Sunday, March 15, 2020

Chaos At 13 American Funnel Airports That Are Still Open To Europe

Welcome home! Arriving passengers from Europe have faced lines lasting up to six hours as travelers are forced to enter through 13 designated 'funnel' airports. This was the scene arriving at Chicago O'Hare airport

Daily Mail: Chaos at 13 American funnel airports that are still open to Europe as huge immigration lines of up to six hours form filled with returning citizens being put through 'enhanced screening'

* Arriving passengers from Europe have faced lines lasting up to six hours as travelers are forced to enter through 13 designated 'funnel' airports
* Lines are taking far longer than usual due to 'enhanced COVID19 screening' where passengers are being asked a series of questions before being told to self-quarantine and follow CDC guidelines
* Passengers are not being tested for coronavirus or having their temperatures taken

Huge lines formed at the 13 American 'funnel' airports on Saturday night as American's returned from Europe were forced to wait in lines for as long as six hours.

The scenes were similar across the country - from Boston to Chicago, Atlanta to Dallas.

Lines were particularly bad at JFK Terminal 4, Chicago O'Hare Terminal 5 and Dallas/Fort Worth airport with passengers packed in tight, many of them wearing face masks.

Customs and Border Protection Officers were completely overwhelmed as U.S. citizens rushed to get back into the country as President Trump's European travel ban went into effect.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Everyone has been warning for weeks that this was going to happen. It is hard to feel sorry for people who put themselves in a position of denial until reality hits them in the face.

1 comment:

B.Poster said...

"It's hard to feel sorry for pepple..." Actually such people deserve our sympathy and assistance where and when possible.

Most Americans aren't as well today as Canadians or western Europeans. In other words to be born in Canada or western Europe is to be born into a lifestyle that very few us Americans can ever hope to achieve.

As such, those of us who can travel internationally are generally well to do. Such people generally don't give into hysteria. They tend to be levelheaded. As such, they as I assumed that cooler heads would prevail. At the time, they didn't see a reason to sacrifice business interests that took years or decades to build. Furthermore sane people don't throw away vacations that took years of saving and planning to make happen without a very good reason.

For those who are circumspect and rational, we aren't prone to giving into hysteria. We assumed our governments wouldn't with either.

Sadly we were wrong. Absolutely these people deserve our sympathy and help where and when possible.