Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Europe Is Not Taking President Trump's Threats Over Huawei Seriously

Donald Trump and Angela Merkel Reuters

Business Insider: The United States' European allies are no longer taking Trump's 'apoplectic' threats seriously

* Trump's repeated threats to the United States' European allies to fall into line with US policy on Huawei are failing.
* The United Kingdom last month backed a deal with the Chinese telecoms company despite a furious call to prime minister Boris Johnson from the president.
* Now the German government is also preparing to rule out a ban on Huawei.
* Other European leaders are set to follow their lead and defy Trump after the president failed to follow-through on his threats to the UK.

In recent months Trump has issued a series of threats to European allies which were designed to force them into following his administration's ban on the Chinese telecoms company Huawei.

However, the threats, which included a plan to withdraw from the US intelligence-sharing relationship with the United Kingdom, appear to have failed, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreeing a deal with Huawei anyway.

Trump reportedly reacted with rage to Johnson's decision and slammed down the phone on the prime minister in a call last month.

However, far from fearing a similar reaction from Trump, other European countries are now moving to take a very similar position to Johnson.

This week Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats backed a positions paper which ruled out an outright ban on Huawei.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The priority in Europe is to develop commercial and trade relations with China. U.S. concerns on national security over Huawei is not their priority.


Anonymous said...

"This week Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats backed a positions paper which ruled out an outright ban on Huawei."

A politician should be able to talk about an policy position in an off the cuff, impromptu matter to any audience of 6th grade education or higher and make a convincing argument without lying.

I do not believe the old cow can do it, so instead she had a position paper commissioned to paper her more than generous derrière with CYA armor.

Bob Huntley said...

They are right to take a stand against the mob leader President. If they don't do it now and Trump gets re-elected he will rule Europe through fear.

Anonymous said...

It's not just that.. Europeans STILL remember the fake reason to invade Iraq. Famously, Germany's minister back then said to Powell "I do not believe you". And he was right. And Germans have not forgotten. It was on TV for years how Iraq was bombed and civilians were shot up. Sure, Saddam was removed, but hundreds of thousands (if not more) civilians died.

Unless the USA can produce EVIDENCE(!) for spying by Huawei, Europeans will not follow. Why should they? They too were spied on, including Germany's Chancellor, by the US. We ALL spy. The US just constantly gets caught. Russia murders people reporting and China likely too. But without evidence, in our systems and considerations, the Chinese (and the Russians) are free to do and go where they please. This is the legal (and moral) standard we all abide by and the US (as "leader of the free world" as they always proclaim needs to improve their track record.. it's not just Iraq and the hundreds of thousands of civilians who got killed.. remember Vientam? Millions(!) got killed. the US population was lied to about it all. Cambodia was bombed. Go there today and you still see the children and adults with deformations because of what Agent Orange did to their DNA.

America needs to shape up and I hope Trump can deliver. EVIDENCE! and a better track record are dearly missed.

Anonymous said...

anon: talk about policy off the cuff! Can Trump do that...

Anonymous said...

This is interesting. China is a huge threat to all of mankind. Yet the Europeans want to do business with them. What are the options for the USA?

Anonymous said...

Between NordStream2 and Huawei Europe is giving President Trump much to ponder in his second term. Europe doesn't take his economic concerns seriously so why should the US take Europe's defense concerns seriously?

He could cause Europe great trouble in Africa and the Middle East by declining to care about Europe.

Bob Huntley said...

I agree with your comments.

I have no doubt that ALL network providers facilitate spying intentionally, or, otherwise. The issue I believe will be to find out how the spying is facilitated and then to decide whether to announce it, or, keep it quite and use it to further one's own ends.

In Trump's case I think he would likely announce it believing that the business opportunates such a release would create would be preferential over national security concerns.

Anonymous said...

Iraqi WMDs went to Syria. Russia transported them there.

Bob Huntley said...

You mean these WMDs

Saddam Hussein was one of many despots and dictators backed by the American intelligence services during the Cold War. Iraq fought a long and bloody war against Iran in the 1980s with each side of that war backed and supported by weapons and intelligence from the Superpowers.

Iraq and Hussein were American allies in the region and so the United States supplied Iraq with, among other things, chemical weapons. Those weapons were later used against Kurdish minority populations in the North of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

You keep repeating the same BS.

Bob you keep forever lying by omission and that makes you a rotten bitch. List which countries helped Iran and Iraq. List why.

