Thursday, February 20, 2020

President Trump Appoints Ambassador Rick Grenell To Acting Director Of National Intelligence

Daily Mail: Donald Trump to make ambassador to Germany Rick Grenell acting director of national intelligence, making him first openly gay cabinet secretary in history

* Grenell is currently ambassador to Germany and seen as one of Trump's most loyal appointees
* Move will make history as he becomes first openly gay cabinet secretary
* Grenell has been outspoken critic of Chinese mobile phone firm Huawei
* This week he threatened allies who allow it access to their networks with losing access to intelligence, saying it was a directive from Donald Trump
* That was after UK's prime minister Boris Johnson defied U.S. to allow Huwaei to be part of country's planned 5G network
* Grenell's orevious roles do not include working for an intelligence agency
* He has a prominent twitter feed and has used it to argue with critics, and is also close to Trump family members including Don Jr.

Donald Trump named one of his closest loyalists, ambassador to Germany Rick Grenell, as acting director of national intelligence Wednesday.

'I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence. Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him,' Trump tweeted just before he started a rally in Phoenix, Arizona.

The appointment will make history with Grenell, 53, becoming the first openly gay cabinet secretary.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: There is support for this nomination .... Trump Makes a Fantastic Choice for Acting Director of National Intelligence (Epoch times), and condemnation .... Top Democrat on Senate Intel panel pans Trump's DNI pick (The Hill). But what is clear is that President Trump wants someone in this position who is loyal to his agenda and policies. He also wants someone that he can trust to "clean-up" the intelligence community. And here is a prediction. If President Trump wins in November, I will not be surprised if Rick Grenell will be in this post until 2024.

More News On President Trump Appointing Ambassador Rick Grenell To Acting Director Of National Intelligence

Trump Names Richard Grenell as Acting Head of Intelligence -- The New York Times
Trump taps loyalist Grenell as nation's top intel official -- AP
Trump names U.S. envoy to Germany acting director of national intelligence -- Reuters
Ambassador Richard Grenell to be named director of national intelligence -- FOX News
Trump officially makes Richard Grenell acting intelligence chief -- The Hill
Trump names outspoken ambassador Richard Grenell acting head of intelligence -- NBC
White House Appoints Outspoken Ambassador As New Acting Head Of Intelligence -- NPR
Trump taps US envoy to Germany as top intelligence adviser -- DW
Trump Names Ambassador To Germany To Key Intelligence Post -- RFE
Trump Appoints US Ambassador Richard Grenell as Acting Director of National Intelligence -- Sputnik
Meet Richard Grenell: What You Need to Know About New Director of US National Intelligence -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

Rick Grenell is gay. No one cares except liberal gays. I am not going to go to their sites to see if they are all worked up and if they are calling Grenell an Uncle Tom or if they are so exercised that santorum is dribbling from their lips.

No honest evangelical will care either. They are more concerned about Brennan's shenanigans than about Rick Grennell.

Trump gets re-elected and many Democrats who have committed many crimes will be in jail. So called white privilege or Democrat privilege will not avail them a thing.

Bob Huntley said...

Actually it looks as if you care. Otherwise why post anything at all.

Anonymous said...

First, I do care about Grenell; I want him to haul in Brennan.

Second, my prediction as to what LGBT websites are buzzing about is spot on. They will make it an issue at some point in some way, if they can. I remember them buzzing about a Republican politician not too long ago and they were in high dudgeon. So when it comes to confirmation look at those groups to come out of the woodwork to denounce him and to try to get the appointment quashed.

You do not need some swamp dweller like Wray to head intel, because if that happens the dirty bitch Brennan skates.

Bob Huntley said...

Interesting. My prediction is that Brennan will skate because he knows too much about too many.

Anonymous said...


Funny. You seem to care a lot about the fact he's gay. More than any other liberal agenda/website.

Anonymous said...

6:14 You are so sweet to insincerely wonder. Psychology has a reproducibility crisis and you are going to hang onto that bit as though it is fact? You're more of a bien pensant than you or I previously thought.