Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

Daily Mail: Trump tells America lock down now with '15 days to stop the spread,' saying old must stay home, gatherings over 10 people end and schools, offices, bars and restaurants should close but Tony Fauci has to correct that it is NOT till August

* President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread
* The two-page list is called '15 Days to Slow the Spread'
* They advise avoid eating in restaurants and bars
* Calls on schools in affected areas to be closed
* Suggests no gatherings over 10 people
* Trump predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer

President Donald Trump on Monday released a series of coronavirus guidelines to slow the spread that calls for a lockdown of America, including the closing of restaurants and schools.

'Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread,' the president said in the White House briefing room.

He predicted the virus could be a threat until the summer.

'People are talking about July, August, something like that,' Trump said. 'They could be right in that period of time where it washes through.'

But Dr. Anthony Fauci stepped in to clarify the guidelines were not in affect that long.

'The guidelines are over a 15 day-trial guideline,' Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said and added that they will be reconsidered after the initial run. 'The president was saying that the trajectory of the outbreak may go until then, make sure you don't think that it's solid in stone until July' for the guidelines.

Read more ....

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic In The U.S. -- News Updates March 16 - 17, 2020

READ: White House announces new guidelines to prevent coronavirus spread -- CNN
Coronavirus map of the US: latest cases state by state -- The Guardian
Trump admits coronavirus 'not under control', as new guidelines unveiled for Americans -- France 24
Trump says coronavirus crisis could stretch into August, may look at lockdown for ‘certain areas’ -- CNBC
Trump: Americans could be hunkered down until at least July or August because of coronavirus -- US News and World Report
Coronavirus: Trump says coronavirus crisis may last all summer -- BBC
Trump said the US 'may be' headed toward a recession as a result of the economic damage from the coronavirus -- Business Insider
Trump urges no gatherings of 10+ people, says peak of coronavirus could carry into ‘July or August -- RT
US tells older people to stay home, all ages to avoid crowds -- AP
San Francisco Bay Area counties issue shelter-in-place order -- AP
Fear and loathing bloom as American tempers fray in coronavirus crisis -- Reuters
Coronavirus could kill ELEVEN TIMES more Americans than cancer in 2020, new figures reveal -- Daily Mail
US says 'foreign' cyberattack aimed at sowing coronavirus fears -- Al Jazeera


RussInSoCal said...

Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson released from hospital after coronavirus diagnoses

(CNN) - Hollywood couple Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, who both tested positive for COVID-19, are in self-quarantine in Australia after their release from the hospital.

Hanks and Wilson, both 63, revealed through social media Wednesday they had been hospitalized after being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.

During their time in isolation, Hanks shared health updates on social media, and Wilson created a playlist for those self-quaranting with the help of her fans.

“We are taking it one day at a time,” wrote Hanks in a Thursday post. “Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball.”

The couple was in Australia for pre-production on a Baz Luhrmann film about the life of Elvis Presley. Hanks is set to play Presley’s manager.

Production on the film is currently suspended.

Other celebrities to have tested postitive for COVID-19 include Idris Elba, Kristofer Hivju of “Game of Thrones” fame and former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko.

For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough.

For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.

Anonymous said...

Video emerges showing Trump talking about cutting pandemic team in 2018, despite saying last week 'I didn't know about it'

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:49,

Why do we need a pandemic response team in the NSC instead of the CDC?

Are you telling me that only a general or admiral in the military is capable of leading the response?

Are you telling me that a senior SES in the CDC is incapable?

Do you even know what an SES is?

Do the newspapers do all your thinking for you?

Were you caught with Democrat nominee for governor Mayor Gillum passed out on meth?

Anonymous said...

1. AOC jumped in front of the coronavirus parade to demand, once again, the use of government force to make businesses pay workers who get sick, or who took out student loans, or who had business before the court. Because all of that will stop the virus

People dying and Dems pushing agendas.

"Never let a crisis go to waste." said Rahm 'Dead Fish" Emmanuel

His brother ZeKe would not treat anyone over age 75 except with a few pain pills grudgingly given.

Anonymous said...

What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Champaign Mayor Deborah Frank Feinen has issued an executive order declaring an emergency in the city.

- Direct the shutoff of power, water, gas, etc
- Take possession of private property and obtain full title to same

Let's state the obvious. Hitler was just some guy.

That's right just some average run of the mill guy.

There is a Hitler born every minute in every major city.

Now we have politicians causally talking about violating the constitution and taking private property.


Of course they'll say it was not casual, because they discussed it using the most grave tone of voice. Makes all the difference don't you see.

Anonymous said...

