Thursday, February 20, 2020

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Makes It Official That She Will Not Be Mayor Mike Bloomberg's Vice Presidential Running Mate

FILE PHOTO: Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton in Singapore, July 2005. © Reuters / Bazuki Muhammad

The Hill: Clinton asked if she'd be Bloomberg's vice president: 'Oh no'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday quashed rumors she would consider being former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg's vice presidential running mate.

"Oh no," Clinton said when asked the question during a Vocero interview while in Puerto Rico for a Clinton Global Initiative event. "I'm just waiting and watching as this plays out. I will support whoever the nominee is."

Matt Drudge first reported on Saturday that Bloomberg was considering Clinton as his running mate, but the story was not confirmed, according to Fox News. The Bloomberg campaign replied to these reports saying, "We are focused on the primary and the debate, not VP speculation."

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WNU Editor: A wise move. Even though it took her a few days to say it.


RussInSoCal said...

Why anyone would even consider that dangerous backstabber as a running mate is amazing to me.

B.Poster said...

I seriously doubt she was ever "considered." Mr. Bloomberg needs the access so he played nice. I think he probably got what he wanted out of the deal.

Anonymous said...

For whatever juice the Clinton machine still has. It looks like a trial balloon by Hillary, who as WNU put it "wisely took it down" and quickly, so giving us Hillary's assessment of Bloomberg's chances.

Anonymous said...

I remember a jock at school who knocked on the door of the family home and was proselytizing for his church. This guy did not like me and did not hate me. The moist striking thing was his voice was 2 octaves higher than normal and his pupils were dilated. Already attending a church I declined to attend his church. What struck me was that he was high on religion.

I saw this same religious rapture during a campaign for governor. The Democrats Party was running a woman for the spot. Listening to people on campus you would think she was going to win. It seemed like was a sure thing. The campus situated smack dab in the middle of a blue state that did not seem unreasonable. When they spoke her name their voices were an octave or two higher and the spoke the full name (first, last & middle) with a certain cadence. The cultish behavior by the Democrats was down right creepy.

I think a Bloomberg/Clinton ticket would have a chance. The reasons to vote for it would be many. The 1st woman VP. There is a (D) behind their names. She is a Clinton. It is her turn. ...

The upside for Hillary is she would have some power. Donations would start to flow into the Clinton Crime Initiative (CCI). Chelsea could give herself a multi-million pay raise at the CCI. The lucrativeness of political influence and the ability to stave off investigations, I think would overcome the smell of the second fiddle for Hillary.

I really think the religious aspect of Democrat Party voters could carry a Bloomberg-Hillary ticket across the finish line with a bit of an assist from ballot box stuffing of course.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support

A classified briefing to lawmakers angered the president, who complained that Democrats would “weaponize” the disclosure.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Parrot is more bien pensant than most. Can't teach an old parrot new tricks.

When parrot has a really bad day the Chud sock puppet rears its ugly head. Chud is very bien pissant.

Parrot has not figured out that it is bien pensant, because the NYT also is. Sheeple!

Anonymous said...

"Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support"

I'd be more worried about the Democrat Party.

1) Their servers are hacked and they do not want the FBI to investigate.

2) They have new primary vote counting software and refuse to let the DHS help. The software is a fiasco.

I'd day we have a Democrat problem. They are incompetent and bought off by the Russians.

I know why I am voting for Trump, trolls or no trolls. It is called tax cuts, border security and a strong defense. There are positions that I have held for several election cycles. Trump is delivering.

Meanwhile the bien pensant croussant crowd is voting for free stuff and due to suffering TDS.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't talk about Mr. Chuds that way, though it is true he's not nearly as clever as he thinks he is, he just can't help himself.