Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Here Is The Number Of Bombs That The U.S. Plans To Buy In The Next Year

AV-8HB Harrier pilot Maj. Joseph Swindell inspects a GBU-54 joint direct attack munition during pre-flight checks May 20, 2019, on the flight deck of the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) in the Arabian Sea. (Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ryre Arciaga/Navy)

Defense News: Here’s how many bombs the US plans to buy in the next year

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon’s fiscal 2021 budget request seeks to buy fewer munitions needed for the fights in Afghanistan and Iraq as it attempts to pivot towards investments in the kind of weapons that will be used in a high-end fight against China or Russia.

The DoD has requested $21.3 billion in munitions, including $6 billion for conventional ammunition, $4 billion for strategic missiles and $11.3 billion for tactical missiles. Munitions and missiles make up 8.8 percent of overall procurement in the budget request.

The department is pursuing a two-pronged approach, according to a budget summary provided by the Pentagon. The first is to make sure “U.S. worldwide munition inventories are sufficiently stocked” for ongoing needs. The second is to ensure “sufficient procurement of more advanced high-end weapon systems, which provide increases standoff, enhanced lethality and autonomous targeting for employment against near-peer threats in more contested environment.”

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WNU Editor: That is a lot of bombs.


Anonymous said...

Just imagine how many school buses in Yemen and pine nut harvesters in Afghanistan you can explode. You might even kill a few baddies.

Anonymous said...

The thing about a capitalistic world is that no one and I mean no one can afford caring.

Capitalism is amorale by definition. by that I mean when you look up the definition of capitalism it will tell you (unless it is a short description) that capitalism by design holds no and is not designed to bear any judgment on morale and ethics.

Same at the work place. Imagine criticising or just discussing capitalism.

You may believe you are free.

You are not.

We all are slaves to this amorale, all consuming system.

Don't believe me and think you truly are a free man or woman?

Try the following experiment: talk about capitalism and just ask if we could improve it. You will be surrounded like am immune system reacting to an intruder. You will lose your job. You will be ridiculed. You will be outcasted. You will lose your house and car and access to that system and die from just asking questions. Try it if you dare. The longer you voice your opinion the higher the chances bad things will happen to you. And you cannot work around it. Social corporate responsibility is just a PR stunt usually companies give less than 1% to any social cause and when they do it is often lip service coupled with the marketing and PR department. And not because they all are bad people. .no. .I am a CEO myself and deep in the system. .I'm part of it all and I tell you I'm a slave. We all are.

And the munitions are just a symptom. The people we fight are not all evil. They don't hate our freedoms. But humanise them and you get fired too..the military industrial complex is pure evil when you turn a blind eye to the question of morale -- which the capitalist system explicitly asks you to do. You can never ask a buyer about morale or any consequences. Never. Ever.

We all live in this system and in my world it's nearly 24/7 almost all awake hours are dedicated to be productive in an amorale system that by design prohibits questions.

Free. Sure. Until you oppose it. Then the next bomb or bullet has your name on it.

50,000+ bombs are dropped every year on "freedom hating" "combatants".
Not humans. No no no. Don't you humanise these "combatants"

if you don't realise what this game is we are all playing you don't realise where you are still

Bob Huntley said...