When you are done with your research and scratching you ass, you back and talk to us adults.

RussInSoCal said...

Bob, you have found an article that lends false credence to a debunked conspiracy theory that the US shipped chemical agents to Iraq - which never happened. The US was active in support of Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war. Provided satellite imagery of Iranian troop locations and did in fact stand back and allow exchanges of chemical shells by both sides. But to assert that the US shipped the agents to Iraq is a lie.

Now regarding Europe, Huawei and the description of Trump's demeanor in the negotiations - the Europeans will sign a deal with Huawei at heir own peril. They will put at risk their own networks simply to spite Trump. As a teenager would spite his daddy. Cutting off intel sharing with Europe via traditional methods is a means by which the US can protect itself from Chinese hackery. It will also greatly increase the cost and inconvenience to Europe to receive information from the US (upon which they heavily rely). They can and will do whatever they want to do, but its my prediction that they will eventually cease this venture with Huawei and cooperate with the US. But only after investing and losing $ millions in a stupid, self defeating middle finger to Trump.



Bob Huntley said...

Thank you for your comment Russ.

Given the significance of the issue, US supplying WMD, or, even the means to create such chemicals, I am certain you can provide a link to the debunking source. It would be well appreciated you can be sure. Keep in mind that it took the CIA a long time to come clean on their involvement in the overthrow of Iran's government back in the 1950s so coming clean on WMD regarding Iraq is likely another 20 years away.

As for Trump and Europe, his mob like reaction to them is his signature negotiating style, whereas, a true statesman, and at that not necessairly even an honest one, would seek ways to mitigate the issue in order to retain satisfactory relationships.

What their reaction shows is a hopeful desire for him to be ousted come November, something much of the world is no doubt hoping for and of course almost half of voting Americans as well.

Anonymous said...

Bob keeps showing his shortcomings, which are too numerous to count. He has a girlfriend 10 years older than himself, because he came up short.

The Iraqis already produced chemical weapons before the Iran Iraq war started. If you have a pesticide plant and which country that has a farming sector does not, then you can produce nerve gas.

Bob however had a very modest education which did not include a fair amount of chemistry, so what would that hack know?

You're my favorite sock puppet Bob.

Anonymous said...

Kissinger stated US interests in the Iran-Iraq War.

It's a pity both sides can't lose (commenting on Iran-Iraq war, 1980 – 1988)”

In fact Iraq was a Soviet client state. Just visit an Iraq air base and see what planes the Iraqis had in the 1970s and 1980s. They were Russki. But Bob would rather gouge out his eys and lie than believe what his eyes showed him. Bob is good loyal sock puppet that way. Almost as brainless as a parrot.

Anonymous said...

The only people who take anything President Grandpa says seriously are his creditors because they know they'll get stiffed.

Oh, and also every spineless member of the GOP, which is all of them, because they're cowards.

Anonymous said...

Nice ad hominem attacks. Other than insults got anything to say?

Anonymous said...

Squirrel has discovered caps again, better to show his class, but not proof (dd-214) of his claims of service.

Anonymous said...

Dear me! Dear me!

I apologize squirrel I called Bob a hack and sock puppet are foul words, cuss words even. I did not realize that hack and sack are 4-letter words. I wonder how you go through life, when you see those 2 bad words in conjunction such hackensack as in Hackensack, New Jersey. I suppose you get apoplectic and family members have to coax you down from climbing the walls. Reading a Rand McNally map or mapbook must send you into fits of rage!

So now an English majorette knows about DNA. Why not! Women Studies spun off from the English Department and such ilk talk about intersectionsality and other pseudo-scientific buzzwords.

I know squirrel has better DNA than I. Xer used a phonetic spelling of the word fuck, namely "PHUCK". It has 5 letters and so cannot be categorized as a swear word and it fools software moderating programs. So clever!

Squirrel must at least have a 140 IQ or high or a Master of Arts in English.


"The precurser for VX was a powerful insecticide called Amiton, first made by British researchers and put on the commercial market in the mid-1950's. There is no disagreement among chemical warfare experts about whether a plant capable of making organophosphorous pesticides can also make nerve gas."

March 30, 1984

Anywho the sock puppet claimed that the US gave Iraq nerve agents, which is a lie. Iraq was already making nerve agents before 1980.

AZuLike said...

Isn't China number 1 in counterfeit and pirated goods? Then we're just to not think what they could do with all that info. Just saying.....