Monday, February 10, 2020

Palestinians Pull Request For UN Vote Against President Trump's Peace Plan

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas shows maps of historical Palestine during a February 2020 Arab League meeting on President Donald Trump's proposed Middle East plan

Axios: Palestinians struggle to rally opposition to Trump plan at UN Security Council

A UN Security Council vote on a Palestinian draft resolution rejecting President Trump's Middle East peace plan has been postponed. It's unclear if and when it will take place.

Why it matters: This is a significant setback for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is expected to give a speech opposing the plan at a special meeting of the Security Council tomorrow.

* The Palestinians wanted tomorrow's meeting to end with a vote. They hoped the vote would isolate the U.S. and force it to use its veto power.
* The postponement follows efforts from Jared Kushner and other administration officials over the last few days to dilute the text of the resolution and prevent a vote.

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WNU Editor: This is a significant setback for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

More News On The Palestinians Pulling Their Request For UN Vote Against President Trump's Peace Plan

Lacking support, Palestinians pull request for UN vote against Trump plan -- AFP
Palestinian leader to address UN on Trump plan, but no vote -- AP
Palestinians delay vote at UNSC against Trump’s peace deal -- Jerusalem Post
Fearing instability and violence, Arabs ask Abbas to ‘lower the volume’ -- Jerusalem Post


Jac said...

"This is a significant setback for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas."
Yes, it is. But it's really deserved, Palestinian's had many better proposal they push back before.'s too late. Sorry.

RussInSoCal said...

Agree with Jac. And its unlikely we will see a successful "peace plan" in the ME in our lifetimes.

So all the more important that Israel remains an armed-to-the-teeth fortress

Anonymous said...

FDD’s Foreign Podicy podcast reviewed the plan. Sounds well constructed.