Saturday, March 14, 2020

Editor's Note

Travelling between my home and chalet today. Blogging will return later this evening.

My mother has a doctor's appointment this Monday (she is 93). Nothing serious. She is participating in a clinical trial on memory loss. After that it is off to the chalet to weather out this pandemic. I am not worried about myself, I am more worried that if I get sick I will probably transmit this illness to my mother. That possibility is unacceptable to me. So I going to self-isolate myself as best as I can. And while I will need to go back and forth to Montreal at least once a week, any contact with people will be done with the proper precautions. And as for this blog. I am all set up in my chalet. There should be no interruptions.

One more message, and IMHO an important one, is to the readers of this blog. Your support and  messages are appreciated. I know all of you are prepared for what is coming. And for those who are experiencing it right now, I know you will be a stronger and tougher person when you come out of it. I sometimes forget that the WNU community is very big, diverse, and spread throughout the world. And while we differ on a lot issues, we are all facing the same foe right now. That unity is a lot of strength, and it is why I know that in the end, we will all be OK.

Update #2: The GF is staying in Kingston where she lives and work. But if everything shuts down she will self-isolate, and she will meet me at my chalet two weeks later where I am set up to live comfortably and without stress for a long time.


B. Toaster said...

MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law on constitutional changes that could keep him in power for another 16 years, a step that must still be approved in a nationwide vote.

Bob Huntley said...


Anonymous said...

Lucky for some. I'm homeless. I had to flee the house because of domestic violence, and found men don't count for [expletive] as victims.

How do I stay warm if I'm sick?

How do I get food?

I wake up from the cold every night as it is. What am I suppose to do if I get ill?

RussInSoCal said...

Sounds like WNU has a good plan. Take good care of Mom!

Anonymous said...

The first in the delegation to test positive was Bolsonaro’s press secretary, Fábio Wajngarten, who confirmed his result on Thursday. Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who shook hands with Forster during the trip, also tested positive on Friday. And Bolsonaro’s attorney, Karina Kufa, wrote on her unverified Twitter account Friday that she tested positive after visiting Miami on the same trip.

Trump didn’t take the coronavirus seriously, and by not canceling his events, Trump turned his private club into a hot spot for political figures being exposed to the coronavirus. It is irresponsible of the president and his staff not to be tested for coronavirus.

Donald Trump spent years using taxpayers to promote his business. He didn’t listen to warnings, and up until just a few days ago was still planning to hold political rallies. Trump is the reason why the United States is facing a pandemic. His selfish and irresponsible decisionmaking goes beyond public policy.

By putting his private business first, Trump spread the coronav

RussInSoCal said...

Fred, if you're able, try to come up with an original thought instead of your incessant cut/pasting of google fakenews.



Alex said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop on how things are going for you. After what is - I think - a decade of following this blog, it feels a bit personal. Take care. I'm in downtown Chicago and things are slowing down but some huge crowds were queuing around the block to get into some of the already full clubs and bars. That surprised me.

Anonymous said...

Russ, dear heart--you are hardly the one to talk about original posting and comments. All you do is spew hate and bullshit...try this:
They’ve been warning about the next pandemic for years and criticized the Trump administration’s decision in 2018 to dismantle a National Security Council directorate at the White House charged with preparing for when, not if, another pandemic would hit the nation.

“It would be nice if the office was still there,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Health, told Congress this week. “I wouldn’t necessarily characterize it as a mistake (to eliminate the unit). I would say we worked very well with that office.”

The NSC directorate for global health and security and bio-defense survived the transition from President Barack Obama to Trump in 2017.

Trump’s elimination of the office suggested, along with his proposed budget cuts for the CDC, that he did not see the threat of pandemics in the same way that many experts in the field did.

Anonymous said...

WNU - wishing you and your family well as we all burrow down in our own little versions of Groundhog Day. Grateful for internet and being able to stay in touch, looking forward to another reading of War and Peace.

Bob Huntley said...

Trump is a spoiled child so miserable that his initial poo pooing about the impact the Virus would have is now being countered with reality that he has put himself and many others at serious risk.

Bob Huntley said...


Look in a mirror some time.

Anonymous said...

"Russ, dear heart ..."

Either that is Fred Lapides or a troll that knows his hackneyed manner of writing.

Anonymous said...


In a mixed race, Yang/Kohm marriage, I know I am a fair judge of world events and history. Spouse ain't going to let me get away with shit.

You on the other hand are a bald-faced liar and a bad one at that. You are not interesting and you are not bright at all.

Anonymous said...

54 deaths in America after 6 weeks.

Every one over 50.
25 from one nursing home in Washington state.

1 from nursing home in California.

New Jersey man, who was 69 and had diabetes, hypertension and emphysema.

27 cases of people who were already at deaths door. Sad but not unexpected. Actual life years off of life expectancy is under 5 years max and probably more like 3 to 6 months average.

I'm beginning to think that Bob is bad at math and science too like squirrel. Maybe he had a union job at a factory pushing a broom and doing a lousy job, but could not get fired, because of aforementioned union.

Bob Huntley said...

Agreed Anon I am not interesting, but you seem to relish taking shots at someone who you consider to be uninteresting, which suggests you are very interesting indeed. That is a weird sort of interesting. Actually I did once work in a factory pushing a broom, as well as some other very menial tasks, but, I wasn't in the union as I was too young to join.

Anonymous said...

I just keep making point against some punch drunk schlub, who keeps brainlessly spewing Leftist talking points.

Bob Huntley said...

Got you again turkey!

Geno said...

Long time reader of this terrific news source, love WNU editor opinions, Good luck to all, I,am in Baltimore MD and will be working from home for foreseeable future, as,e situation w elderly parent. I will stay away from him.

Bob Huntley said...

I appreciate your support.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

I don't see my grand kids as often as I would like. The first generation, 3, are in the mid thirties, the next, 4 are below 13. I love to tease them, especially the oldest guy in the military, so sometimes I have to resort to those on this board who act like children. Spoiled little girls with a "you don't love me you hate me" mentality. I really enjoy it when one in particular takes the time and effort to post a very long senseless reply that most often itself can be responded to with one word.

Now of course on father's Day I get cards from all over the world. Not sure what that is about of course.

Anonymous said...

Some support. Your supporter is a squirrel with the IQ of 2 year old as in terrible twos.

Anonymous said...

A shit life is living in the overcrowded NE corridor on a fixed income.