Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Afghan Taliban Have Surpassed ISIS As The 'World’s Deadliest' Nonstate Armed Group

Taliban militants appear at an undisclosed location in Afghanistan
Reuters / Corbis

Washington Examiner: Ignominious distinction: Taliban surpasses ISIS as 'world’s deadliest' nonstate armed group

A new analysis from Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre says the Afghanistan-based Taliban has surpassed the Islamic State to become the world’s deadliest nonstate armed group.

The group reported that while terrorist attacks decreased 10% to 14,009 in 2019, the lowest level since 2011, Taliban attacks increased by almost 90%, resulting in a 60% increase in deaths.

The data shows that the Taliban accounted for more deaths than the next nine deadliest groups combined.

Read more ....

WNU Editor:  This is what I call sobering news when it comes to the Afghan war.


Anonymous said...

State sponsorship helps. The Taliban is backed by US 'ally' Pok-ee-stan.

The US Revolution became a revolution and not a failed insurrection due in part to French assistance, Spanish assistance, and the Havana's assistance. The Spanish took British forts along the Mississippi and Gulf Coast. The Havanans paid for a month of the Continental payroll (TYVM).

Bob Huntley said...

If a similar group formed up in the USA to fight an invader of America, under similar circumstances, they would be called patriots and heroes by the Americans and terrorists by the invaders.