Friday, March 6, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak In The U.S. -- News Updates March 6, 2020

Daily Mail: US coronavirus death toll jumps to 15 after three more people die in Washington state as the number of cases across the country increases to more than 250

* The coronavirus death toll in the US is now at 15 after three more people were reported dead in Washington state
* Of the 15 deaths, 14 have been reported in Washington state and one in California
* Many of the cases in Washington, including at least six deaths, have been linked to an outbreak at a nursing home facility in the Seattle suburb of Kirkland
* Thirteen of the Washington deaths have occurred in King County, which is where the nursing home is. One person died in nearby Snohomish County
* The California death is linked to a cruise ship that is being held off the coast of San Francisco amid fears of a suspected coronavirus outbreak
* An increase in testing countrywide has seen a jump in confirmed cases in at least 19 states
* President Trump will visit the CDC in Atlanta on Friday after earlier calling it off because a person at the government facility was being tested for the virus
* He signed $8.3 billion coronavirus response funding bill as VP Milke Pence said there were not enough tests to meet demand going forward

The coronavirus death toll in the US is now at 15 after three more people were reported dead in Washington state as the number of confirmed cases across the country jumped to more than 250.

Of the 15 deaths, 14 have been reported in Washington state and one in California.

Many of the cases in Washington, including at least six deaths, have been linked to an outbreak at a nursing home facility in the Seattle suburb of Kirkland.

Fourteen of the Washington deaths have occurred in King County, which is where the nursing home is. One person died in nearby Snohomish County.

Read more ....

Covid-19 Coronavirus Outbreak In The U.S. -- News Updates March 6, 2020

Trump signs $8.3 billion coronavirus package -- The Hill
Coronavirus: Trump signs $8.3bn aid bill as cases rise -- BBC
Pence walks fine line on coronavirus response -- AP
US coronavirus: rise in cases in New York state -- Al Jazeera
Coronavirus: White House concedes US lacks enough test kits -- BBC
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo blasts CDC and 'bad government' over mixed messages about coronavirus testing after top NIH official Dr Anthony Fauci says he CANNOT promise to get at least one million test kits in next two weeks -- AFP
New York state has 44 cases of coronavirus with 'most' linked to a Manhattan lawyer as the number of people in the city who tested positive rises to five and 4,000 people are told to self-quarantine -- Daily Mail
21 on cruise ship off California test positive for virus -- AP
Passengers on cruise ship off California await coronavirus test results -- AFP
US cruise passengers face anxious wait for coronavirus test results as Grand Princess remains in limbo off San Francisco coast with more than 2,000 Americans on board -- Daily Mail
US prisons, jails on alert for spread of coronavirus -- AP
Solid US economy bracing for coronavirus infection -- AFP
With spreading virus comes fears -- and lots of stockpiling -- AP
Coronavirus fears disrupt daily life -- The Hill
Coronavirus: How prepared is the United States? Not very. -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...


Here is the best article I could finds to date on what happened in the US

This is political. If Trump hadn't declared an emergency the Democrats would be all over him. He did declare an emergency and the Democrats are all over him.

Trump is following the law. If he was running this like his business, he skip the law and have all labs working. That would be illegal.

On another note, I do not know what happened with the 'faulty' reagent. Was it a bad batch or is it a good batch, but we shifted the goal posts and alpha and beta risks?

If the political pressure is kept up, this is may be a Kursk-sized cauldron battle. Everything is becoming that way now. Two parties go in, 1 party comes out.

Anonymous said...

It is NOT political
Trump cut the shit out of CDC staffing and wanted to do so to budget
Dems saved it
Dems ok three times the money Trump asked for and his own gop senate approved it
people getting the virus are not in one or the other party only...we are all involved. all.

Anonymous said...

/ The Trump administration claimed that the coronavirus outbreak was “contained” even as the number of U.S. cases have surpassed 250 – more than double since Monday – and test kits remain in short supply. Federal officials initially said nearly 1 million tests were expected to be available by the end of this week. While the CDC has refused to share how many people have been tested for COVID-19, a survey of public health agencies in every state could only verify 1,895 Americans who had been tested for the virus. About 10% of them tested positive. In California – population 40 million – has the capacity to test about 7,400 people through the weekend. About 1,250 Californians were possibly exposed to coronavirus on a cruise ship – 21 people have tested positive for coronavirus out of the 46 tested so far – and there are more than 9,000 people in California who recently returned from countries experiencing severe outbreaks. California, however, has only tested 516 people for COVID-19 to date. Nevertheless, Kellyanne Conway told reporters that “It is being contained,” challenging a reporter who suggested it isn’t. “Are you a doctor aware of it not being contained?” Trump’s top economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, echoed Conway, saying the outbreak “looks relatively contained.

