Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Top Hong Kong Official Fears That The Coronavirus Could kill 45 Million People And Infect Sixty Percent Of The Global Population

Professor Gabriel Leung, chair of public health medicine in Hong Kong and pictured at the University of Hong Kong last month, made the comments on a visit to London

Daily Mail: Coronavirus could kill 45 MILLION people and infect SIXTY PER CENT of the global population if it cannot be controlled, top Hong Kong medical official warns

* Professer Gabriel Leung said authorities need to establish the spread of the virus
* A one per cent death rate could result in hundreds of thousands of deaths
* There are 43,000 cases worldwide so far, with more than 42,000 in China
* But if it reaches its potential, each infected person could give the virus to another 2.5, on average, sickening up to 60 percent of the world's population
* China's number of new daily cases has begun to level off, which may mean public health officials are gaining some handle on its spread

Coronavirus could kill 45 million people and infect more than 60 per cent of the global population if containment methods fail, a top Hong Kong medical official has warned.

Professor Gabriel Leung, chair of public health medicine in the city, also said that even if the death rate reaches just one per cent, the potential spread means it could still kill thousands of people.

With the global population currently at more than 7billion (7,577,130,400), that means that the virus has the potential to infect more than 4billion (4,546,278,240) if Professor Leung is correct and its spread continues to accelerate.

And if one per cent of those people die, that means there will be more than 45million deaths.

Read more ....

Update: Coronavirus 'could infect 60% of global population if unchecked' (The Guardian)

WNU Editor: I hope he is wrong, but it may happen if reports like this one are true .... Coronavirus could spread through the AIR even after a patient has left the room, Chinese official claims as the disease's death toll rises past 1,100 (Daily Mail).

Update: Older men seem to be more susceptible to this disease .... Men could be more vulnerable to coronavirus infection as research finds they made up 68% of early cases in outbreak epicenter of Wuhan (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

45 million out of 7.5 billion? It does not seem like an emergency.

RussInSoCal said...

If there's one country that could accomplish that, it would be China. The fact that damn near everything we use day to day is made in China, shipped from China and handled by multiple Chinese makes the spread of the disease that much faster.

The virus persistence on surfaces being kinda long.

Greg Mends said...

Coronavirus is a very harmful disease that may affect every country, I found interesting and helpful information about coronavirus on US leading news TV show that is NewsWatch TV. Hope you will find helpful information. I also appreciate the information in your blog. Thanks for delivering such a informative posts.

Anonymous said...

Chinese cities try to flush out coronavirus patients by stopping cough medicine sales

Anonymous said...

We should stop cough medicine sales in thew US. Little old women have been know to use it to get drunk on the sly. It will stop some meth millionaires. But seriously though this will cause samizdat and do more harm than replacing a picture of Jesus with one of Xi. I think a soft wartime Dr. Seuss approach might be a better way.

Anonymous said...

Fomites are objects or materials which are likely to carry infection, such as clothes, utensils, and furniture.

Descriptions and discussions of which material or surfaces that may be fomitic in nature will be had in the future.

About 20 years ago or longer I remember a 'news report' about germs lifespan and subway turnstiles. The upshot was that metal surfaces and anti-germ effect due to the valence of metal or something. I also remember an epidemic, because metal surfaces were not cleaned with soap & water and were greasy with the sweat and oil of thousand of people. The solution was elbow grease.

fred said...

China vows to house all coronavirus patients. Treatment isn’t guaranteed

Bob Huntley said...

If you are over 70, you would do well to make sure your will is in order, virus or not.

fred said...

Crackdown on Chinese markets that are ‘breeding grounds’ for disease

fred said...

Hundreds of Chinese medical staff infected with coronavirus

fred said...

Decline in new coronavirus cases raises hopes in China

Anonymous said...

That leaves you out Bob.

Anonymous said...

These studies. .men more likely to be in danger by the virus because early outbreak showed them to be 68% getting it OMFG how dumb are these researchers? Most people in the fish market on wuhan where it started ARE MEN. most fish markets (where you often have to deal with heavy physical work etc) is done by men. Do these people stop to think ever? Sure you could twist the argument and say maybe the virus originated in a man (likely) and therefore could be more dangerous to men (possible).. but all the data after the initial fish market is not backing that claim.

Follow the money

The only people making money here are the suppliers of masks,disinfectants etc and of course, our beloved media the uses click baits AND OUTRAGEOUS claims in the midst of a crisis to make money.

Follow the money. Money distorts every action, relationship and life on Earth. It even distorts truth.