Tuesday, March 17, 2020

EU Leaders Agree To Close Their External Borders To Limit The Coronavirus From Spreading

CNBC: European Union will close external borders for 30 days to slow coronavirus pandemic

* Leaders of European Union countries have agreed to close the EU’s external borders to most people from other countries for 30 days in a new effort to slow the coronavirus pandemic.
* Movement within European Union member nations will be still be allowed.
* On Monday, Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, said he was closing his nation’s borders to foreigners, with the major exception of U.S. citizens.

European Union member nations agreed Tuesday to close the EU’s external borders to most people from other countries for 30 days in a dramatic new effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the planned closings of the massive union’s external borders at a press conference.

Movement of people within the European Union’s 27 member nations will still be allowed under the restrictions.

Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission said the United Kingdom is not applying restrictions to their external borders, even though it had been invited to do so.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The EU is moving to close their external borders in response to EU governments imposing their own controls at their borders .... EU executive warns against border closures as way to curb coronavirus (Reuters).

More News On EU Leaders Agreeing To Close Their External Borders To Limit The Coronavirus From Spreading

Coronavirus: European Union seals borders to most outsiders -- BBC
EU leaders agree to close external borders -- The Hill
The EU shuts its borders to slow the coronavirus crisis -- CNN
Coronavirus: E.U. announces sweeping ban on most nonessential incoming travel -- NBC
EU leaders agree to close external borders to limit coronavirus spreading - President of EU commission -- RT


Anonymous said...

Maybe now Swedish teenage girls will be safer.

Sweden: Sex Offences on Teen Girls Up 51 Per Cent Since 2015

What was happened in 2015? Das Merkel said "Come on Down" to military age migrant men form the Muslim world.

The Swedish Social Democratic Party is no doubt proud of their accomplishment of debauching young girls.

We can hope with the borders being shut down due to corona virus, socialist throughout Europe won't be able to ship in 'rapefugees'.

Anonymous said...

"Sweden has seen several high-profile cases involving the sexual abuse of children, many of which have involved migrants and asylum seekers such as a case in the summer of 2018 that involved a migrant raping an 11-year-old and getting her pregnant twice."

Swedish liberals doing their best to see to it the young ones are deflowered.

If you argue against the Swedish libs, they will call you Islamophoic.


Anonymous said...

Finland’s Millennial Feminist Govt to Help Greece… By Sending Border Guards to Help Migrants Claim Asylum

These Finnish ditz's want the Finnish girl's to get the Swedish treatment also.