Sunday, February 16, 2020

Picture Of The Day

The skeletal remains of the city center after the bombing. A 9-year-old German boy described being in the street during the second raid and seeing "Fire, only fire everywhere we looked.... It was beyond belief, worse than the most fearful nightmare."

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... 'The Most-Fearful Nightmare': 75 Years After The Bombing Of Dresden (RFE).


fazman said...

War crime by definition, if Germany had won then he'd have been hung, Victor's justice.

Anonymous said...

Germany started the indiscriminate bombing of civilians, asslick. Germany got 1/10th of what it deserved at the time. In fact, after essentially starting two world wars, they should count themselves lucky they still exist. Dresden is, at minimum, payback for the lives of SIX MILLION Jews, let alone all the other lives lost. So, F you, dickdrizzle. BTW, it's 'hanged,' not 'hung,' spooze.

Anonymous said...

City Bombing in Europe during WW2 started by accident.

1) A German bomber navigating at night was off course and hit London by mistake. I say by mistake because it was not intentional and the NAZIs were winning the air war by bombing British airfields and concentrating on that.

2) Churchill ordered a retaliatory strike on Berlin.

3) Hitler ordered a retaliatory strike on London after Berlin.

4) By 1945, the British and American had run out of targets, so the asked the Russkis what to target to help their advance.

5) The EVIL Russkies picked Dresden.

6) If there are any Soviet Air Marshals left over from WW2, we should put them on trial in the Hague.

Anonymous said...

Anon is an evil man, dripping vileness from every word.

fred said...

Before the advent of the atomic bomb, cities were most effectively destroyed through the use of incendiary bombs that caused unnaturally fierce fires in the enemy cities. Such attacks, Allied command reasoned, would ravage the German economy, break the morale of the German people and force an early surrender.

Germany was the first to employ area bombing tactics during its assault on Poland in September 1939. In 1940, during the Battle of Britain, the Luftwaffe failed to bring Britain to its knees by targeting London and other heavily populated areas with area bombing attacks. Stung but unbowed, the Royal Air Force (RAF) avenged the bombings of London and Coventry in 1942 when it launched the first of many saturation bombing attacks against Germany. In 1944, Hitler named the world’s first long-range offensive missile V-1, after “vergeltung,” the German word for “vengeance” and an expression of his desire to repay Britain for its devastating bombardment of Germany.

Anonymous said...

These are the 5 biggest bombshells from The New York Times' report on Trump's money and Deutsche Bank

Anonymous said...

WRONG AGAIN! Not surprising.

I think this song is biographical. I don't know much about ...

"However, at midnight on January 28, Japanese carrier aircraft bombed Shanghai in the first major aircraft carrier action in East Asia. Barbara W. Tuchman described this as also being "the first terror bombing of a civilian population of an era that was to become familiar with it", preceding the Condor Legion's bombing of Guernica by five years."

Truly Amazing. Guy is anti-Semitic & anti-German. Should be put in a museum.

... Why the Hell did I mention Barbara W. Tuchman? Guy is not going to know who that is either.

Anonymous said...

This “Accident” May Have Changed the Course of WWII

"Hitler reportedly still held out hope that Britain would ask for a peace agreement with

Germany, effectively ending the war in Western Europe. To encourage this, he instructed that British targets for bombing remain military only.

Then the incident happened. By most accounts the bombing on August 24 was an accident. German bombers, that were supposed to hit military targets outside of London, flew past and struck part of the capital itself, causing some damage and civilian deaths.

After London was attacked, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ordered a revenge attack on Berlin. "

Anonymous said...

a tip for those who want to comment: post a link. Do not post you tubes...we have not the time nor patience to watch.

Anonymous said...

So sad for you. You do not have to watch them. They are extra, but germane.

The Youtubes are exquisite & they make the point.

And seeing as how poster 5:02 has not learned from J, I pretty sure that poster 5:02 is parrot, the poster who does not learn.

Anonymous said...

Watson videos are a gas.

You should watch some. The vids are guaranteed to make uptight liberal heads explode.