Saturday, March 14, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic: Why You Must Act Now

Tomas Pueyo, Medium: Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When?

Updated on 3/13/2020. Now reflects an update on containment vs. mitigation strategies. 19 translations at the bottom. Send me more existing translations in private notes at the bottom. This article has received 24 million views in the last 72h.

With everything that’s happening about the Coronavirus, it might be very hard to make a decision of what to do today. Should you wait for more information? Do something today? What?

Here’s what I’m going to cover in this article, with lots of charts, data and models with plenty of sources:

* How many cases of coronavirus will there be in your area?
* What will happen when these cases materialize?
* What should you do?
* When?

When you’re done reading the article, this is what you’ll take away:

The coronavirus is coming to you.
It’s coming at an exponential speed: gradually, and then suddenly.
It’s a matter of days. Maybe a week or two.
When it does, your healthcare system will be overwhelmed.
Your fellow citizens will be treated in the hallways.
Exhausted healthcare workers will break down. Some will die.
They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies.
The only way to prevent this is social distancing today. Not tomorrow. Today.
That means keeping as many people home as possible, starting now.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This article has received 24 million views in the last 72h. And yes it is a must read.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The House just passed a bill guaranteeing free coronavirus testing and emergency paid sick leave

The House passed a sweeping coronavirus financial aid package. Now the Senate has to come back to approve it.

Anonymous said...

FLASHBACK 2009: Chuck Schumer Brags About Cutting Funding to Flu Epidemic (VIDEO)

Anonymous said...

Judge James Dannenberg writes John Roberts a letter resigning from the Supreme Court Bar.

Anonymous said...


There was a flu pandemic going on in 2009.


Most funding is done by omnibus bills and logrolling.

Name a clean or the % of clean bills.

You can't.

Take this headlines

"Majority of House appears to support ‘clean’ continuing resolution bill"

- Washington Post 2013

Why is it news?

Because it almost never happens.

So why the F Chuck Schumer cut it? Because he did not get enough of his own pork. Sure he got pork, but other legislators did not propitiate the ALMIGHTY Chuck with enough pork.

So he was vengeful.

He did not get his way, so people DIED

FLASHBACK 2009: Chuck Schumer Brags About Cutting Funding to Flu Epidemic (VIDEO)

Anon 1:15. Sit DOWN! You're a SCHMUCK!

Anonymous said...

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Total health care spending: $155.1 billion[47]

- $86.8 billion for Medicaid

- $25.8 billion for health information technology investments and incentive payments

- $25.1 billion to provide a 65% subsidy of health care insurance premiums for the unemployed under the COBRA program

- $10 billion for health research and construction of National Institutes of Health facilities

- $2 billion for Community Health Centers

- $1.3 billion for construction of military hospitals

- $1.1 billion to study the comparative effectiveness of healthcare treatments

- $1 billion for prevention and wellness

- $1 billion for the Veterans Health Administration

- $500 million for healthcare services on Indian reservations

- $300 million to train healthcare workers in the National Health Service Corps

- $202 million for a temporary moratorium for certain Medicare regulations

So all those things belong in a stimulus package for healthcare, but money for 2009 pandemic does not qualify?

Schumer was and is a SCHMUCK

So are you!

Anonymous said...

The message did not mention the overall coronavirus crisis, the number of people who have died or are sick, nor the fact that he had just declared a national emergency. More than 2,200 people had been diagnosed with coronavirus as of late Friday night and 49 have died.

During the news conference, Trump declared a national emergency that would free up $50 billion in federal resources to combat coronavirus. The announcement was part of a raft of new measures Trump hopes can bring the roiling health crisis under control after a week of market seesaws and major disruptions to everyday life.

Trump began speaking at 3:29 p.m., about a half hour before the markets closed.

In boasting about the stock market, the President was cherry-picking a single day's rally amid a period of major selloffs and a 20% decline that was the fastest in history.

Friday was the best day for stocks since 2008, but the S&P 500 ended the week with sharp losses and fell into a bear market on Thursday.

The day's rally also came the day after the worst day for stocks since the 1987 crash.

Anonymous said...


