Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Afghanistan Is Still Among The Countries With A Relatively Low Rate Of Coronavirus Cases

Civil society activists wearing face masks prepare for a campaign to raise awareness of the new coronavirus in Kabul, Afghanistan. AP Photo

Al Jazeera: War-ravaged Afghanistan battles a new threat: coronavirus

As COVID-19 cases are reported in Afghanistan concerns are raised if country's healthcare system can handle an outbreak.

Kabul, Afghanistan - With 22 verified cases so far, Afghanistan is still among the countries with a relatively low rate of coronavirus cases. However, the outbreak of the illness comes at a particularly trying time for the country.

The recent rise in positive cases - six new cases across three provinces in a 48-hour span - has taken some attention from a continuing election dispute that saw the top two finishers each hold an inauguration ceremony last week.

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WNU Editor: Even the Taliban are voicing concerns .... Taliban sound alarm over coronavirus in Afghanistan (The National). In the meantime, the war continues .... Taliban militants, Afghan forces suffer heavy casualties in Ghor clash (Khaama Press).


Anonymous said...

Not surprising. Everyone is beyond sniper range of everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Good social distancing that

B.Poster said...

I'd say they are also a very hardy people, strong immune systems and in the harsh environment in which they live they aren't going to be easily swayed by hype and they will probably shoot and gut those that do try and persuade them with hype.

Anonymous said...

"Afghanistan Is Still Among The Countries With A Relatively Low Rate Of Coronavirus Cases"

- as others pointed out, because you stay one bullet away from each other :D

In the future this will be made into a joke

"Why did Afghanistan get so few corona virus deaths?"

"Because everyone stayed one bullet away from each other" HAHAHAAA

Bazzzzing BOOM bammm. Thank you, thank you