Saturday, February 15, 2020

Drudge Report: Mike Bloomberg 'Considering Picking Hillary Clinton As His Running Mate In The 2020 Democratic Race

Daily Mail: Mike Bloomberg 'is considering picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate in the 2020 Democratic race to help take on Trump'

* Mike Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate, source says
* Polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be a formidable force to take on Trump in the race for the White House
* Bloomberg is said to be considering changing his official residence because the electoral college makes it tough for president and VP to reside in the same state
* 'We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation,' Bloomberg's campaign has said

Mike Bloomberg is considering making Hillary Clinton his running mate, a source close to his campaign has told Drudge Report.

Polling found the Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be a formidable force to take on Trump in the race for the White House, the source said.

Former New York City Mayor and Democratic candidate Bloomberg is said to be considering even changing his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida - where he also has homes - because the electoral college makes it difficult for US president and vice-president to reside in the same state.

Under the Twelfth Amendment to the US Constitution, which provides the procedure for electing the president and vice-president, it states that the two people could not both inhabit the same state as the elector.

Bloomberg's campaign would not confirm or deny the reports when reached out for comments.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If Bloomberg crazy? Hillary Clinton as his VP?!?!?! If true he better hire some food tasters.

Update: They are not denying these reports .... Bloomberg campaign downplays report he is considering Hillary Clinton as running mate (FOX News).

More News On Reports That Mike Bloomberg Is 'Considering Picking Hillary Clinton As His Running Mate In The 2020 Democratic Race

Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate, says Matt Drudge -- CNBC
Bloomberg reportedly considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate -- NYPost
Drudge Report: Bloomberg considering Hillary Clinton for running mate -- Washington Examiner
Is He Crazy? Mike Bloomberg Considering Hillary Clinton as His Running Mate -- PJ Media
'Smokescreen': Drudge stokes Bloomberg-Clinton ticket -- Politico


Anonymous said...

Alright fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chelsea can get a no-brainer gig at Bloomberg News like she got at NBC.

Instead of $600,000, she should demand $ 60 million this time.

B.Poster said...

Mike Pence and Hilary Clinton in the d debates, IMHO she is an intellectual featherweight up next to Mike Pence. Mr. Pence will utterly destroy her in such a foru . I'd liken it to an all star major league home run hitter playing t-ball. So, if Mr. Bloomberg wishes to lose, by all means choose Hilary.

Maybe there is some sort of "affirmative action" that can help HRC out here. I don't think so though. Putting her on the debate stage with Mike Pence won't work out well for Democrats. Of course the Drmocrats are used to suck ups like say Mitt Romney, Hohn McCain, George W. Bush and others. On top of this, Trump hatred clouds their judgement. When we make decisions based on hatred, we don't think right and often make bad decisions.

Maybe Pence will go easy on her. I wouldn't count on it though.

B.Poster said...

I apologize for the typos. I was distracted and in a hurry. Nevertheless HRC the intellectual featherweight against Mike Pence in the debates won't end well for Democrats. Of course I'd assume she will have the questions in advance and her team and the moderators will prepare with her in advance.

It won't be enough. You can't fix stupid!!

Anonymous said...

1. it aint gonna happen
2. pence is empty suit with holier than thou smirk, bootlicker hoping Trump dumped so he can take over
3. poster remains: bot from moscow

RussInSoCal said...

Yes - those well honed razor-sharp political instincts of Mike Bloomberg have led him to float HRC as a potential running mate.

He couldn't have found a better vehicle to enrage and agitate Alt-Left progressives.

Anonymous said...

#2 Disagee
#3 Agree

B.Poster said...

"It ain't gonna happen." You're probably right. Bloomberg is very smart. He already knows HRC would be utterly destroyed in a debate with Pence. As such, he won't choose her but he does need her access therefore he's cozying up to her for now.

If Pence were a "holier than thou bootlicker" it would've made more sense to attach himself to the campaigns of McCain or Romney. Having Pence as running mate would've made those men far more electable. As both McCain and Romney, lack the character to be effective as POTUS had they been elected, they'd have had been forced to resign and quickly clearing an easy path for Pence to be POTUS. Additionally some of Trump's prior positions that he hasn't renounced (gambling for example) are revolting to those who are "holier than thou." The fact that Mr. Pence was able to look past this further refutes the "holier than thou" talking point.

