Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The War In Syria Is A Reality Check For Turkish-Russian Relations

Galip Dalay, Middle East Eye: The Idlib debacle is a reality check for Turkish-Russian relations

Turkey is trying to send the message that it will not hand over an easy victory to Russia and the regime.

Within a week, Russia-backed Syrian regime forces killed a total of 13 Turkish soldiers in two deadly attacks in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province.

Needless to say these attacks wouldn’t have taken place without the approval of the regime’s main international backer, Moscow. And this is where Turkey’s predicament starts, if not deepens.

These two attacks brought to the fore the contradictions, limits and nature of Turkey and Russia’s fast-improving relations in recent years. Despite the casual usage of the word "strategic" by some Turkish officials and pundits in depicting the nature of Moscow-Ankara relations, these bilateral ties are far from being qualified as such.

Read more ....

Update: Russia and Turkey have fallen out in Syria (Financial Times)

WNU Editor: Turkish President Erdogan made a strategic error when he believed that after numerous talks with Russia in the past year, Moscow would accept a Turkish role and influence in Syria. But the Kremlin has made it clear in the past week that this is not going to happen, and are now actively supporting Syrian military efforts to seize this territory. The sad part of this slow-moving disaster was that President Erdogan was warned by many in the West that this is what was going to happen, but he choose to believe otherwise.


Anonymous said...

So no gravity lapse?

Anonymous said...

Go to hell

Anonymous said...

When I die and go to heaven tell God meadow

Antitroll said...

Well the west and turkey have no right to be there in the first place. No one invited them but then again it's not like the west asks, they just invade

Anonymous said...


I'll just tell the YPG that you do not consider them people.

I'm sure the YPG did not accept the 200 million we gave them, They would rather be massacred along with the Armenians, Chaldeans and others.

Is it perhaps you are disappointed that the Turks or Assad won't be able to produce any bondage or snuff films that you are so against the US helping the YPG?

Are you truly a moral person Troll?

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...


I'll just tell you the poster above does not give about the YPG, larger Kurd population, Syrian Arabs or anyone else for that matter.

They are just the latest front for occupation, regime change and other violations of international law.

That thing asking you if you are a moral person is like is a dodge typical of the species.

Anonymous said...


You do not know what a Kurd is, therefore you cannot divine if I am being honest or not. It is doubly hard for you as you are not honest with yourself. Good luck with being a ditz.

Why should I care about a Syrian Arab, who want to implement Sharia law? I am honest; you not so much.