Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Pentagon Lost Track Of $715 Million In Weapons And Gear In Syria (2017 To 2018)

Turkish and US troops meet on the Turkish-Syrian border for a joint patrol in northern Syria, as it is pictured from near the Turkish town of Akcakale, Turkey, Sept. 8, 2019. REUTERS/Murad Sezer

Task & Purpose: The Pentagon lost track of $715 million in weapons and gear funneled to anti-ISIS allies in Syria

The U.S. government failed to effectively account for nearly $715.8 million in weapons and equipment allocated to Syrian partners as part of the multinational counter-ISIS fight, according to a new report from the Defense Department inspector general.

The audit, publicly released on Tuesday, revealed that officials with Special Operations Joint Task Force–Operation Inherent Resolve "did not maintain comprehensive lists of all equipment purchased and received" to equip Syrian allies in the anti-ISIS fight (known as CTEF-S equipment) in fiscal years 2017 and 2018 due to a lack of a central repository for accountability documentation.

In addition, officials with the 1st Theater Sustainment Command "did not properly store or secure" the relevant equipment in accordance with Pentagon guidelines so far that, in at least one case, 1st TSC personnel "stored weapons outside in metal shipping containers, exposing the equipment to harsh environmental elements, such as heat and humidity."

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I am willing to bet that the 2019 numbers are even worse. I am also willing to bet that most (if not all) of these weapons and gear were left with the Kurds, and done so on purpose.


Anonymous said...

"in at least one case, 1st TSC personnel "stored weapons outside in metal shipping containers,

I call horse shit. Many warehouse storing gear in the US are not climate controlled.

In Iraq and Afghanistan lots of stuff are stored in CONEX's

That is unless Miss Nancy wants to spring for MILCON. Thing is that Miss Nancy does not want to spring for Milcon while at the same time her & others complain Trump wants to leave.

Anonymous said...

Come on, a few hundred million lost here and there.. who counts among friends in the Pentagon?
No one. They are still not able to account for a few TRILLION(!) -- no no, not Billion.. they cannot account for TRILLIONS -- think it's between 3-5 trillion that are missing according to their OWN accounting. What they tell us. Trillions is what they admit they lost and no one got fired.

Wow. Just wow. Must be nice to be in the war business. No Moral, No Accounting, No Oversight -- and that's under the flag they all swear to protect. Right. Just wait how much worse the mercenaries under Prince will be. Wars will have to be taken care of in your neighborhood to be able to pray at the alter of capitalism and continued revenue increases for stock holders.
Good luck, everyone. We will need it.

Anonymous said...

The need to mislead Turkey is partial reason to "lose" military gear where the Kurds will find it.
I do note that Turkey has failed in its mission to drive the Kurds from northern Syria and these "lost" weapons might be t he reason why.

Anonymous said...

Every process has waste. There is not one perfect process. Not a water heater and not the human cell.

I know on one occasion at a multinational 200 expensive vehicles were reported as completed on the accounting ledgers by the plant manager. Parts were missing due to deficiencies beyond the manager's control. So the vehicles went through the production line and outside into the yard. and sat for a year in the hot sun. A year later they were scrapped due to deterioration.

Point is that the large organizations have inefficiencies. All organizations.
Inefficiencies goes up incrementally as organization size increases. This is why IBM split up into several business units in the 1990s. It was split up and survive or stay monolithic, ossify, and die. Several other multi-nationals followed suit.

Trump cut the size of the NSC and its efficiency will improve. I do not doubt that in a 2nd term Trump would take the hatchet to the Pentagon. And yet libs will vote against him and shoot themselves in the foot with a chain gun.

Carl said...

Don't forget the TOW missiles that ended up in the hands of Al Qaeda.

Anonymous said...

Anon: Trump increased budget for the military so your comment about his cutting back is pure horse manure

Anonymous said...

"Anon: Trump increased budget for the military so your comment about his cutting back is pure horse manure"

The idea is an increase followed by a cutback. You replace obsolete weapons systems and then cutback on procurement. Everything has an ebb & flow. You do not have a flood tide without an ebb tide.

What you expected the increase and cutback to happen in the same budget year?

Are you crazy?

Anonymous said...

you have a budget. with that you buy weapons. then as stuff gets obsolete you replace and that is in the budget each time the budget is submitted.
It does not work so that one year you have more and the following year less and the next year more...replacement is factored in

Anonymous said...


G said...

Fake war

Bob Huntley said...

When you hold the reins of power and the money presses and have nobody to answer to you lose any sense of responsibility you may have had. At one point in the Iraq fiasco they lost a skid load of US currency, couple billion. But that is only money whereas something much more serious these days is going down the pissing tube namely justice, law and order. Half of the nation is in denial the other is enjoying the ride. So what's to worry about a few hundred million bucks or a couple billion for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Like WNU said, the equipment was conveniently lost, so the Kurds could have it. No Sweat.

BTW how is your 86 year old ,sexy wheelchair bound, comatose GF you keep bragging about?

Bob Huntley said...

So it sounds as if think maybe the military gave that $2B to help fund ISIS? You know a kind of job security thing?

You really think my girlfriend aged 2 years since your last post about her a couple of days ago when you said she was 82.

I will tell you this though. One Friday night a month I entertain the old folks at the local retirement home. You know play guitar get them singing some old, really old songs and have a couple of drinks. I tell 'em jokes too, especially about old people. They love it but I usually have to do a lot of repeating. Jokes like:

A reporter for the local news rag was interviewing a woman who was celebrating her 100th birthday.

He said "I understand you had six children during your lifetime. If you could live your life again would still have six children?" To which she replied "yes I would" although she very quickly and shaking her head added, "But not the same ones!"

He asked her if she had ever been bed ridden. She replied, "Ah yes, many times, and twice in a boat."

You want me to go on or were you just trying to be friendly? I do admit though that you are really trying.

Anonymous said...

"So it sounds as if think maybe the military gave that $2B to help fund ISIS?"

There you go again. As other people have surmised, it went to the Kurds.

Keep trolling from Saint Petersberg BH.