The "bot from Moscow" slander is similar to the talking points used by the establishment to try and discredit the messenger so as to hopefully not have to support a weak position. By suggesting I "remain" suggests you are a regular commenter here and already know who I am but have chosen to slander me knowing full well that your accusations about me are false.

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:45PM),

Part of the trouble with "anonymous" is I never know who I'm actually addressing. I'm going to assume you are new here. As such, I will provide you with my contact information.

My name is Robert Foshee. I am a Certified Public Accountant from Conroe,TX (USA). My company website is My email addresses are or The gmail account will yield a faster response. Obviously I'm not a "bot from Moscow."

B.Poster said...


He will need the so called "alt left progressives" on his side to win. He could offer Bernie an untold sum of money to drop out of the race and be his running mate. That'd be entertaining to say the least. More analysis to follow as time permits.

Anonymous said...

She will just whip out the bottle of hot sauce out of her purse and they will fall to her feet and worship her!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Pence against Clinton: unfortunately Clinton will win by default. You see, she's a woman and Mike Pence is a toxic, male white and on top he's old. Sure Clinton is in her years too BUT she's a lady ffs and the other candidate is a filthy man. 1:0 Clinton

B.Poster said...

Anon (10:42)

This is how the media will try and spin it. Unfortunately for them her defeat would be so bad that even they wouldn't be able to spin it. As the editor often says "here's an easy prediction..." That's an easy one. Bloomberg knowing this won't pick her but he does need the access so he plays nice.

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:20)

Had you taken the time to read my posts you'd know I'm not a communist. Unfortunately as is typical for trolls such as yourself you do not take the time to read.

In the context of how I use CPA, it stands for Certified Public Accoubtant. For those in the business world, the acronym is easily understood. For others perhaps not. Now that you've been properly educated please stop trikling and add to the theme of the editor's post or stop wasting time.

If you wish to learn more about what a CPA does, visit my company website or contact me. I've made it easy for you to do!!

Anonymous said...

1 time pad

B.Poster said...

"Certified Public Accountant" I apologize for the typo. As I suggested, visit my company website. Contact me!! If you're teachable, you'll learn something!!

Anonymous said...

"Had you taken the time to read my posts ..."

You posts do worse than put people to sleep by droning on & on.

Reading your posts is akin to death by Powerpoint.

Not only that people feel poorer for having read them.

I mostly believe that you are a troll. I think you went out and found an older person with no large internet footprint and have assumed an identity. I am not 100% sure, but I believe that about 90%. A few other people said you are the troll.

B.Poster said...

From reading your reply, my tentative conclusion is you are simply to lazy to conduct detailed study of anything of importance. As such, to you my posts are "droning on and on," Detailed analysis generally doesn't fit well into talking points.

Now as for my internet presence, it is MASSIVE!! As a business person, it needs to be. I've already provided my company website. My Facebook profile is "Rob Foshee." By keeping a large internet profile we are easy to find and we are held accountable.

You are the troll by seeking to distract readers from the point at hand. Essentially HRC would be destroyed in a debate with Pence in much the manner a Major League Baseball will destroy a t-ball. Bloomberg being the smart man he is knows this and will not select her but he needs her access so he plays nice. If he is so stupid and to nominate her, by all means DO IT!! Seeing her utter humiliation at the hands of Pence would be extremely entertaining but as I stated it won't happen. Bloomberg is evil but not stupid. Now if HRC has someone who cares about her they'd block this even if MB didn't and spare her the humiliation.

I've already made it easy for you to contact me. I've decided to make it even easier. Cell number: (936)443-9173. Being a business person we need to be easy to contact.

I will give you a "heads up." My cell phone is bombed so the best methods of contact for the fastest response are the website or emails I've I've provide d.

Now having thourghly destroyed your ridiculous theory that I've assumed an older person's identity who doesn't have an internet footprint, it's time to move on. Please contribute something of value to this discussion or STFU!!

G said...

Good grief