"What Went Wrong with Coronavirus Testing in the U.S."

- Reposted by Fred Lapides who wouldn't know a false positive in a test or its significance

Have you seen or heard of a quadrivalent flu vaccine?

Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine

It is intended to protect against 4 different stains of flu. instead of 1 or 2 like a decade ago.

That fact is relevant.

The CDC attempted to to make something like a quadrivalent test kit to test for COVID19 and other viruses. It detected COVID 19 just fine. It did not detect some of the other viruses correctly.

Ergo the test kits were okay to use to detect COVID19. There was nothing wrong in that regard. The kits should have been sent out as is with the proviso of not using it to as certain other viruses.

The CDC tried to pull off a "triple-double" They face planted. Kudos to them. They had a stretch goal and they failed. Next time they will succeed.

I would not expect a mere repeater of TPM to know what an assay was or why you would need multiple assays in one test kit.

While the CDC did not get the triple double they got the backflip right, the COVID 19 test.

What the spotlight on the reagents show is that our chemicals for reagents should not come from China and greedy, rapacious, raping Democrat politicians like Bill Clinton should not be giving away our IP on pharmaceuticals or rocket tech to China for campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ohn Daniel Davidson / The Federalist:
Why States ‘Governing Themselves’ During The Coronavirus Outbreak Is A Good Thing Find
5 minutes ago
Dylan Matthews / Vox:
A collapsing economy is a disaster for an incumbent president Find
5 minutes ago
Ezra Klein / Vox:
Labor organizer Jane McAlevey on how the left builds power all wrong Find
5 minutes ago
Jonathan Chait / New York Magazine:
New Trump Coronavirus Lie: ‘A Month Ago, Nobody Thought About’ It Find
5 minutes ago
Sergei Klebnikov / Forbes:
America Is Likely Already In A Recession—Even If Trump Won't Admit It Find

Anonymous said...

5 minutes ago
Elizabeth Williamson / New York Times:
On the Political Right, Anger and Suspicion Over Virus Precautions Find
5 minutes ago
David Nather / Axios:
Exclusive poll: Public trusts health agencies more than Trump Find
10 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

White House eyes massive $850B stimulus package next, as Senate moves on latest coronavirus bill | Fox News
The conservatives who would sacrifice the elderly to save the economy

Anonymous said...

From the New Yorker Compost

Paragraph 6
"The C.D.C., which had been working closely with the F.D.A., received the first E.U.A. for a covid-19 test on the same day as Azar’s declaration.)"

Paragraph 8
" We’ve got a lot of scientists and doctors and laboratory personnel who are incredibly good at making assays. What we’re not so good at is figuring out all the forms and working with the bureaucracy of the federal government.” " - Jerome

So some group got their E.U.A. on day one and Washington University could not get it after 2 weeks.

1) Maybe Washington University needs more lawyers of the right type. Maybe they need more lawyers to support the research staff and fewer diversity fucks?

2) These rules were set-up in 2009 under the Wondrous and Beneficent Obama, who could do no wrong. His shit literally did not stink and liberals use it for food and medicine to this day!

"the E.U.A. law was designed to offer the F.D.A. a way to cut through red tape in the case of emergencies. He signed the very first E.U.A, in 2009, during the H1N1-flu epidemic, "


It is up The Donald to clean up Obama's mess.

“Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best, he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear his shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.”

― Robert Heinlein


Next time I suggest you read past the headline of the stories you feverishly post.

Anonymous said...

And someone is just copying and pasting headlines in a paroxysm of anger and stupidity as they regress back to THE Terrible Twos.

Anonymous said...

A new poll from NPR, PBS News Hour and Marist finds that only 37 percent of Americans have a good deal of trust in the information Trump tells them about coronavirus. By contrast, 60 percent have little to no trust.

Meanwhile, the poll also finds that 50 percent have a good deal of trust in the news media’s information about the disease, versus 47 percent who lack trust. That’s not ideal, to be sure, but it’s good that far more trust the media than trust Trump.

Anonymous said...

And now that person is screaming all in bold font

Still copying and pasting.

No more neural activity than that.

Anonymous said...

But this overlooks a more immediate problem: the deleterious role of Donald Trump and his administration. The list of mistakes is breathtaking. The US did not use the test template approved by the World Health Organization; instead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created its own. The Food and Drug Administration also prevented academic hospitals from developing their own tests to detect Covid-19 until 29 February, nearly six weeks after the first US case was detected on 19 January.

According to Politico, the administration also refused to test people early and often: Trump believed that the lower the number of known cases, the better his chances of re-election. Trump himself said as much when he explained to reporters that he did not want to have a cruise ship with cases of Covid-19 on board to return to the US because he liked “the numbers being where they are”.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that special. Now the copy & paste artist is using bold font with italics.

