Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Poll: U.S. Senator Sanders Now Has A Double-Digit National Lead In The Democratic Presidential Contest

NBC: NBC News/WSJ poll: Sanders opens up double-digit lead nationally

LAS VEGAS — Sen. Bernie Sanders has jumped out to a double-digit national lead in the Democratic presidential contest after his victory in New Hampshire's primary and his second-place finish for delegates in Iowa's disorganized caucuses, while former Vice President Joe Biden has seen his support drop by 11 points since his disappointing finishes in both contests, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Tuesday.

The survey also shows former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg gaining ground in the Democratic race in the past month, confirming the findings of an earlier NPR/PBS/Marist poll that allowed him to qualify for Wednesday night's NBC News and MSNBC Democratic debate in Las Vegas.

And the poll has President Donald Trump's approval rating tied for his all-time high in the NBC News/WSJ survey, while also finding that the most unpopular candidate qualities in a general election are being a socialist, being older than 75 years of age and having a heart attack in the past year.

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WNU Editor: This NBC/WSJ also says that Sen. Bernie Sanders will defeat President Trump in a general election (50 percent to 46 percent). What's my take on this Sander's surge. It is obvious that his message is resonating with a lot of Americans. That while the US economy is doing well, many are finding themselves in an economic situation where it is difficult to make ends meet, and they are responding to Sen. Sander's message. In my opinion he is the front runner in the Democrat field, and the only one positioned to stop him is former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. But Bloomberg has already spent over $300 million in his primary challenge, and even with a compliant media and the Democrat establishment firmly against the Vermont Senator, they have not stopped Sen. Bernie Sanders.


Anonymous said...

It’s Been 11 Years and Deep State FBI STILL WON’T Turn Over Transcript and 302 of Barack Obama’s Blagojevich Interview …What Are They Hiding?

Blago will not be a politician again. Neither will Obama.

So what are they protecting other than Obama's reputation?

Dems usually get a pass. Thus the current crop of candidates.

Bob Huntley said...

What will really be interesting to see, if say the democrats totally wiped the floor with the opposing republicans in both Houses and won the presidency, as basically happened to begin Obama's first term, is just how the DNC would then swing it so the agenda of the wealthy would continue to reign supreme. You know, blue dogs and such.

It seems that there is nobody running for the presidency with the connections to do otherwise. Bernie has the will but it would take someone with the ability to do "some" of the stuff Trump has done to effect real and fairly immediate change.

As Obama proved beyond doubt, compromise does not work and lack of support can be so ineffectual.

Anonymous said...

Over 11 years ago, the FBI interviewed Barack Obama about the sale of his Senate seat in Illinois. There is an FBI “302” report of interview. But rather than releasing document, the DOJ has fought Judicial Watch tooth and nail to keep the document secret!
Wonder why?




Anonymous said...

Bob, it would be nice if in your trolling you kept it somewhat believable instead of a fairy tale told by a two year old.

Maybe your 82 year old mistress believes your tall tales, but we don't.

Also please look up terms such as blue dog. You are embarrassing yourself with your lack of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Durham Expands Probe Into Special Counsel’s Activities – Interviews Several FBI Investigators Who Worked on Mueller’s Team

Maybe we roll up some trolls as well.

Bob Huntley said...

Anon 11:28

Why? Because they don't want to open the floodgate.

Bob Huntley said...


Obama could have controlled them but being the hack he was/is he failed, likely because he knew who let the Dogs out.

Anonymous said...

You better hope they investigate more Democrats or the lights might go out in your neck of the woods from societal decay.

Anonymous said...

Barr/Trump now run the DOJ.They could release that which you claim they have on Obama. But do not. Why why why?
Julian Assange's extradition hearing begins on Monday, but an explosive claim was heard in a pre-trial hearing Wednesday in London: that Assange was in August 2017 allegedly offered a pardon by President Trump if he would say Russia had no role in the leak of DNC emails, which WikiLeaks subsequently published. Assange's lawyer, Edward Fitzgerald, says the offer came from former GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher during a visit to the Ecuadorian embassy and that Rohrabacher was there on the president's direction. Business Insider reports Assange's lawyers said they want to call a witness who will make that allegation during the hearing. Presiding District Judge Vanessa Baraitser ruled the allegation is admissible, reports the Guardian. (Read more Julian Assange stories.)

Anonymous said...

Answer what?

BH's rhetorical flourishes. He implies a great deal and then is silent.

Good technique to gain shit with nothing and apparently it works on weak minds like yours Anon 3:08 PM. Please try to grow up.