America's hospitals will be overrun with coronavirus in just EIGHT DAYS: Obama's Medicare boss issues dire warning as doctors say as many as 500,000 are already infected and 10 MILLION will need care

Andy Slavitt, former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, issued the dire warning on Twitter on Saturday
There are only 790,000 hospital beds 100,000 ICU beds total in all of the hospitals across the country
Dr. Marty Makary warned people not to believe the current figures that only 2,200 are infected
He says the true number is likely far more and that as many as half a million people already have it
Dr. Makary urged people to be more vigilant said 'we're about to experience the worst epidemic since polio'
Johns Hopkins predicts 9.6million people will need to be hospitalized and 3million will need ICU care
Doctors and nurses fear the hospital system, which is already overrun by the flu season, may buckle
In Italy, doctors are having to choose between critically ill people to treat because resources are short
Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

Anonymous said...

Thomas Bossert, former Trump homeland security adviser: "In two weeks, we will regret wasting time and energy on travel restrictions and wish we focused more on hospital preparation and large scale community mitigation."

Anonymous said...

On February 8, 2009, a letter to Congress signed by about 200 economists in favor of the stimulus, written by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, said that Obama's plan "proposes important investments that can start to overcome the nation's damaging loss of jobs", and would "put the United States back onto a sustainable long-term-growth path".[72] This letter was signed by Nobel Memorial laureates Kenneth Arrow, Lawrence R. Klein, Eric Maskin, Daniel McFadden, Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow. The New York Times published projections from IHS Global Insight,, and Macroeconomic Advisers that indicated that the economy may have been worse without the ARRA.[73][74]

A 2019 study in the American Economic Journal found that the stimulus had a positive impact on the US economy, but that the positive impact would have been greater if the stimulus had been more frontloaded.[75]

Anonymous said...

Squirrel got owned.

Chuck Schumer cut funding for the flu pandemic and stupid ass squirrel cannot refute it.

There is video.

If the travel restrictions buy enough time to get more test kits out there, we won';t regret it.

But Joe Biden and like minded people (those with limited awareness) will regret it, when he is not elected

Anonymous said...

The Opinions section is looking for stories of how the coronavirus has affected people of all walks of life. Write to us.

Our moment of crisis is decades in the making, the endgame of decades of embracing the idea that we are not interconnected, that it is each man and woman for themselves. The results are all around us: Income and wealth inequality soared. When a global financial crisis occurred in 2008, the government bailed out the banks and financial service sector, while allowing millions of American households to go into foreclosure. The rich got even richer, while almost everyone else fell behind. A majority of people say they cannot come up with $1,000 in a pinch without resorting to credit.

Intent on extracting wealth for an ever-smaller elite, we failed to invest. Corporations put money into stock buybacks, not into their employees or research. School funding fell, and our infrastructure — well, it’s a solid D+, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. Roads are filled with potholes, and bridges literally fall down.

Nowhere was this pullback more deadly than in health care — as we are no doubt about to learn. The number of hospital beds fell dramatically as pressure mounted to cut “slack” in the system to meet profit goals. Pharmaceutical companies pulled back on researching antibiotics, while pursuing more lucrative cures (for, say, male pattern baldness). At the same time, they offshored to China production of drugs vital to our national health, heedless of what would happen in an emergency.

We deemed health care itself a profit center and refused to make it low cost and universal. One in 4 Americans say they’ve forgone necessary doctor visits or prescriptions because they can’t afford treatment. Gallup reported that 13 percent say they know someone who died because of the same. Even this week, hospitals were quoting prices of more than $1,000 for coronavirus tests.

Anonymous said...
Coronavirus exposes Trump's greatest weaknesses
By Maria Cardona, Opinion Contributor — 03/14/20 08:00 AM EDT
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill

Just In...

RNC Chairwoman recommended COVID-19 test after experiencing symptoms
— 25m 47s ago
Child arrest, school safety bills fail in Florida legislature
State Watch
— 33m 30s ago
'America First' in the time of COVID-19
— 41m 29s ago
Media members react to 'straight talk' from surgeon general: 'Quite a prescription'
— 51m 10s ago

view all

It is hard to describe just how much things have changed in the last 48 hours. The coronavirus pandemic fallout is rapidly swirling around us (literally), and communities are bracing to live an unprecedented but hopefully temporary new reality.

It is far more than unsettling; it is daunting and scary. It is a time when, traditionally, a country looks to its leaders and especially its commander in chief for encouragement, empathy and leadership. More than that, we also look to our commander in chief for the truth and for solutions.

We have not gotten any of these things from Donald Trump.

In fact, what we have gotten is irresponsible sugar-coating, political blaming, grandstanding and a botched Oval Office address that was remarkable for its lack of solutions, its xenophobic undertones and its outright untruths. That the White House had to come out and clarify several of the president’s statements right after the speech was jaw-dropping.