I guess they can work miracles at the New York Times obedience school.

Anonymous said...

Why would the CDC attempt a double triple, when they know they could face plant.

Because in the past when they guessed correctly ( an educated guess based on book knowledge and surveillance), they found out that they while they suppressed one flu strain another one arose to take its place that same season.

So the CDC wants trivalent and/or quadravalent vaccines for not only when they guess wrong, but when they guess right and another flu strain emerges to "take up the slack" so to speak.

This is why I do not condemn thew CDC for their testing other corona strains besides COVID- 19. It was a forward looking move on their part. They were thinking at least 1 step ahead. in the chess game and trying really hard to protect the public. You could say the Germans were doing the minimally required amount of work.

I haven't gone through the whole New Yorker Compost story, yet, but I doubt they will explain the reagents problem. They never took chemistry and neither did the bulk of their 'breaders'.

Anonymous said...

Just like the military prepares to fight the last war,

the CDC prepared to fight this epidemic using the lessons of the 2009 (last epidemic).

Those are the rules they are using. The Obama era rules.

But blame trump, because you are brainless twerps.

Anonymous said...

Number of analytes detected
Depending on how many targets or analytes are being measured:

Usual assays are simple or single target assays which is usually the default unless it is called multiplex.
Multiplex assays are used to simultaneously measure the presence, concentration, activity, or quality of multiple analytes in a single test. The advent of multiplexing enabled rapid, efficient sample testing in many fields, including immunology, cytochemistry, genetics/genomics, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology.

"The analyte can be a drug, biochemical substance, or cell in an organism or organic sample. The measured entity is often called the analyte, the measurand, or the target of the assay"

The CDC was attempting to test more analytes than say the Germans. They wanted to test for more strains of the corona virus. Already we have 2 strains in this pandemic.

You do not want to test for one strain, tell a person that they honestly do not have it, send them home only to later learn they have another strain.

Why can't the Legacy media use the term "analyte"? Because their readership has a 6th grade reading level. At least they use to. Now the reading level is much lower.

Newspapers used to be designed to be understood by people with a 6th grade education or higher. Schools have gotten worse however. Now it is drool to rule.

Anonymous said...

As the coronavirus pandemic exerts a tighter grip on the nation, critics of the Trump administration have repeatedly highlighted the administration’s changes to the nation’s pandemic response team in 2018 as a major contributor to the current crisis. This combines with a hiring freeze at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leaving hundreds of positions unfilled. The administration also has repeatedly sought to reduce CDC funding by billions of dollars. Experts agree that the slow and uncoordinated response has been inadequate and has likely failed to mitigate the coming widespread outbreak in the U.S.

As a health policy expert, I agree with this assessment. However, it is also important to acknowledge that we have underfunded our public health system for decades, perpetuated a poorly working health care system and failed to bring our social safety nets in line with other developed nations. As a result, I expect significant repercussions for the country, much of which will disproportionately fall on those who can least afford it.

Anonymous said...

And parrot keeps copying and pasting without thought.

Here are the Facts Jack:

Fact 6 months into the H1N1 Pandemic of 2009 Obozo waited 6 months and 1,000 deaths until declaring an emergency.


Bath-House Barry Soetero (SLOW RESPONSE)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified the first two A/09(H1N1) swine flu cases in California on April 17, 2009, via the Border Infectious Disease Program

President Obama declares H1N1 a National Emergency on October 28, 2009.
The first confirmed case in the United States of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic was announced on January 21, 2020.

President Donald Trump declared the pandemic a national emergency on March 13.

Anonymous said...

not by chance polls show most folks no longer believe trump cut cut cut
if you say otherwise you are lying

Anonymous said...

(CNN)Former Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter was sentenced Tuesday to 11 months in prison and three years of parole for corruption charges stemming from his misuse of more than $200,000 in campaign funds for a slew of personal expenses.
Hunter pleaded guilty in December to one count of conspiracy to misuse campaign funds. He sat expressionless as the sentence was handed down and said during the hearing that he takes "full responsibility for any dime that was spent by me or anyone else on my campaign."

Anonymous said...

Over the weekend, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., a leading ally of President Donald Trump, dismissed concerns about the novel coronavirus pandemic and said on Fox News that "it's a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant."

And former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, a Trump supporter who was pardoned last month, tweeted that "this hysteria is being created to destabilize the country and destroy" Trump.

Anonymous said...

