. Leadership, movements, militant groups are propelled by charismatic leaders. Trump implicitly understands this. Parrot? Parrot is someone, who can't figure out the simplest of tasks. Parrot does not understand psychology, so as a result does not understand military or the dismal science.

Parrot is so brainwashed person from Simpletown who would vote for Siraj Wahhaj, if there was a "D" behind his name.

Anonymous said...

People, who can't figure out the simplest of tasks, have long alleged Russian collusion, while Hillary Clinton paid for a dossier compiled by Russian spies.

Anonymous said...

DOJ Alumni Statement on the Events Surrounding the Sentencing of Roger Stone

Anonymous said...

Over 1,100 former DOJ officials call for Barr's resignation

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wheere is the great health plan trump promised...and do not blame the health plan presented! orange man is phucking liar

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

These are the 5 biggest bombshells from The New York Times' report on Trump's money and Deutsche Bank

Anonymous said...

"Deutsche Bank used him and his businesses to rapidly ascend the financial sector."

"I think Deutsche Bank needs to pay Donald for helping them ascend."

Not a publicly traded company and not a government. Not dealing with a hostile foreign government.

Do you remember all the tail numbers of the planes flying to Tehran when el presidente Obungles said it was okay?

And Parrot slides another shit burger and tells you that it is tasty.

With a few signature 'phucks' thrown into the commentary for free.

Anonymous said...

right: so PHUCK YOU and your family too

RussInSoCal said...

Nothing annoys Fred more than raking Obama over the coals.

Anonymous said...


You and I tied the Obama references to the posted article.

- You compared Little Justin to Obama.

- I did not compare, but wrote or implied that Justina had learned from Obama.

It was all too much for Fred.

All he could do was splatter some TDS stuff up on the wall to see if it would stick.

Posting that Article about Trump and Deutsche Bank was about as smart as Schiff's impeachment arguments. Nothing there.

Overstating assets? If it is am publicly traded company, it is a crime per the SEC. First the douches would have to prove ti. As assets fluctuate due to real estate prices, business climate, etc. It would be hard to prove. And if you did is against the law in Germany?

Favors? Again is it a publicly traded company or a government entity? The thing that the poster does not realize is the poster figuratively shoots himself in both feet with a side by side. I mean he is really dumb.

"Deutsche Bank used him and his businesses to rapidly ascend the financial sector."

And the favor thing? I have knowledge of a Fortune 50 exec (VP of HR), who broke(?) the rules on nepotism. The corporation had rules against relatives of execs getting hired subsequent to them becoming execs. The day after the VP retired, he walked his son's resume through HR and his son was hired. Unlike Biden's son this kid was a really good kid. No drugs. And he had a exact degree from a good school in the the job category he was getting hired for as a entry level trainee. And he had 3 or more years experience in industry (Again nepotism). However he got the earlier job he was promoted in that organization because he was good at his job.

Funny thing is that he quit the corporate job after few weeks, because his wife told him to quit. She did not want to move; she wanted to stay near her family. Which might have been best, because he would have had to move the family to a fucked-up blue state.

So the Business Insider mentions favors were done? Puhleeeease! And?

I don't think the parrot gets it. He never had a real job. I would have hated to be in his classroom. Beside why do we need a white boy like him?

There is no such thing as English.

And if there were, we could get an Indian to teach it.

Anonymous said...

What a world