The president’s address was so bungled that instead of calming fears and reassuring the markets, it did exactly the opposite. The next day, the market had dropped an additional 10 percent and had its worst single day since Black Monday in 1987.

RussInSoCal said...

Actually Fred, the market shot up 1,975 points during Trump's presser. I think people are already tiring of this media induced state of freakout. The Dems and MSM are furious that Wuhan virus hit now instead of October. Because when this thing runs its course and the economy starts rocking, the Left will look foolish once again trying to perpetuate another hoax that this virus is the planet killer they've been hoping for.

Trump wins in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

Russ, your 'tater peeling skills have no effect on the virus.


Anonymous said...

Thousands of people are going to die, he {TRUMP} knows he will be blamed and he can already see his campaign circling the toilet. Those realizations were all over Donald Trump's face on Wednesday night as he addressed the nation from the Oval Office. His speech was monotonal, his face so frozen with failure and fear that he looked like the product of taxidermy. He knows he is staring into the maw of a beast he can't control. It's going to be impossible to tweet away all the deaths that are coming, and he is terrified.

The question that sprang to mind as I watched him epically fuck up the most important moment of his presidency was this: What's going to happen when the numbers of coronavirus deaths begin to climb, and his numbers begin to tank? They will. He's not going to be able to stop the pandemic from killing thousands of Americans, and this lawless maniac is capable of anything. With the NBA and Major League Baseball suspending their seasons, with "March Madness" canceled, with concerts and festivals and parades canceled, Broadway theaters closed, schools shuttered from coast to coast, and the fact that we have no idea how long the coronavirus epidemic will last, Donald Trump is fully capable of making plans to cancel the election in November to save himself.

Trump tried to keep the whole thing secret at first, ordering the Department of Health and Human Services to hold its meetings about the coronavirus in secret — in a goddamned SCIF, for crying out loud! Because those initial meetings were top secret, important experts on epidemiology who lacked security clearances were banned from attending. Testing for the virus was held up by the CDC, which repeatedly refused to release hospitals and independent research facilities from regulations that prevented them from developing and fielding their own test kits. The idea throughout the initial weeks of the virus was to follow Trump's lead, keep the numbers of coronavirus cases as low as possible, and hope for the best.
--Trump appointed himself as the man in charge of the message and started lying.
--On Jan. 22, he said: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China. It's going to be just fine!"

RussInSoCal said...

...and the autistic freakout continues.

Anonymous said...

Idiot at 512pm you realise he worked through the night, right?

Anonymous said...

This article is already dated, the virus does not hang around for 9 days on surface but 3...still an interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Fred and a few of the other trolls are on an media induced high. Like a drug high, there will follow a crash. Stick market will come back, if deaths are low.

All the people I have seen, have been over 50 and most have been in nursing homes.

When a person is 69 and has emphysema, diabetes, and hypertension and they die, people are sad. But they won't consider this a killer disease. A cold or regular flu could have brought this guy down. That was the 1st death in New Jersey.

Very sad, but does that death in New Jersey make COVID a killer disease we should fear?

Well maybe Xi should fear it. He is kind of porky and I bet he gets out of breath after 1 flight of stairs.

The markets will come back well before election time. The boys crying wolf will be unemployed. Those boys, we know who they are.

They are the legacy media and dinsosaur Dems.

Anonymous said...


I own multiple recreational watercraft dealerships in 5 states. And thanks to President Grandpa's tax cuts I just purchased a third G7 jet.

I will fire all malingerers who fail to report to work Monday morning! No sick leave for you. KP duty for all goldbricks. That includes Russ!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Hello everyone out there, i am here to give my testimony about a herbalist called dr imoloa. i was infected with herpes simplex virus 2 in  2013, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so i was thinking on how  i can get a solution out so that my body can be okay. one day i was in the pool side browsing and thinking of where i can get a solution. i go through many website were i saw so many testimonies about dr imoloa on how he cured them. i did not believe but i decided to give him a try, i contacted him and he prepared the herpes for me which i received through DHL courier service. i took it for two weeks after then he instructed me to go for check up, after the test i was confirmed herpes negative. am so free and happy. so, if you have problem or you are infected with any disease kindly contact him on email                   or  / whatssapp --+2347081986098.
This testimony serve as an expression of my gratitude. he also have