Monday, February 10, 2020

Turkey Says That Syrian Government Shelling Has Killed Five Turkish Soldiers Is Syria's Idlib Province

Middle East Eye: Syrian government shelling kills five Turkish soldiers as Idlib clashes intensify

Pro-Assad assault on opposition-held province has displaced nearly 700,000 people, UN says

Five Turkish soldiers were killed by Syrian government shelling on a military post in Idlib province's Taftanaz on Monday, as a planned counteroffensive by Turkey-backed rebels appeared to stall.

Another five soldiers were wounded, Turkey's defence ministry said in a statement.

The ministry described the attack as an "intense assault that targeted our elements sent as reinforcements to the region with an aim to prevent clashes in Idlib, ensure our border security and stop migration and human tragedy," adding that it had retaliated.

In recent weeks, forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have made significant advances in Idlib, the last rebel-held province in Syria’s northwest, displacing nearly 700,000 people.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Turkey is claiming that they have struck back .... Turkey Strikes Scores of Pro-Assad Targets After Troops Killed (Bloomberg). More here .... Turkey says it has retaliated after deadly Syrian shelling (AP), and here .... Turkish forces strike back after five soldiers killed in Syria (Reuters).

More News On Turkey Saying That Syrian Government Shelling Has Killed Five Turkish Soldiers Is Syria's Idlib Province

Syria war: Government shellfire kills Turkish soldiers in Idlib -- BBC
Turkish soldiers killed in attack in northwest Syria -- Hurriyet Daily News
Syria: Five Turkish soldiers killed by Assad forces in deadly escalation of hostilities -- The Independent
5 Turkish troops killed in 'intense' Syrian army attack in Idlib -- Al Jazeera
Turkey tells Russia attacks on Turkish posts in Syria must stop immediately -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Something tells me the Turkish intervention in Syria is now in a critical phase that will determine whether it becomes a quagmire.

The time to intervene decisively In Syria was long ago. Erdogan could have interfered early on and removed Assad (and set up his own Muslim Brotherhood type regime). But that ship had sailed long before Turkey sent in troops (primarily to stop the Kurds, not to help the anti-Assad forces).

But now Turkey's troops are in this strange position that is getting them involved in the actual civil war. No doubt Turkey would like to keep the status quo as is, I don't think that is sustainable. Taking Idlib is the next stage for Assad and his allies.

So the question is whether Turkey withdraws to prevent further deaths. Tries to maintain the status quo while racking up a body count as Assad maneuvers to take what he can. Or escalates and becomes an open belligerent.


Andrew Jackson said...


Stephen Davenport said...

I like the way the Turks scream retaliation after they inserted their troops in harms way in a volatile area. As if they would not end up with dead soldiers. Erdogan is not very bright, for some reason he is inserting himself into situations he should not be doing.

Bob Huntley said...
