Wednesday, February 12, 2020

New Pentagon Map Shows Russian And Chinese Naval Activity Near Major Undersea Cables

The map showing Russian and Chinese naval activity, as well as the location of major undersea cables. DoD

Warzone/The Drive: New Pentagon Map Shows Huge Scale Of Worrisome Russian and Chinese Naval Operations

This is our first good look at the kind of activity, especially off the East Coast of the United States, that the US military has been warning about.

The Pentagon has released a map showing areas of increased Russian and Chinese naval activities, as well as the locations of major undersea cables, around the world as part of its most recent budget request for the 2021 Fiscal Year. This is perhaps the most granular detail on these subjects that the U.S. government has provided to date after years of warning about the threats that these patrols, especially by Russian submarines, pose to American national interests. Just last week, we reported that a senior U.S. Navy officer stated that Russian submarine sorties had become such an issue that the service no longer treats the East Coast of the United States as "uncontested" and would no longer view it as a guaranteed "safe haven" in a crisis.

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WNU Editor: Not sure what they are trying to prove. The undersea cables follow a route that is the shortest distance between the continents. It is only logical that the shipping lines will also follow the same route, including other country's navies.