Anonymous said...

"It is NOT political
Trump cut the shit out of CDC staffing and wanted to do so to budget"

Obama a created the U.S. pandemic response team due to the ebola virus. Did the Obama era CDC ever solve ebola. There are still huge outbreaks of ebola recurring.

Did "U.S. pandemic response team" was cut out of the organizational structure. Does that mean people were put out on the street or were the shifted around in the CDC. FUCKING parrot cannot answer that question. Parrot is too stupid to even think of that question itself.

The Army just reorganized some of its departments. Positions were cut. Positions were created. People moved around. Sometimes it is just musical chairs. Sometimes it rejuvenate the organzation or it has better workflows.

Do you ever think Parrot? Are you capable of it?

Please keep it up. you will whether I ask or not. Keep up the fever pitch of stupidity. By May the Democrats will look like "The Boy who cried Wolf" and will be crying about yet another wolf or bugaboo.

Yesterday, 11 people total had died of the corona virus. 6 of them were from a nursing home. They were probably very sick people to begin with. It is a very sad thing, but are people really going to get worked up about it.

Are we sure those people died from Corona virus? I am not

Were they tested for corona virus? Yes
Did they die? Yes
Is it sad? Yes

Did they die from corona virus? I don't know.

We know they had corona virus in their system. They might also have had flu virus in their system too. The flu viruses might have done more damage. We do not know if those patients were also tested for flu virus.

Put in your thinking cap Try to think. Wait no you never had a thinking cap. You are a follower. You said so yourself. You are herd animal. You need more cowbell.

Anonymous said...

And when we dig deeper, we find it was Democrats fault.

"alarmed readers asked Snopes to verify a rumor that U.S. President Donald Trump had “fired the entire pandemic response team two years ago and then didn’t replace them.”"

White House officials tasked with directing a national response to a pandemic had been ousted.

Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer abruptly departed from his post leading the global health security team on the National Security Council in May 2018 amid a reorganization of the council"

Pandemic response team was part of the NSC. The NSC was a colander.

Who capitalized on the colander? Democrats, Never Trumpers and other shits.

So reading between the lines you could say this is the fault of those and their parrots.

But answer this.

Why is a brown shoe a better fit for this than say VP Pence and has right hand man?

"forcing the CDC to cancel its efforts to help countries prevent infectious-disease threats from becoming epidemics in 39 of 49 countries in 2018. Among the countries abandoned? China.” "

Why is the US funding efforts in China>? They have a 500 billion dollar trade surplus with us every year. Do you FUCKING suppose they could carry the weight?

I do not think a hand fed, low end of the bell curve parrot could answer that. They are too parochial and provincial. Let's be serious here.

Do you think parrot has ever been to China? No, too parochial and provincial>

WTF are we paying for China?

Anonymous said...

‘Maybe I have a natural ability’: Trump plays medical expert on coronavirus by second-guessing the professionals
By David Nakamura closeDavid NakamuraReporter covering the White HouseEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow
6-8 minutes

President Trump likes to say that he fell into politics almost by accident, and on Friday, as he sought to calm a nation gripped with fears over coronavirus, he suggested he would have thrived in another profession — medical expert.

“I like this stuff. I really get it,” Trump boasted to reporters during a tour of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where he met with actual doctors and scientists who are feverishly scrambling to contain and combat the deadly illness. Citing a “great, super-genius uncle” who taught at MIT, Trump professed that it must run in the family genes.

“People are really surprised I understand this stuff,” he said. “Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability.”

But for members of the general public alarmed by more than 300 diagnosed cases in the United States — including at least 21 that his administration announced Friday were discovered on a cruise ship off the San Francisco coast — Trump’s performance during an impromptu 45-minute news conference at CDC was not necessarily reassuring.

Sporting his trademark red 2020 campaign hat with the slogan “Keep America Great,” the president repeatedly second-guessed and waved off the actual medical professionals standing next to him. He attacked his Democratic rivals — including calling Washington Gov. Jay Inslee a “snake” for criticizing his response — and chided a CNN reporter for smiling and called her network “fake news.”

And he described coronavirus testing kits — which his administration has been criticized for being slow to distribute — as “beautiful” and said they were as “perfect” as his Ukraine phone call last summer that led him to be impeached.

The upshot was that the self-proclaimed medical savant came off looking less interested in his administration’s unsteady efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus than he was in bolstering his own status in a campaign year. Trump repeatedly sought to judge his administration’s performance by the numbers of how many have been shown to have contracted the virus and comparing it to other nations — and, in doing so, appeared to be making judgments based solely on that scorecard.

Anonymous said...

And Parrot is screaming again.

Maybe parrot can double scream by using Bold and ALL CAPS?