Friday, February 14, 2020

Tweets For Today


Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

And yet it moves.

Anonymous said...

The Morning Briefing: Media Is Complicit in Leftist Violence Against Trump Supporters

Typical low class person votes Democrat and assaults decent people. LOW CLASS PERSON with BAD DNA from PARENTS.

Florida Man Attacks Trump Supporters With ... a Cane Sword

Hot of the presses: "Scientists have shown that Zombies infected with the T-virus can conditioned to pull the lever for anything with a (D) behind its name."

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden shocked a group of black mayors last year when he told them black parents “can’t read or write themselves.”

The liberal mainstream media only decided to report on this on Thursday as Joe Biden’s campaign circles the drain.

Otherwise, these corrupt hacks NEVER would have reported this.

Anonymous said...

Transgender woman, 29, will become the first ever to compete at the US Olympic marathon trials for a spot in Tokyo

Thank you Obama!

Wonder when we will see pin-ups of Good Shit like this?

The added touch of the Pony tail and the lime green running shoes convinced me that it was female! LOLOL!

It is the small details like that, that matter.

Anonymous said...

China 'appoints its top military bio-warfare expert to take over secretive virus lab in Wuhan', sparking conspiracy theories that coronavirus outbreak is linked to Beijing's army

"But Russia, Russia, Russia" cried Representative Swalwell, hose fart was heard around the world.

Anonymous said...

"Mmm, possibly released deliberately to try and clear their ageing population?"

Maybe that could work in the US and solve Social Security insolvency.

Bob Huntley said...


I, for one, am astounded by the exuberance of your verbosity.

Anonymous said...

The app used in the Iowa caucus train wreck was created by a tech firm run by officials of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

The Democrat elites were furious and immediately looked for scapegoats.
So they attacked racist Iowa voters who had NOTHING TO DO with the app to take out their angst.

Bob Huntley said...

Apart from the fact that your response shows my post was correct, in reality Anon, I am jealous of you and your very obvious young age, with a lot of future ahead of you.

While I am about to hit 75 as in just about to enter my twilight years, I find myself caught up in a quasi debate with someone, for whom it would be wrong to say is useless, because the reality is that you are in fact useful.

You actually serve quite well, impressively so, as an example of a useless human being.

Anonymous said...

Your the type of thing that would blame a straight laced woman for getting raped on her way o her 9 AM to 5 PM job while walking on main street.

Have fun wondering around aimlessly in the British Isles.

Anonymous said...

“In addition to emphasizing how proud he was of the nipples he had drawn on the chart and confirming that he and the clerk had made it, he asked me a question about whether or not it was ‘accurate,’”

“Based on his tone and demeanor, I understood his question to be asking whether or not the drawing looked like my breasts.”

“routinely and frequently made disparaging statements about my physical appearance, my views about feminism and women’s rights, and my relationship with my husband (including our sexual relationship).”

“Often, these remarks included expressing surprise that I even had a husband because I was not a woman who any man would be attracted to. In that vein, Judge Reinhardt often speculated that my husband must be a ‘wimp,’ or possibly gay,”

“Judge Reinhardt would use both words and gestures to suggest that my ‘wimp’ husband must either lack a penis, or not be able to get an erection in my presence."