Senior aides battling one another for turf, and advisers protecting their own standing. A president who is racked by indecision and quick to blame others and who views events through the lens of how the news media covers them. A pervasive distrust of career government professionals, and disregard for their recommendations. And a powerful son-in-law whom aides fear crossing, but who is among the few people the president trusts.

The culture that President Trump has fostered and abided by for more than three years in the White House has shaped his administration’s response to a deadly pandemic that is upending his presidency and the rest of the country, with dramatic changes to how Americans live their daily lives.

It explains how Mr. Trump could announce he was dismissing his acting chief of staff as the crisis grew more severe, creating even less clarity in an already fractured chain of command. And it was a major factor in the president’s reluctance to even acknowledge a looming crisis, for fear of rattling the financial markets that serve as his political weather vane.

“What begins every kind of mobilized response by the president — clear assignments and some sense that this is an absolute priority — none of that seemed to be a part of the president’s discussion,”

Anonymous said...


If someone would do more than partisan hacks (or Russian trolling), they would know that the CDC has an
CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

If the CDC has an EOC, why do you need one more layer of management at the colander called the NSC?

If you go to the link you, see that the CDC EOC has quite a few people.

I mean a lot of people.



But all a shitter can do is copy and paste and rarely read beyond the lede.

Shitters shit. It is all they do.

Anonymous said...


President Donald Trump denied Tuesday that he has adopted a more dire tone in confronting the coronavirus crisis, insisting that he always took the public health emergency seriously despite several past dismissive remarks regarding the threat it posed to Americans.

Speaking at the White House coronavirus task force’s daily press briefing, the president was questioned by reporters about his mood at Monday’s news conference, when he struck a graver note relative to his previous appearances discussing the burgeoning outbreak.

“I didn’t think — I mean, I have seen that, where people actually liked it,” Trump said Tuesday of the response to his more sober-seeming public-facing demeanor.

Anonymous said...

Michael Cohen cites 'absence of presidential leadership' over coronavirus in effort to move to home confinement

Anonymous said...

Overnight Energy: Military sees surge in sites contaminated by 'forever chemicals' | USDA closes office wing due to coronavirus | Watchdog raises concerns over Trump energy regulator
16-20 minutes

QUITE AN INCREASE: The military now has at least 651 sites that have been contaminated with cancer-linked "forever chemicals," a more than 50 percent jump from its last tally.

The information was released Friday in a report from the Department of Defense (DOD), part of a task force designed to help the military remove a class of chemicals known as PFAS from the water supply near numerous military bases.

PFAS, used in a variety of household products as well as an "AFFF" fire fighting foam relied on by the military, has been deemed a forever chemical due to its persistence in both the environment and the human body. The military has been under increasing pressure to clean up its contaminated sites, previously estimated to be at 401 locations.

"This report also makes it clear that we are still learning the full extent of the impact on our communities. The identification of over 250 new sites where PFAS was potentially released is astonishing," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith

Anonymous said...

Having fought fires and used AFFF and having taken chemistry in high school and college, I do not see AFFF as a reason to beat on the military like a humanities major without any apparent skill.

In school they told us they were getting rid of halon, but made no mention of AFFF. All I know is that a hunmanities major will not come up with a solution. A STEM major will. The Non-STEM majors might wring their hands and point fingers, but as usual they will suck up way more resources than they produce.

People, who pick up dead goats, really have no skills.

Without firefighting foam you have to consider, if we would be speaking Japanese or German considering how firefighting foam saved a lot of ships during WW2.

The Day the Carrier Died: How the Navy (Nearly) Lost an Aircraft Carrier in Battle

"An epic World War II story."



"A new, non-toxic firefighting foam could be on the way"

Note not invented by a non-STEM major.

Firefighting foam was invented by Aleksandr Loran, so it must be another evil Russian plot. Who knew ?!?

Anonymous said...

If STEM so important, why orange baboon diss it and ignoring it?

Cabaniss stepped down because of what two people familiar with the matter said was poor treatment from the 29-year-old head of the Presidential Personnel Office, John McEntee, and a powerful appointee at OPM, Paul Dans, the new White House liaison and senior adviser to the director of OPM.

It’s not clear who will be the acting director of OPM now, a person familiar with Cabaniss's exit said. Cabaniss had only been at the agency since September of last year.

Anonymous said...

Are you being stupid per usual or are your trolling?

In college or in the work place there are some who are competent and there are some you wonder how they got that far. Even with STEM degrees.

All scientists & engineers are not created equal.

Remember that pedestrian bridge that fell down last year at a Florida University? That was a minority set aside project. Obama had something to do with it.

Good job Maynard you killed people.