Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Editor's Note

WNU Editor: I am now in my chalet isolated from everyone. There is a lot of snow. I had to help my neighbour this morning. He had too much snow on his roof, and it was buckling. My hideaway is the chalet below. Some have asked me where I am. It is in St-Donat, 200 kilometers north of Montreal, and I am in a valley with only 4 neighbours scattered around a lake. I just finished setting up my computers in a room that I have made as my office. I suspect that I am going to be here for a long time. Blogging will resume within the hour after I have catch up on what is happening around the world. From what I have read so far. It is all Covid-19 news, and the situation is very grim. My message to everyone is simple. Stay healthy. Sleep and nap a lot. Eat right. And do what is necessary to keep your immune system in top shape.


Anonymous said...

I just did a curiosity drive by of the local grocery store this morning. 15 minutes before opening and there were less than 20 people waiting in line. Thats somewhat reassuring to me.

Anonymous said...

WNU, Looks like an early spring up there.

Anonymous said...

Does the CDC EOC look like a war room?

CDC Emergency Operations Center (EOC)


If it does, why would you want an additional committee above it?

Anonymous said...

WNU Editor - please keep yourself safe also - I have depended on you since 2012 when my son went to Afghanistan. You are my go-to site for all the news "that's fit to print" and the most reliable commentary.

copley7 said...

Stay safe up there. At least spring is not far off. Your site has been my go to info site for years. I am in New Hampshire, I think the panic is subsiding and peple are in for the long haul. The tilet paper thing was crazy........ Luckily I hhave a few weeks supplies in storage at all times. I just needed to increase my supply cache.

Dave Goldstein said...

We are expecting a huge snowfall in New Mexico in March. Very odd.It's warm today but tomorrow will be below freezing.

RussInSoCal said...

Beautiful property. Hope you and your mom and hopefully GF enjoy the time away.

(Hope there a good source of wine somewhere)