Monday, March 9, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak In The U.S. -- News Updates March 9, 2020

Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Florida Republican Matt Gaetz goes into quarantine AFTER flying on Air Force One with Donald Trump and mocking coronavirus victims by wearing a gas mask to Congress

* Congressman Matt Gaetz announced he came into contact with individual at C-PAC who had the coronavirus and is voluntarily self-quarantining
* Gaetz flew back from Florida on Monday with President Trump on Air Force One
'While the Congressman is not experiencing symptoms ... he'll remain self-quarantined until the 14-day period expires this week,' his office said
* Gaetz spent Saturday night at Mar-a-Lago where President Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Lara Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Tiffany Trump, and Rudy Giuliani were spotted
* Gaetz wore the mask Wednesday during the vote on an emergency spending bill
* Just two days later and health officials announced the death of a man in Santa Rosa County, which falls under Gaetz's northwestern Florida district
* 'I'm extremely saddened to learn of the first fatality in our district', Gaetz said

Congressman Matt Gaetz, who spent the weekend in Florida with President Donald Trump and several members of the first family, announced he came into contact with individual at C-PAC who had the coronavirus and is voluntarily self-quarantining.

'Congressman Gaetz was informed today that he came into contact with a CPAC attendee 11 days ago who tested positive for COVID-19,' his office said in a statement.

Gaetz traveled on Air Force One with President Trump on Monday when the president returned from Florida. He was spotted getting off the back of the plane, where he was met by an Air Force official and escorted to a waiting car. He was seen getting on the plane in Orlando, where he walked up the front stairs of Air Force One after the president.

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Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak In The U.S. -- News Updates March 9, 2020

Two US lawmakers exposed to virus before meeting Trump -- AFP
Coronavirus in the US: State-by-state breakdown -- FOX News
Four more people die from coronavirus - including three elderly women from Washington State nursing home - as US death toll climbs to 26 -- Daily Mail
Coronavirus cases in US surpass 500, deaths rise to 22 -- France 24
The U.S. doesn't have enough ICU beds or ventilators to deal with even a moderate coronavirus outbreak -- The Week
Washington nursing home with coronavirus outbreak reported shocking escalation from 'no symptoms to death' -- The Week
New York state coronavirus cases hits 142, governor says -- Reuters
New York City officials not ruling out shutting down mass transit in wake of coronavirus. -- FOX 5
First passengers leave the coronavirus-stricken Grand Princess in Oakland with one placed onto a stretcher as huge quayside screening tents and doctors in Hazmat suits prepare to process the 2,421 passengers after 21 fell sick on board -- Daily Mail
Coronavirus: Cruise ship Grand Princess to dock in California -- BBC
Thousands prepare to get off ship hit by virus in California -- AP
Coronavirus: Trump hails ‘perfectly coordinated’ response as White House rebuked for strategy blunders -- SCMP/AFP
White House taking 'common-sense steps' to curb coronavirus risk at meetings: officials -- FOX News
Anxiety in an aging Congress as coronavirus marches across U.S. -- NBC
Anxiety over coronavirus grows on CapitolHill -- The Hill
Oregon declares state of emergency over coronavirus outbreak -- The Hill
Amid virus crisis, officials announce health care tech rules -- AP
Pentagon Deploys Troops To California Border To Block Surge Of Possibly Infected Migrants -- Zero Hedge
Coronavirus outbreak in US 'entering a new phase,' ex-CDC official says -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Trump is going to get COVID-19. It is inevitable. Just like I posted yesterday that 90% to 100% of people got the 1918 flu and not 1/3rds like 'experts' say. Being 70+ Trump mught get sicker than a dog, but he wont die. The is less than a 10% or 20% chance of that. I would say less than 5% or 10%, but I do not know what he might be holding back. He apparently has no respiratory problems, so he is probably good. Other cofactors would be diabetes (probably not or we would have heard) and hypertension (??).

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are at greater risk. Bernie has cardiovascular disease so his change of spring is 50% to 100% greater than that of Trump. However, in Bernie's favor he insists on standing for debate unlike Slow Joe.

"Where the mind goes the body will follow." -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Well, Quid Pro Joe has been called Uncle Mumbles. Also, CNN has granted Slow Joe's special request to sit down for the next debate. Joe is not in very good health. Between Trump, the Communist and the closet communist. The closeted one is most likely to croak.\\

Some favorite quotes:

"We choose truth over facts" - Joe Bite-ME August 8, 2019

We Can Not Win This Election We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump Uncle Mumbles March 8, 2020

Bob Huntley said...

After watching, and listening to Trump's superfluous meandering it is clear that the USA is a rudderless ship heading towards a whirlpool.